Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 683 Bold guess!

Busy until four o'clock in the morning, before going to bed, Ye Zishu glanced at his social account. It has passed the 24 hours he requested, and the result has already been obtained.

I thought that no one would be able to guess right, but I didn't expect two of them to guess right, and what's interesting is that they actually used the domestic currency unit, which made him say that he suspected it was an insider.

After data analysis, the two fans who guessed right really had nothing to do with Huanyu Group, which reassured him a lot, but he also felt that he was a little oversensitive.

The price of this car was temporarily increased by him. The security guard who opened the door was not around at that time. Only Wang Chuanfu knew it. Wang Chuanfu had no reason to do such a thing for a tablet computer.

The fans who answered correctly have already come out, but the comment area is still very lively. The main reason is that everyone is shocked by the price. Is there such an expensive car in the world?

Ordinary people just praised his tyrant's approach, but some people understand that if there is nothing to sell, it is impossible for a car to sell so expensive.

So some people asked why the car was so expensive, and wanted Ye Shu to reveal some information, but Ye Shu would definitely not disclose it, because he was not so fond of showing off.

However, some people also asked about the brand of this car, which can be answered, so another message was published, telling everyone that the brand of this car is "Tianyu".

However, he also said that apart from the brand he uses, he will not sell any Tianyu brand cars in the world. If you want to buy, you can only order the "Tianqiong" brand.

And then added a sentence at the end, "Guess what the price of the Tianqiong brand car will be? Boldly guess!"

After finishing writing, Ye Zishu shut down the social platform regardless of the comments. He also did his best to promote Huanyu Group.

After a simple wash, he went directly to bed, then entered the virtual space, and continued to study life sciences. He found this field more interesting and hoped to reach the intermediate level as soon as possible.

At present, he has passed the elementary level and is close to the intermediate level. Such a rating is still like a top bull in the real world. If he reaches the intermediate level, it will be another realm.

For the next period of time, Ye Zishu will stay at the headquarters of Kirin Industrial Group, and often go to the R\u0026D center when he is free, mainly to guide the scientific researchers of Kirin Agricultural Development Group how to use the plant design system.

Although the operation of this system seems a bit fool-like, with all kinds of required settings, it provides a lot of setting options, up to tens of thousands of items.

The reason why there are so many options is to be able to make fine adjustments as much as possible. The more detailed the front-end researchers set up, the faster the back-end artificial intelligence can process it.

Moreover, these setting options are not set casually. Each setting is supported by a scientific theoretical basis, and researchers need to understand the meaning behind each setting.

If you don't understand the meaning behind each setting, you will not be able to use this system accurately, which will not only cost more, after all, the cost of running a supercomputer is not low.

Moreover, many wrong results will be obtained, and there may even be no results. This is a great waste of scientific research resources, so before they understand the meaning of these settings, they are generally not allowed to operate casually.

Of course, before the system was used by them, Leaf Book also provided a detailed document, explaining how to use the system in detail, but whether they can fully understand the manual is also a problem.

Because genes are still a relatively mysterious topic for the current scientific community, especially for domestic researchers, there are not many people in contact with them.

Ye Zi's book is mainly to explain the scientific theory of plant genes and plant cultivation to these researchers, which will help them understand the general laws of plant genes.

At the beginning, I prepared to go over to give lectures when I had time, but later found that this was not an option. For many scientific researchers, this class time is too much.

Simply not enough.

So it was changed to 8 o'clock every night, and the class was on time until the end of ten o'clock in the evening, and two hours a day was used for class. No one had any objection to this arrangement.

Although this took up their rest time, for researchers like them, being able to learn knowledge in the top scientific and technological fields was the greatest source of happiness.

If a person doing scientific research does not have this joy, it means that he is not a qualified scientific researcher. No matter how talented he is, he will get bored after a long time, because he cannot get happiness from it.

So a harmonious picture was formed. Ye Zishu taught them at his own pace at night, while during the day these researchers used the gene sequencing equipment in the laboratory to verify whether Ye Zishu's words were correct.

However, gene sequencing is just a set of sequencing tools, and it cannot verify whether gene series and fragments have certain functions, which is the biggest trouble they face.

Ye Zishu thought about it, and decided to open the gene analysis system used by Taiji Group to the scientific research center of Qilin Agricultural Development Group, so that they can use this system to understand the functional information of plant genes.

The reason why the gene function analysis system is open, instead of directly displaying the background detailed data of the plant design system, seems that the difference between the two is not very big.

In fact, it is not the case. It can be said that the difference between the two can be described as vastly different. The gene function analysis system only analyzes the existing genes to understand the functions of each fragment of the gene.

However, these gene fragments seem to have clear functions when analyzed individually, but once they are combined, it is not the case. Gene expression is not just a simple combination, which involves more complex principles.

The plant design system is different. Instead of analyzing the functional fragments of existing genes, it directly creates genes. This is like understanding the natural laws of the universe and creating the natural laws of the universe. There is an essential difference between the two.

Whether the open gene analysis system will help us understand the mysteries of genes and the meaning of natural life, or it is still in the stage of understanding, is not very sensitive.

However, if the plant design system opens up the background data, it is very likely to be used to modify life indiscriminately, and it will be messed up. If there is no control, the harm will be too great.

Through the front-end function settings like now, the background artificial intelligence must not only meet the requirements of the front-end settings, but also conduct various risk reviews to directly eliminate dangers in the bud.

Moreover, in the solution generated by artificial intelligence, all genes are encrypted. Don’t think that genes cannot be encrypted. In fact, genes are also codes, which are just life codes in nature.

As long as it is encoded, there is an encryption method, so that conventional genetic testing methods will fail in the face of encrypted gene series, and the so-called functional analysis research will lose its meaning, at least with the current level of technology, so to speak.

The reason for encrypting the genes of the solution of the plant design system is that there are a large number of artificially synthesized genes in it, which do not exist in nature, or will not generally exist.

Of course, most of the genes still exist in nature itself, and artificial intelligence will give priority to coding according to the genes that exist in nature, because this is the most time-saving and labor-saving way.

However, some requirements are very complex, and genes in nature cannot solve the problem, so gene fragments must be artificially created to meet complex requirements.

Therefore, if this system is to be used well, researchers need to provide as much data support as possible. Now the researchers in these scientific research centers are doing this.

They collected various genes from the outside, obtained data through genetic analysis, and then uploaded the data to the plant design system to enrich the system's database.

While Ye Zishu was working and working as a teacher, tidal investment company received news that surprised him, and it was of course good news.

Ye Zishu asked Ye Zihua to apply to the relevant departments for the establishment of insurance companies and banks no matter whether it was possible or not.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected harvest. The insurance business applied by Tidal Investment Company has entered the review process, which means that the above is seriously considering this application.

As for their application to establish a bank, it was not immediately rejected, but it did not enter the deliberation stage, that is to say, there was no reply. If there was a reply, it was under study.

In fact, it is already good news if it is not rejected immediately. At least it shows that the relevant departments are somewhat hesitant about this application, and may seriously consider this issue later.

Of course, Tidal Investment Company did not have much hope for the application to establish a bank, because compared with the insurance business, the banking business is more important and more cautious.

Ye Zishu also analyzed the reasons. There are three main points. The first point is that there are already non-state-owned insurance companies in China, and the application of Tidal Investment Company is not a precedent.

It's just that the insurance company created by Tidal Investment Company is a bit special, that is, Tidal Investment Company holds all the shares and belongs to the category of private commercial insurance, which is still somewhat different from joint-stock commercial insurance companies.

But the difference is not very big, as long as the insurance company guarantees to pay the policyholder's insurance in time, whether it is a joint-stock system or a purely private one, the functions played are the same.

Anyway, even if it is 100% privately held, as long as it conducts commercial insurance business externally, it needs to accept the supervision of relevant departments, but there is no need to publish financial reports, as long as the operation is compliant.

Therefore, this biggest obstacle is not considered an obstacle. Since other forms of insurance companies can be allowed to exist, more forms of insurance companies can naturally be allowed to exist.

The second point is that Tidal Investment Company's investment capability has been recognized by relevant departments. Although this company will not submit details of its own investment in detail, the profitability of investment is obvious to all.

Moreover, they have made huge profits in the financial market with greater risks overseas. If the insurance company they set up, as long as they maintain such investment income, they don't have to worry about the loss of insurance funds.

Insurance companies definitely don't just eat premiums, but put them in the bank to earn interest, so the comprehensive income is too low, and once a major accident occurs, the insurance company is likely to go bankrupt.

Therefore, the investment ability of an insurance company is also an indicator to test the insurance company. Only with sufficient strength can the insurance business be carried out smoothly, and the insurance company will not go bankrupt if there is a little twist.

The third point is that he has a lot of confidence in Ye Zishu. If Tidal Investment Company was not founded by him, it might be a different matter. After all, people without any strength and connections would not even think about doing this business.

Although Ye Shu could not be said to be well-connected, he was not an unknown person, and he was well-known in the country. Everyone was still optimistic about the insurance company he founded.

People don't quite believe that the insurance company he founded will go bankrupt casually. With his ability to make money, he will only develop better than other insurance companies.

Although this is a bit blindly confident, but I have to say, at least so far, few of the industries he operates are loss-making. Even if it is a loss-making business, he does it deliberately, as is the case with Wancheng Foundation.

In any case, this is also good news for him. Insurance is not only an ordinary financial institution, but also a guarantee of social stability. With an insurance company, many of his ideas can be realized.

It's just that he doesn't like to get entangled with other people or companies. He either starts his own private insurance company or forgets. He doesn't want to spend time and energy arguing with others.

If it is really just to make money, he can invest in other domestic insurance companies. Ping An of China is a good investment target, but the insurance company that cannot implement his will is meaningless.

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