Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 640: Another year has passed

He explained the situation to the leader who presided over the symposium, and asked for his contact information, and then briefly explained the situation to everyone who came to the meeting, and went back directly after eating.

In fact, his actions caused dissatisfaction among some people. After all, he was the one who called them over, and he was the one who ran away first. Although he explained the situation and apologized to everyone, some people still had opinions.

Ye Zishu can't control so much. To him, doing things is the most important thing, and other things are not important. Anyway, after he comes up with a series of technologies, these people must be happy before it's too late.

Back in the office, he quickly scanned the list of questions recorded in the morning. There were nearly a hundred items in it. He didn't quite believe that there were so many questions.

But he didn't intend to get into the reason why, because it didn't make any sense to do so, and his current task was to solve the problem, not to stir up conflicts.

As for solving the problem of rocket launch, he is actually not without foundation at all. When sorting out long-range weapons before, he has been involved in this aspect of technology.

It’s just that the goal is different. The rocket technology that was developed this time is aimed at space, but the difference in the technical system is not that great. It’s just that it’s bigger and has a longer range. Factors such as the space environment need to be considered.

It is now December 5th, and he hopes to complete the overall design of the rocket by the end of December, including the various parts and materials needed.

At the same time, manufacturing technology must also be included. He believes that the reason for the low frequency of transmission is mainly focused on manufacturing efficiency. Some places may use manual manufacturing, and a link may take a long time.

Another problem may be that the all-weather launch system is not perfect. In addition to the software part, there are also hardware parts, including the global launch detection system.

Rocket launches need to build observation stations in various places or use observation ships to correct the rocket trajectory. It is time-consuming and labor-intensive to do this for every launch.

He believes that the best way is to find a suitable observation site on the earth, and then cooperate with the local country and rent a site to build observation equipment.

In addition, space satellite technology is used to detect from top to bottom, so that the ground provides part of the monitoring data support, and the space provides all-round monitoring support, and the operation efficiency of the entire system will be faster.

If space provides monitoring, a satellite system with monitoring functions needs to be sent to the sky first, so the current main problem is to solve the problem of ground monitoring.

In fact, both the satellite navigation and positioning system and the remote sensing satellite system can provide all-weather monitoring. As long as these two systems are completed, the dependence on ground monitoring stations will be much smaller.

At that time, not to mention launching once a month or two, it is no problem to launch more than ten times a day. This is the efficiency of the improved support system.

Regarding the manufacturing technology, he plans to adopt the idea of ​​fully automatic mechanized manufacturing. Anyway, Baihu Technology Company will also use this manufacturing technology, which is equivalent to sorting out the manufacturing technical information in advance.

However, regarding the production line equipment technology, he plans to hand it over to Baihu Technology Company, and then Baihu Technology Company will sell such a set of equipment to relevant units for fully automatic rocket manufacturing.

As for the rocket technology, it is also given to the White Tiger Technology Company, and then the White Tiger Technology Company authorizes the relevant units to use the relevant technology. It cannot be given away for no reason. There is no such reason.

Even the key components may still be handed over to Baihu Technology Company for manufacturing, such as rocket engines, which can open up financial resources for Baihu Technology Company.

Now Baihu Technology Company seems to hold a huge sum of 250 billion yuan, but in fact, this money is not very useful. If it does not pay attention to opening up more sources of funds, once subsequent purchases encounter obstacles, it will stop.

For the monitoring system, Ye Zishu will also provide a set of technical materials, but the most important thing is the space launch simulation system, which can simulate all aspects of the rocket launch.

It can even be docked with the rocket's self-test system,

Realize the detection of the entire process from pre-launch to launch process, and then to launch success, but to do this, more auxiliary support is needed.

Not to mention the previous positioning, navigation and remote sensing systems, but also the support of weather satellites and other environmental monitoring data. Only when enough data is collected can the system make accurate simulations.

December quietly came to the end of the month. After more than 20 days of hard work, Ye Zishu finally completed the rocket design and the manufacturing technical information of materials and components.

Then the technical information was directly sent to Baihu Technology Company, and asked to organize some personnel to do this part of the research. The manufacturing equipment does not completely require them to study from scratch. Some equipment or key components can be provided by other companies.

For example, for equipment that requires high-precision operation, Kirin Basic Industry Group has a good technical reserve and equipment. They can even complete operations at the molecular level, and the degree of precision can be imagined.

It's just that these top-notch technologies and equipment owned by the Basic Industry Group will not be sold externally, and are only used internally by his companies. Because they are too sophisticated, they don't know what the consequences will be if they are put on the market.

Then he took the overall design of the rocket and the supporting system, called the host leader of the last symposium, told him some of the situation here, and hoped to organize another symposium.

When the other party heard that he had completed a complete set of rocket design work and supporting systems, he felt a little unbelievable. After repeated confirmation, he did not refuse, and immediately agreed.

This time he took out not just one type of rocket, but several types, corresponding to different launch missions, basically according to the three levels of light, medium and heavy.

Like launching a small satellite or a low-orbit satellite, the launch task can be completed using a light rocket, which can save launch costs. If it is a large satellite, it can be launched using a medium-sized rocket.

And if you want to transport materials into space, build a space station, or explore the moon or Mars, you can use heavy-duty rockets to launch.

When designing, he thought of the rocket recycling technology in his previous life, which can effectively reduce the launch cost, so he didn't let it go.

On light and medium rockets, full rocket recovery has been achieved, but rockets at all levels are still recovered in sections, and it is impossible to achieve overall recovery.

The heavy-duty rocket has realized the recovery of the first-stage rocket. Because it is too far from the ground, it is difficult to realize recycling, and it can only be allowed to fall freely to the ground.

In fact, rocket recovery is not a sophisticated technology, but to adjust the attitude of the rocket when it falls. It only needs a few small propellers to adjust the attitude.

The rare thing is how to precisely adjust the momentum, which tests the power control system, and it just has a natural advantage in this aspect. It can conduct all-round simulations in the virtual laboratory and collect a large amount of data.

This is because he didn't go to the virtual library to find relevant materials, because he didn't know if there were any. If not, it would be a waste of time to find materials, and there was no need for them.

Anyway, he thinks that there is no difficulty, and he can handle it by himself. A large amount of data is collected through the virtual laboratory, and then analyzed. It is very easy to write the attitude control system.

However, since each launch will subject the rocket body to huge temperature changes, factors such as pressure and vibration also affect the degree of damage to the rocket body.

Therefore, after recycling, inspection and maintenance are required, and the cost is not low. In order to reduce this cost, he has provided many new materials, which are very effective in reducing this cost.

It’s just that the manufacturing cost of these materials is higher, which leads to the high manufacturing cost of recyclable rockets, but even so, through recycling, the launch cost can still be reduced to less than 20% of the original.

However, he also provides one-time rocket technology, and the manufacturing cost is much lower, but because it is a one-time use, the cost of a single launch is actually higher.

The reason why he wants both is mainly to give others more choices. It is temporarily impossible for Baihu Technology to obtain a rocket launch permit, but it is possible to build a rocket.

So the decision is in the hands of others. In order to be able to sell it, it is natural to give customers more choices. Anyway, it is beneficial to Baihu Technology Company.

After the call to apply for another symposium was made, within only one day, the host leader called and told him the arrangement of the symposium, which was directly installed on January 1, New Year's Day.

Ye Zishu immediately agreed, the sooner this matter is the better, the longer it is delayed, it will only delay the time, the location is still the location of the last symposium, after all, everyone is familiar with it, there is no need to change the location.

Hearing about January 1st, Ye Zishu suddenly realized that the new year was coming, and the busy year was about to pass, and he felt sad.

This year seems to be longer than any previous year, and he is busier than any previous year. His wish is to be more relaxed next year.

But when he thinks about next year's mission, he feels that this is a luxury. The plan for next year is already waiting for him. Even if he has free time, he can't help but make something.

However, this year is also extremely meaningful, at least in his opinion, for example, the medical equipment and pharmaceutical industries have achieved tremendous development, which has solved the backwardness of my country's medical industry.

There is also the establishment of Baihu Technology Company and its subsequent rapid development. Although there is no profit yet, he is full of confidence in the future of this company.

It's not about making money. Anyway, he doesn't plan to use the money earned by Baihu Technology Company for personal use. The money earned is still reserved for Baihu Technology Company to continue to engage in technology research and development, and has little to do with him personally.

The main reason is that this company can promote the development of the defense industry, which is of great significance to national security, and the huge situation he has established in the country naturally improves security.

These two things are enough to make him feel that this year has not been in vain, and there are many others. For example, Kirin Industrial Group has achieved a series of results and solved many of our basic resource problems.

Whether the economy is developing well and whether the people are living a happy life is actually very much related to resources. If there is advanced technology, it is basically invincible, and it is difficult for the economy to fail to develop.

Therefore, Kirin Industrial Group's focus on the replacement of basic resources is also of strategic significance in his view, but there are still many resources that cannot be replaced, such as metal minerals, etc., which will still rely heavily on imports.

However, as long as the international trade is normal, importing is not a bad thing. After all, if you sell your own things to make money, you have to buy things in. It is not a benign international trade to just import and export.

What needs to be guarded against is the risk brought by abnormal international trade. He believes that the necessary resource reserves can be used to solve the problem of disordered international trade order in the short term.

As for long-term international trade disorder, he believes that the possibility is not high. After all, in today's globalization, it is difficult for any country to complete all links independently, and there is always a link that needs to rely on external solutions.

Even he dare not say that he does not rely on external resources at all, technology is easy to solve, but resources are born, even if resources can be transformed, the cost is too heavy.

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