Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 666: The county that is undergoing great changes

Pei Qing originally planned to stay here for four or five days before going back, but she was unwilling to leave after staying here. It was not until January 28 that she reluctantly boarded the plane to the capital.

During this time, they didn't go anywhere, Ye Zishu didn't have time to wander around, so Pei Qing stayed in the office with him and worked, but it still made her very happy.

To be honest, this made Ye Zishu feel even more guilty. He had to spend two hours a day chatting together. The things he did, made Pei Qing feel even happier.

After Pei Qing left, Ye Zishu also had to prepare to go home. This year's Spring Festival is on January 30th, and tomorrow he will fly to Wuhan, and the matters at hand are handled in the same way.

After uploading the sorted technical information in hand to Baihu Technology Company's technical data management system, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. I spent too much time on Baihu Technology Company this year.

Fortunately, although Baihu Technology Company is not on the right track, after all, it has not achieved self-sufficiency, but it still makes him quite satisfied.

This is also thanks to the state's support for Baihu Technology Company. Without the participation of such a large number of scientific researchers, no matter how hardworking he is, he would not be able to achieve the current results.

According to their research progress, basic technology research is basically over, and the management of Baihu Technology Company is busy with factory construction.

The construction of this type of factory building is different from ordinary civilian factory buildings. In order to avoid problems, the foundation has adopted the anti-vibration device of Wancheng Jiye, which can effectively deal with the losses caused by natural disasters and other threats.

Due to the construction of a complete set of systems, there are more than 2,000 factories in the basic technology industry alone, and the number of parts production factories behind will be even more, reaching tens of thousands.

In contrast, the number of assembly production factories is not particularly large, but the factory buildings are very large, and the amount of construction work is also not small.

The most important thing is that these factories cannot be built in a stately manner, and they need to be covered up to a certain extent, and they must be protected to avoid being destroyed.

Therefore, many factories are not built in urban areas with good basic conditions. The construction of these factories also requires the construction of certain transportation infrastructure, which is quite troublesome.

Even if they are not built in mountainous areas, many of them have to be built underground, which is quite troublesome anyway. Fortunately, he doesn't have to worry about these tasks. The country has a lot of experience in this area.

As for the research and development of parts required for complete assembly, it will take some time to complete. General parts may not be until March, and key parts, such as engines and avionics, will need to wait until June.

Now Baihu Technology Company has so many more research and development work on production equipment, and it may have to wait until October if they want to complete all of them.

If all goes well, by the end of this year, a whole set of military aviation industrial clusters will be established, and so far it has come to an end in this field.

As for the research and development and production of foreign trade products in the future, there is no need to worry about Ye Zishu. These scientific researchers are qualified for these tasks after training during this period of time.

As for the satellite launch, it may take a while later, and the cooperative units are also intensively working on this aspect, and even sent some R\u0026D personnel to do research together.

Fortunately, Baihu Science and Technology Company has a relatively solid foundation, and there is no shortage of materials needed for rocket manufacturing. If it is necessary to manufacture, it can be manufactured by hand, but the efficiency is much slower and the cost is relatively high.

Since it is going to use advanced rocket manufacturing technology, Ye Shu is no longer obsessed with having to launch in March or April, because there is no such rush.

At that time, advanced manufacturing technology will be used to produce more rockets, and it will not be a problem to launch several times a day. The launch efficiency will be greatly improved, and the launch mission will still be completed before the end of the year.

On January 29, Ye Zishu boarded the plane to Wuhan, checked his car back together, and drove home directly after arriving in Wuhan.

When the car drove into the county, I felt that the whole county had changed a lot.

Originally planning to go home directly, he planned to take a tour of the county to see these changes.

There are three main changes in the county seat. The first one is Taiji Group's medical device industrial park. The last time I came here, it was still leveling the land and building factories. Now it has completely lost its original appearance.

Rows of neat factory buildings stand here, and the wide roads are comprehensively criss-crossed. Even the traffic lights are all intelligent products, which can adjust the pace of traffic according to the traffic conditions.

On the other side of the factory building, there is a construction site under construction. This should be the second phase. After all, the time was tight at the time, and it was uncertain how much the market could absorb, so the production capacity would not be particularly large.

The second one is Tianwen Medical College jointly established by Tai Chi Group and New Oriental Education Group. Although the construction here has not been completed, it has begun to take shape.

According to the current progress, the construction of these facilities should be completed before the enrollment this summer. Looking at this 5,000-acre campus, a sense of humanity emerges spontaneously.

This is so rare in a small county. Anyway, Ye Zishu has never heard of any colleges and universities in a small county. If there is one, it is in a county directly under the provincial capital.

The third is the urban complex built by Wancheng Jiye. Compared with the complexes they built in other counties, this is undoubtedly the largest among the county-level units.

The investment of 4 billion yuan is still very large in this era, and the complexes they invested in some prefecture-level cities may not necessarily be so large.

These are changes that everyone can see. On the main street of the county seat, there is a huge billboard, which prints the future planning of the county seat.

He stopped and took a look. It looked like a small county town, but it had the taste of a modern city. If the population was excluded, the planning was quite beautiful.

It seems that the county government is really rich. Not only does the county town have to be beautiful, but it also extends to the

There are eight streets to be built from the county seat to various towns, all of which are two-way six-lane roads, which are the main roads.

This is an advanced plan in a small county town, because there are not many cars on the street, and the few he saw were all government department vehicles.

Most of the residents are still unable to buy cars, but compared with motorcycles, this has made great progress compared with a year ago, when travel was basically on two legs.

All the county governments have such ambitions and made such bold plans because the tax revenue they received this year is enough to support such plans.

In order to support the construction of his hometown, he asked Taiji Group Medical Equipment Group to

Originally, there was no need to set up an independent subsidiary, but if the independent subsidiary was not established, the county would receive less tax, so it was done on purpose.

Although only 10 million units of "Bian Que" personal diagnostic equipment were sold last year, it brought in over 100 billion yuan in revenue for Tai Chi Group.

Even if the county government gives tax incentives, the tax paid to the county government is still very large. Even if part of these taxes are turned over, the remaining amount is enough for the county government to use.

When the county government has money, it will naturally spend it. How to spend it is actually very simple, that is, to build public facilities. The first problem is to solve the road traffic construction of the entire county.

If you want to get rich, build roads first. As long as the transportation in the county is built well, it will be easier to attract other enterprises. Anyone in power understands this truth.

If it is combined with the expressway built by Wancheng Jiye, the products produced here will be more easily transported out. Is it afraid that no enterprises will come to invest?

In addition to these infrastructures, the county government is also actively improving the living environment of the county. Originally, there was only a TV tower, and Nanshan, where a few cultural and poets left inscriptions, will be built into a leisure and tourist destination.

Standing on Nanshan, overlooking the entire Poyang Lake, plus the cultural footprints left by ancient poets and inkmen, it is indeed a bit of that flavor, and it is impossible for the government to charge tickets for such facilities.

In fact, it wasn't just Ye Zishu who was shocked by the changes in the county in just one year, even the residents who had been staying in the county were very surprised by the changes in the past year.

The small county town that had been immobile for thousands of years seemed to suddenly glow with infinite vitality. Various infrastructure constructions were launched one after another, and residents could clearly feel the increase in income.

In the past, the monthly income here was generally only more than 100 yuan, and there were very few jobs with 200 yuan, but now the minimum income here is more than 300 yuan, and most of them are around 500 yuan.

If you are an employee of the production base of Taiji Group, the monthly salary is basically 1,000 yuan, which was unimaginable before, and the salary increase is too fast.

The money in everyone's hands naturally drives the commercial development of the county. The people who open the shop feel that the money is suddenly more profitable, and they start to expand their manpower, which further increases the employment in the county.

Seeing the crowds walking on the street with smiles on their faces, Ye Zishu felt that his decision last year was very correct, and he could be regarded as doing his part for his hometown.

This is a typical case where one company revitalizes a county town, but the company established by Taiji Group here is not an ordinary company, but a company that can produce golden dolls.

Last year, it was just a small test. Due to insufficient production capacity, the products have been in a state of short supply. This year, there will be more income, and the county will be more prosperous as a result.

At that time, these complexes and various commercial facilities built by Wancheng Foundation will also get good returns. It seems that Wancheng Foundation still has a high commercial vision.

After walking around the county town, Ye Zishu drove to the countryside to go home. It was no longer the dirt road before, but a layer of fine stones was paved on it.

Although it is not so comfortable to walk, it is much better than before with potholes, and the car drives up much more smoothly than before.

Although the government has planned many roads, it will take one or two years to complete the construction of these roads. It is estimated that it will take more than half a year for relocation compensation alone.

Now laying stones can be regarded as an urgent need, and these stones can also be used as part of the roadbed, so they won't be wasted anyway.

When I got home, it was already 5:30 in the evening. When I saw the car entering the village, everyone knew who it was. The only one who drove back in Niangen was the big boss Ye Zishu.

Everyone consciously came out to say hello to him, and he had to roll down the car window in return. When he drove home, a large group of people followed him.

Going home this time was more lively than before. As for the reason, he naturally knew it, but he didn't feel disgusted. This is human nature and understandable.

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