Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 659 Guo Dongsheng is also starting to worry about spending money

Guo Dongsheng, the president of Wancheng Foundation, after getting the approval from Ye Zishu, felt whether his eyes were blurred, or the boss made a mistake.

The investment of 4.6 trillion yuan, even if it was a trillion yuan last year, still feels unbelievable. It is too much. Could it be that the boss has made so much money this year?

The financial status of the various groups under Ye Zishu is kept secret from each other. Except for the president and the chief financial officer, no one knows the total income of the group.

What's more, it's not within the group, and it's not clear about it. What's more, most of these businesses are global businesses. Even if you feel it at close range, it's not particularly obvious.

Guo Dongsheng has been busy with Wancheng Foundation last year, investing trillions of yuan. It is not an easy thing to spend effectively, and a lot of work needs to be done.

Even so, he lost a lot of weight last year, and now he has invested 4.6 trillion yuan. What he feels is not happiness, but great pressure.

After the Spring Festival, the position of president of Wancheng Foundation will be handed over to his sister Guo Dongmei. Whether Guo Dongmei can shoulder this burden is really unknown.

Although a good foundation was laid last year, and the development in all aspects has begun to take shape, but the sudden increase of investment by more than four times still feels very huge.

More importantly, now there is another business to be added, that is, highway construction, which they were not prepared for at all before.

Don't think that building a highway is as simple as paving the road. There are too many things involved. First of all, geological prospecting is much more complicated than ordinary real estate.

The second is engineering design. They haven't prepared the corresponding talents, so it's still unknown whether cramming will work. According to the boss's habits, he definitely doesn't want to leave flaws.

In addition, the expressway needs to have supporting facilities, and some of them have not made any preparations. It may take a while to do it from scratch.

The most important thing is that investing so much money in the construction of expressways in a year may not be enough. Even if the engineering equipment is advanced and the manpower used, it is difficult to build 20,000 kilometers of expressways a year.

It will take several years for the country to build hundreds of kilometers of expressways. If Wancheng Foundation also takes several years, then there is no need to invest such a large amount of capital at one time.

In other words, Ye Zishu hopes to spend 60 million yuan in one year, which means that even if the construction cannot be completed in one year, it will be close to the end.

The most important thing is that even if Wancheng Foundation has so many equipment and can recruit so many people, the people who operate these equipment still need to spend time training, and it is impossible to do it directly.

Just training so many people puts a lot of pressure on them. Although there is a certain overlap between the use of road construction equipment and the use of construction equipment, they are not the same in safety.

Leaving aside the issue of building expressways, Guo Dongsheng doesn't even have the confidence to invest 4 trillion yuan in the real estate industry.

Although the domestic land price has risen, it is basically around 100 yuan. In big cities, it is not much higher, but it is only about 500 yuan per square meter.

Even in the core area, the land price will not exceed 1,000 yuan. At present, the enthusiasm for domestic real estate investment is limited to policy factors, and it is not particularly hot.

Except for Wancheng Foundation, the investment scale of other companies in this area is not large. The reason is very simple, that is, there is no money and no market, and the investment is too large to absorb.

Other enterprises are not as rich and powerful as Wancheng Foundation. They use their own funds to build, and they don't worry about not being able to sell them at all. They don't even think about selling them. They simply rent out.

Other real estate companies need to borrow money from the bank, then build the house, sell the house to recover the funds and return it to the bank, and so on.

If you can’t obtain a large amount of funds from bank loans, you won’t have the money to acquire land on a large scale. If you don’t have so many buyers, you won’t be able to sell the houses you build.

This real estate business may go bankrupt.

Therefore, many domestic real estate companies are actually very envious of Wancheng Jiye, as if they have endless money and endless technology. They are simply a super rich kaleidoscope full of good things.

Although they envy Wancheng Foundation, no company has approached them for financing, because they are self-aware that if they really accept Wancheng Foundation's investment, it may not necessarily be their company.

Because the scale of their enterprise is too small, Wancheng Jiye will directly become the absolute majority shareholder if they spend a few hundred million yuan at will, and they will not have much say.

If it's just a few million to tens of millions, Wancheng Jiye doesn't have the leisure to invest. Wouldn't it be better for him to do it himself, so why bother to do so.

When Guo Dongsheng saw this huge number, he fell into a tangle for a while, and finally picked up the phone to call Ye Zishu, wanting to ask Ye Zishu for advice.

Ye Zishu's method is very simple, first try to make real estate construction arrangements, if it is really too much to spend, just use it to buy land.

According to the current urbanization rate, you can buy land with your eyes closed and you will not lose money. Even a remote place will become a city center in the future, and the value-added rate will be very large.

But I'm afraid that it will be like the Shanghai listed government, requiring that it be developed within a few years, so the land can't be bought casually, and if you buy too much and can't finish the development, it will be a loss.

He suggested that Wancheng Jiye can take out 1 trillion yuan from it and try to continue to buy land. If all of it is spent, it will buy about 1 billion square meters of land, or about 1,000 square kilometers of land.

As for how to purchase, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the province's population, economic development level, future development potential, provincial economic structure, and government thinking.

Like his hometown, it is very difficult to promote a strong provincial capital. Regardless of the very high number of Han people in Jiangxi, the pronunciation is actually different, and the cultural customs are also very complicated.

If we promote a strong provincial capital, other regions will not buy it at all. Balanced development is the most feasible way. This is determined by geographical and cultural factors, and it cannot be done well through strong promotion.

I also did it for a while in my previous life, but with little success, and then I just stopped pushing it and let nature take its course. It's not that I don't want to do it, but it's not good.

In some provinces, regardless of the large population, the cultural convergence is very high, and the influence of the provincial capital city is huge. This hugeness does not entirely refer to the economy, but also includes cultural factors.

For example, Chengdu in Sichuan can be said to be the cultural center of Sichuan. It is much easier to build a strong provincial capital. Moreover, the geology is complex here, and the geographical location of Chengdu Plain is the best.

If it is Nanchang, although it is the provincial capital, the recognition in the province is not very high. Nanchang's culture will not have much influence outside of Nanchang. This is the root cause.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the provincial government has strong willpower, and it is possible to promote the strategy of strengthening the provincial capital no matter how many obstacles it encounters, such as AH Hefei in the previous life.

Therefore, it also depends on the local government's thinking. Only by fully understanding can one make a judgment. Now that the situation has changed a lot, he can't apply the experience of his previous life. It is better to let Wancheng Jiye understand and analyze it himself.

As for the province's population, economic scale, future potential, economic structure and other factors, they are all important reference objects and need to be carefully analyzed.

For example, the large population in the province means that the urban population in this province will generally be larger in the future, so you can buy more land appropriately without worrying about it being wasted.

For example, the economic structure means comprehensive development, one superpower and many powerhouses, or two powerhouses. These also determine Wancheng Jiye's tendency to purchase land.

As for the future development potential, it is more complicated, but the most important one is to look at the future industrial layout of Ye Zishu, which is currently the most influential.

Like Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei, which were originally relatively backward, because Kirin Industrial Group took root here, the future development potential is very large, and these are still basic industries, so there is no need to worry about being replaced in the short term.

This is based on stable performance. If Wancheng Jiye wants to invest, it can just follow the layout of Kirin Industrial Group, and it will definitely reap huge benefits.

This is what he did before. He invested a lot of money in these three provinces for land purchases, but the amount of money was limited, and it was not very large in general.

For example, the scale of the economy, it is better to draw conclusions, such as the current large cities, and several provinces with economic leadership, all have investment value.

The family's foundation is relatively solid, and the geographical location is friendly. Even if Ye Zishu does not participate, their economic development will not be bad. This is the foundation.

Ye Zishu did not directly tell him how to buy land or invest, but after his analysis, Guo Dongsheng felt that he had benefited a lot, and Ye Zishu wanted such an effect.

If you tell the answer directly, although it saves a lot of trouble, it is easy to form a habit of dependence and you cannot be independent. There will be more troubles for him in the future. What he needs to tell is the way of doing things, not how to do things.

However, you still need to pay attention to strategy when buying land. Regardless of the fact that they have a lot of funds in their hands, spreading them all over the country is actually no different from spreading sesame seeds.

Therefore, they can give priority to buying land in important cities. As for how much to buy, they must make a judgment based on the above factors. Ye Zishu does not intend to directly intervene and let them make their own decisions.

As for the construction of the expressway, although he said that he planned to invest all in the three provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei, he knew that it was unlikely because there was a lot of preparatory work for the expressway.

For example, the choice of the route is not determined by brainstorming, it is the result of comprehensive factors after surveying, which takes a lot of time.

Then there is relocation and compensation. Regardless of the occupation of village collective land or state land, compensation is required. These tasks are the most troublesome part and involve a lot of energy.

After these basic tasks have a clear conclusion, the engineering design and construction plan will be involved, which also takes a lot of time.

So it is already good to be able to start construction this year, and it is simply a dream to directly build a 20,000-kilometer expressway.

What Ye Zishu means is that although the focus is on investing in the three provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei, the major coastal provinces can also invest. It is very easy to spend the 600 billion yuan.

You don't even need to start construction, and you can spend nothing left. Just as demolition compensation and land occupation fees, you can spend seven or eighty-eight.

So this year they are not pursuing how many highways can be built, but to do the basic work for the highways to be invested in the next few years. It is considered good if they can start construction before the end of the year.

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