Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 663 New requirements for various enterprises

This year's high-level annual meeting changed from last year's situation. Most of them were Ye Zishu listening, and the heads of various groups were talking about their plans for the coming year.

Now the business in the whole system is getting more and more complicated, even his boss can't take care of it, unless it's a new business he wants to do, generally he can only be a quiet listener.

There will be more and more situations like this in the future, and there is no way to do it. All the businesses in the past were planned by him alone, but if he still does this now, he will be unable to do what he wants, and he will not be able to improve the independence of each group.

In the past, what he needed was an obedient executor, who could build an industrial chain with higher efficiency, but now that this stage has passed, what he needs is a management that can think and develop independently.

Of course, if there is a problem with their plan, Ye Zishu will still express his opinion, but basically he will not make many plans for them like before.

However, there were also accidents. For example, when Guo Dongmei of Wancheng Foundation was reporting, Ye Zishu suddenly thought that Wancheng Foundation needed to intervene in the construction of domestic ports.

In the past, his exports were either high-end services or high-end manufacturing. Regardless of the high output value, the freight volume was not very large, and the pressure of freight transportation was not clearly felt.

But it is different now. The textile and clothing, grain and oil, energy, ore, etc. under the Kirin Industrial Group are all bulk commodities, and the demand for sea transportation is getting higher and higher.

With the current domestic port construction and operating efficiency, it may not be able to meet the development of international import and export business, and huge capital needs to be invested to quickly build a number of high-level ports.

Although the investment areas of Wancheng Foundation have been divided into investment fields, this is not a completely strict plan. If the port construction can be negotiated, the port construction should be prioritized.

Although these ports look tall, in fact, the investment scale is not very large. Like the Yangshan Port in the previous life, the total investment was only about 70 billion yuan.

The construction of such a large port will be carried out in stages, and the investment scale of each phase will be smaller. Even if ten or eight ports are started to be constructed in China at the same time, the total cost will actually not be very large.

Moreover, the port construction process is cumbersome, and it takes a long time in the early stage. It will not have a great impact on their investment plan for this year, at least in terms of funds.

Since the construction of the port cannot be accomplished overnight, he proposed that Wancheng Foundation invest in the port for the future. The shipbuilding industry of the Huanyu Group will start research this year.

Even if the ship cannot be built next year, it will build a large-scale ship in the next year. The Huanyu Group has already begun to look for a suitable shipbuilding base to build docks and other facilities, and prepare the layout in advance.

When their shipbuilding industry starts to rise, there must be a place to digest it. On the one hand, it will be sold to other transportation companies, and on the other hand, it will also be digested internally.

So he plans to let Wancheng Foundation establish an ocean transportation company next year to operate ocean transportation, and the development prospects are still very good.

In fact, it doesn't matter how much money you make. The most important thing is to control the ocean transportation link, avoid the breakdown of the entire logistics system, and ensure the stability of the supply of the entire industrial chain under his banner.

With the support of such a huge industrial system, Wancheng Foundation established an ocean transportation enterprise, so they didn't have to worry about the volume of freight at the beginning. With more and more transactions of various bulk commodities, what they should consider is whether they can complete the transportation task.

When Guo Dongmei heard his proposal, not only did she not feel that the task was too stressful, but her eyes lit up, thinking that this was a new opportunity for Wancheng Foundation.

Although Wancheng Foundation has a huge industrial system and is not simply engaged in the real estate construction industry, it is undeniable that their entire system is still inseparable from real estate construction.

Now that the real estate business is in full swing, it is not a big problem. Once it becomes a twilight industry in the future, it will deal a severe blow to Wancheng Foundation.

If Wancheng Foundation wants to avoid big ups and downs, it must consider diversification. It cannot put all the capital under one roof. This state is very dangerous.

Once the development of real estate slows down, the industrial chain surrounding the real estate business will not only suffer a devastating blow, but at least it will shrink severely, dragging down the development of the entire system.

In fact, Ye Zishu is also based on this kind of thinking, giving Wancheng Foundation many other businesses, such as supermarket business, hotel service industry, movie theater chain, etc., in the hope that they can diversify their operations.

Of course, Ye Zishu also said that their port investment is not limited to domestic, but can also go abroad to develop a global ocean transportation system, and investment in global ports is also a part of it.

In the face of Qinglong Technology Company, he also put forward his own new requirements. In addition to the existing business, he hopes to start quantum communication and computing research.

In fact, he doesn't expect them to be able to research anything famous, but hopes to use this to build a quantum communication and quantum computing team to prepare for the future.

Needless to say, the future development prospects of quantum communication and quantum computing, once they mature, will definitely bring about huge changes. This is the field of cutting-edge technology research and cannot be disputed.

But this is only for other people. For him, quantum computing and communication may be much faster. If there is a need in the future, he may come up with more mature technology.

But before that, he hoped that Qinglong Technology Company could establish a research team first, so as to avoid the fact that there are not many people who can use the technology at that time.

During the meeting with Xuanwu Technology Company, Wu Chaoqiang disclosed a lot of industry information, that is, the global semiconductor R\u0026D and manufacturing speed is much faster than before.

Maybe the 90-nanometer chip production line they are building now is not enough, and it may need to build more advanced chip technology and other electrical semiconductor production technologies.

After Ye Zishu heard this, he felt that this was normal. Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company were attacking cities and territories around the world. It was impossible for the old forces to capture them without a fight, but they did not come out to make trouble.

It shows that people are quite rational, knowing that all kinds of restrictions on various public opinion offensives will be worthless in the face of absolute technological leadership.

It's better to focus most of the energy on the research and development of more advanced technologies. As long as the situation is reversed technically, the situation is completely different, and many off-the-market tricks will become easier to use.

After Ye Zishu heard this, he thought that there was no need to develop step by step, and he could skip the development steps and directly give them another king bomb to disrupt their position.

So he suggested that Xuanwu Technology Company build a 28-nanometer production line, and even other chip categories under its umbrella began to switch to more advanced semiconductor technology.

Qinglong Technology Company began to turn to 28-nanometer chip design work, hoping to use 28-nanometer chips in their product launch this year.

In the field of chips, 28nm is a watershed. The semiconductor manufacturing technology before 28nm is actually relatively simple, but after 28nm, the manufacturing cost and difficulty increase rapidly, which is no longer within the reach of ordinary semiconductor companies.

Now many semiconductor companies are actually struggling, and the money-making part is taken by Xuanwu Technology Company, and the only funds they have are still used for research and development, and they don’t have much money.

If they find out that the technology they are working on is worthless, and the cost of 28-nanometer manufacturing technology is very high, they will basically face bankruptcy.

Hearing Ye Zishu's arrangement, Wu Chaoqiang and Ren Zhengfei have no objection. They are confident to do a good job in upgrading. After all, Ye Zishu left a lot of good things at the beginning, and the context of technological upgrading is very clear.

For Leaf Book, 28nm will kill a large number of semiconductor manufacturers and design companies, and when it comes to 14nm, there will be another reshuffle.

Although this shortens the time for the entire technical route and increases investment costs, it is worthwhile to be able to dominate the global market.

When talking with Ren Zhengfei, the president of Qinglong Technology Company, Ye Zishu once again emphasized the issue of the international promotion of 3G communication networks, and hoped that they would speed up.

At present, China has planned to build a large-scale 3G communication network, which has already had a good demonstration effect, and the overseas development of Qinglong Technology Company will be much smoother.

It would be a waste of time to not step up efforts at this time. He even set a goal, hoping to promote overseas in more than 50 countries and regions this year.

He believes that this goal looks high, but it is not difficult. Many countries do not have their own communication technology companies, and it is not too difficult to enter their markets.

And let Qinglong Technology Co., Ltd. carry out concept hype and outline an advanced 3G life picture to the world, which will help speed up the promotion of 3G communication technology.

Otherwise, many countries do not know what the 3G communication network can do, thinking that it is still at the stage of making calls, and the construction of 2G is enough, so why spend more money to build 3G.

In terms of publicity, we can cooperate with Shengshi Cultural Group and Phoenix Special Effects Company, not only to strengthen advertising and publicity work, but also to shoot a future science fiction movie with the theme of 3G to enhance everyone's awareness of 3G communication technology.

During the meeting with Lei Jun, the president of Phoenix Technology, Ye Zishu asked them not only to speed up the mobilization of traditional business, but also to carry out research and development in the field of local life services as soon as possible.

He and Lei Jun mentioned this concept before, and they have made it very clear. However, due to inherent limitations, their main work has not yet fully shifted, and it must be fully shifted starting this year.

During the meeting with Tai Chi Group President Pei Qing, Ye Zishu asked them to continue to strengthen the construction of medical institutions. The thousands of medical institutions built before may not be able to meet the demand in the future.

However, since the current urbanization rate is not particularly high, there is no need to worry too much, but it must also cooperate with Wancheng Jiye's urbanization construction, and it can even be built in advance, and it does not need to be completely in accordance with market demand.

In addition, it is the development of medical care in the vast rural areas, to see if we can explore a feasible model that can make it easier for people in rural areas to see a doctor.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure that medical expenses are affordable, and at the same time substantially improve the quality of dependent services in rural areas. We cannot only focus on cities, as the population in rural areas will still account for the majority in the short term.

He put forward the minimum requirement, which is to rely on the existing medical institution system to train doctors in the vast rural areas so that they can understand the latest medical and medical technology.

Tai Chi Group can provide free training to reduce the cost of updating the medical knowledge system in rural areas. Anyway, Tai Chi Group can still afford this cost, and treat it as a welfare undertaking.

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