Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 655 Makes him dare not predict

Next is the Internet company under the Phoenix Technology Company. At present, the largest business is Kunpeng Information Technology Company, and their business is also the most complicated.

Last year, they almost fully commercialized. The number of account registrations in the whole system was 200 million. According to big data analysis to remove duplicate registrations, the number of users actually reached 180 million.

Almost all Internet users are covered. The reason why this can be achieved, apart from advanced technology, is that they did it early. If they are connected to the Internet and do not use their platform, there seems to be nothing to do.

Don’t Internet users just want to read news, watch videos, and listen to music? As for other social networking and games, brother companies are also doing it.

Last year, they earned a total of 845 billion yuan in revenue, of which the music platform revenue was 180 billion yuan, which came from music sharing and advertising revenue.

The streaming media platform is currently their best-growing business, which brought them 400 billion yuan in revenue last year, mainly from membership revenue, advertising revenue and value-added services.

Their streaming media platform is no longer limited to computers. With the help of home game consoles and smart TVs, almost every household with Internet access has their streaming media platform.

The streaming media platform has 180 million users, which may not be as large as some traditional powerful media platforms, such as CCTV, but with the flexibility of the Internet and personalized services, the user stickiness is very high.

They not only provide users with film and television drama broadcast services, but also provide users with news broadcast services and personalized video services. Their streaming media platforms account for more than 70% of users' TV watching time.

Platforms like this are designed to compete for users' TV watching time, and the more they occupy, the higher the benefits they will reap. Therefore, their number of users may not be the largest, but the benefits they earn are huge.

This is also inseparable from intelligent advertising services, and the cooperation with Shengshi Advertising Company's digital advertising platform is simply a match made in heaven, so that users are not only not disgusted with their advertisements, but also have a high degree of favorability.

In particular, contextualized advertising content, users have a more sense of substitution, and the conversion of traffic is very high, so many companies are willing to pay a higher price for such advertising content and display.

But even so, Ye Zishu feels that with 180 million users, it can achieve a revenue of 400 billion yuan, which is indeed beyond his expectations. He did not expect that artificial intelligence can also exert such a powerful ability in this regard.

If the number of users of the streaming media platform reaches 1.8 billion, it is estimated that the revenue is not as simple as simply multiplying by 10. Just one platform can instantly kill the revenue of most giant companies.

Compared with the strength of their streaming media platforms, the number of news portals is slightly smaller, with only 150 million worldwide, and the time taken up by users is not very high, with an average of only 30 minutes per day.

So their advertising revenue is not very high, only 20 billion yuan, but with the emergence of smart headphones, their membership business has brought them huge income.

The basic membership service costs $39.9 per month, and if you want to use their private press secretary service, the premium membership service costs $59.9 per month.

They now have a total of 20 million various member users, and the average monthly fee for each member is US$50. This service alone can bring them an annual income of more than 100 billion yuan.

Although this service was launched in the second half of last year, it also brought them 50 billion yuan in revenue. Last year, their news portal platform generated a total of 70 billion yuan in revenue.

The last is their search engine, which has not been commercialized before. It was fully commercialized last year, and the advertising revenue created for them was 100 billion yuan.

This income is not high. On the one hand, there are not many users, and on the other hand, some companies have not yet realized the value of search engine advertising.

In addition, Kunpeng Information Technology Company is also quite restrained,

Try to balance users and advertisements to avoid users getting bored with advertisements and causing user loss.

Their e-mail business has also introduced charging services. Although personal e-mails are free, corporate e-mails and some value-added services are charged.

Although after the emergence of their mailboxes, there have been many companies operating email services and promoting them under the banner of free, but it is still difficult to shake the status of Kunpeng Information Technology Company's emails.

The formation of this advantage, in addition to their technical advantages, the assistance of their various platforms is also indispensable. Having their email account has become a must for almost every Internet user.

Last year, the mailbox business earned 90 billion yuan in revenue, and corporate mailbox users contributed the most. Especially after Phoenix Software was attacked by hackers, the growth rate of users using their corporate mailboxes was faster.

The main reason is that they think that if they switch to the services of a large enterprise such as Kunpeng Information Technology Company, their security will be more secure, and the larger the enterprise, the more they care about security.

In addition to these serious businesses, they also have other businesses, such as helping Phoenix Special Effects Company to sell copyrights, novel websites, etc. These fragmented businesses have also generated 10 billion yuan in revenue for them.

The main business of Qingluan Information Technology Company is a social platform. It owns more than a dozen platforms such as QQ software, YY software, blog, Weibo, and Facebook.

Some models are similar, but they are different platforms, because local laws and regulations cannot be completely copied, and some social platforms will also be localized.

They did not adopt the practice of eating fresh food all over the world. Although this can reduce operating costs, they cannot provide users with the best service and can only enjoy homogeneous services.

Once a local company that does a particularly good job of localization services starts up, it may pose a serious challenge to their business, so we formulated a localization service strategy from the very beginning.

Anyway, for them, it will cost more labor costs, but they just don't have to worry about high labor costs because they use very efficient production tools.

Only companies under Phoenix Technology dare to do this. For other software or Internet companies, labor costs can make them feel unbearable.

Last year was also the year of their full commercialization, but they were much more cautious than Kunpeng Information Technology Company, and the frequency of advertisements was very low, hoping to give users a process of adaptation.

So last year, all their platforms received a total of 20 billion yuan in advertising fees. In the future, they will gradually increase the frequency of advertising every year until they reach a balance point.

Regarding their cautious attitude, although Ye Zishu thought it was too cautious, he did not make any suggestions. The main reason is that the number of netizens is not particularly large, and they can't get much money by cutting leeks, so it's better to cut slowly.

However, the operations of these Internet companies have also made global capital realize the secret of making money on the Internet. Advertising is the value of Internet companies.

Now that more and more capital is beginning to flock to the Internet field, they may not be able to attack the fields where these Phoenix Technology companies have an advantage, but there is no doubt that many subdivided fields will become their battlefields.

However, it is not so easy to build a platform, especially the Internet companies under the Phoenix Technology Company have raised their technology to such a high level, and it would be a bit embarrassing to think about making a broken webpage and then posting it like before.

The result is that in order to launch their business as soon as possible, they have to use the programming language, programming tools, Internet software services, etc. of Phoenix Software.

This is also the reason why Phoenix Software achieved tremendous development in these fields last year. Because the market demand is very large, everyone is rushing into the Internet field. As for how many will be left, I don't know.

Danque Financial Services Company, Ye Zishu doesn't care how much money they can make, because at the current stage, no matter how well they develop, they won't make much money, which is fundamentally different from ordinary Internet companies.

Now their goal is to deeply bind global banking and financial institutions to their platform, so they do not charge any handling fees during transactions, and all benefits are given up.

Therefore, their revenue was still zero last year. If the cost of investment is considered, they are in a state of loss on the whole. Last year, they lost a total of 5 billion yuan.

This state of loss may last for several years, until their platform is integrated into everyone's life and becomes an inseparable part before they may choose to collect certain benefits.

Last year, the scale of capital transactions from their platform reached 5 trillion yuan, and the biggest contribution came from his various group companies. If conditions permit, it is recommended that customers use this platform for capital payments.

The advantage of doing this is that other companies are increasingly accepting this payment method, at least it is much more convenient and faster than going to the bank or calling the bank.

The banks they cooperate with have covered major banks around the world, and their next step is to bring more banks into the system, but for small and medium-sized banks, they need to be more cautious and it may take longer.

In any case, the financial service platform of Danque Financial Services Company has become an important financial service platform in the world. It is not easy for them to achieve this step.

Next is the E-Commerce Company. Last year they launched a direct e-commerce platform, but since the launch was at the end of the year, the actual operating time was only two months.

Therefore, the business volume is not very large, and the total revenue is only 20 billion yuan. This is thanks to their advanced warehousing technology and distribution services, otherwise they would not be able to achieve so much revenue.

Due to the large investment in warehousing and logistics in the early stage, a total of 180 billion yuan was spent, so the total loss last year was 160 billion yuan, making it the only loss-making company under Phoenix Technology.

At present, their main task is to steadily improve the direct sales e-commerce platform, continue to strengthen the construction of warehousing and logistics systems, and will not adopt a multi-line combat model in the short term.

Therefore, many later platforms will not be launched this year, and even if they are launched, it will take until the end of the year or early next year, because adding platforms will inevitably consume their energy.

It can only be said that I tested the market last year. It is already very remarkable to have a revenue of 20 billion yuan. This is also due to the high profit margin of the self-operated platform, otherwise it would not be able to achieve such a high revenue.

So far, after reading the annual report of Phoenix Technology, the total revenue is 3.98 trillion yuan, the overall net profit rate is 65%, and the net profit is about 258 million yuan.

This is because Phoenix Technology continues to strengthen the construction of the cloud computing platform. This is a process of continuous investment, which needs to consume a certain amount of funds every year.

Otherwise, their net profit could be even higher, but last year's revenue was 6 times that of the previous year. Excluding the exchange rate factor, it is still an explosive growth.

Even Ye Zishu doesn’t dare to predict Phoenix Technology’s revenue now. He previously predicted about 2.4 trillion yuan, but now he finds out that he was completely wrong, which is much higher than this.

The rest is the distribution of profits, and they are going to take 2 trillion yuan out of their 258 million yuan profit, and the remaining 580 billion yuan is enough for their operations and capital reserves.

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