Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 687 Expected to become the world's No. 1 company


On April 3rd, Ye Zishu finally sorted out all the technical materials related to cell induction. It was a few days later than he expected, but it was finally done.

Originally, he planned to hand over this business to the Qilin Grain and Oil Industry Group. After all, this industry has a lot to do with him, but after thinking about it, he decided to hand it over to the Qilin Agricultural Development Group.

As far as biotechnology is concerned, among the various sub-groups under the Kirin Industrial Group, the Kirin Agricultural Development Group is undoubtedly the most technologically advanced. For the sake of safety, it is more appropriate to hand it over to them.

As for the research and development of equipment, it is still handed over to Kirin Basic Industries Group. They can be said to be unique in the field of cutting-edge equipment research and development.

In fact, their technical strength is no worse than that of Baihu Technology Company, but the areas they focus on are not the same. Even Baihu Technology Company has to purchase some equipment from them.

After uploading the technical information to the technical management system of each group company, Ye Zishu felt that he had nothing to do, and then he only needed to concentrate on writing the book.

Before leaving Kirin Industrial Group, he called the heads of various departments at the headquarters for a small meeting, briefly described the next arrangement, and let them supervise the implementation.

Then he left Wuhan by plane and went to the capital. In fact, there was nothing to do in the capital. The main reason was that he hadn't seen Pei Qing for such a long time, so he came to see her.

It's just that when Pei Qing saw him, the first thing she said was to ask about organ cultivation technology, which made him feel that Pei Qing was a bit obsessed with work.

When the two met, it was supposed to be a meeting between you and me, but she led her away and started talking about this technology, which was like a work meeting.

The current Tai Chi Group is incredible, and has truly become a top company in the world. During this period of time, with a large number of new drugs being launched one after another, they feel that their hands are cramping when counting money, and the money printing machine is not as fast as theirs.

Domestically, it is better. Although a large number of medicines are purchased and used, in order to achieve affordability, the money earned is not much.

The only good news is that after active publicity and the strong support of various companies under Ye Zishu, the number of members of their medical institutions has finally exceeded the 100 million mark.

In fact, in addition to the support of his industries, some government agencies have also started to purchase members of the Tai Chi Group for government employees. Although it costs tens of yuan a month, it is actually very cost-effective.

It is not uncommon for people who have not purchased memberships during this period to spend huge sums of money on the treatment of major diseases, while those who have purchased Tai Chi group memberships have very little treatment expenses. The comparison between the two is too obvious.

Anyone who understands knows how important the members of the Taiji Group are. If you buy their members,

It is equivalent to adding an important insurance, and it is also a measure to prevent the family from becoming impoverished due to illness.

However, Ye Zishu is not particularly satisfied with this. It can only be said that it has had a good start. Our country now has more than this large urban population, let alone the vast rural areas.

The membership coverage of Taiji Group is still relatively small. He hopes to break through the 200 million mark by the end of the year, but he does not have much confidence in this.

The main reason is that everyone is still in the stage of meeting material requirements, and they don't pay much attention to the cost of such anti-risk measures, and quite a few people have a fluke mentality.

To be honest, Taiji Group launched this membership service, which is a thankless measure. In fact, quite a few people in the company are not satisfied with it, because the losses during this period are too serious.

The membership fee received was only more than 4 billion yuan. As a result, the medical cost borne by this was as high as 50 yuan, and the direct loss was 1 billion yuan. This is just the beginning, and there may be more losses in the future.

Of course, this loss refers to Taiji Medical Group. Taiji Medical Group has no losses, and the two are independent accounting subsidiary companies.

However, at the end of the year, if Taiji Medical Group suffers a huge loss, the headquarters of Taiji Group will still have to allocate funds, and the funds will naturally still have to be obtained from the profitable group companies below.

When there are many businesses in an enterprise, everyone’s interests are different. Some people think that the membership system is very good, while others think that it is a huge pit that should not be borne by private enterprises.

Either completely commercialize it and increase membership fees, or not do it. They know that this is the intention of the group, but they think that the living Buddha should not be undertaken by an enterprise, and may not be able to undertake this role.

Their ideas are not unreasonable, but the current relevant system is not perfect, and the launch of the membership model is only an expedient measure. Taiji Group is also actively active, hoping that the government will issue relevant policies.

However, this kind of thing cannot be completed in a day or two. The government does not want to, but needs to calculate whether the government has the ability to afford it after the policy is formulated.

The only advantage is that the domestic economy has developed rapidly in the past few years, tax revenue has also risen accordingly, and residents' income has also increased year by year. Everyone is full of confidence in the future.

After listening to Pei Qing's narration, Ye Zishu didn't take it seriously. These are just some complaints. As long as the entire group is in a state of profitability, these voices will not become popular.

During this period of time, the performance of Taiji Group was very good. So far, they have obtained a total revenue of 3 trillion yuan from the fields of health care products, medical equipment and pharmaceutical products.

Among them, the pharmaceutical business contributed the most, which alone contributed more than half of the revenue, followed by the medical equipment business, where personal smart wearable devices contributed the main revenue. At the beginning, it was a dominant health care product business, and its revenue ranked third.

Taiji Group is likely to become his first company with an annual revenue of over 10 trillion yuan, and it will be able to secure the No. 1 spot in the world's top 500 companies.

As for whether there will be a decline in the future, he does not know, because many of the people who bought their medical products during this period are patients who have accumulated in the past.

After the number of these existing patients decreases, their pharmaceutical business may decline. As for how much the decline will be, he does not know, but he thinks that even if it falls, it will be able to stand firm at the 10 trillion mark.

Accompanied by the huge revenue of Taiji Group, other pharmaceutical companies were almost wiped out. The small pharmaceutical companies were fine and were not affected much. The products they produced were all conventional medicines, and Taiji Group had no time to take care of them.

However, those international pharmaceutical giants and many high-end medical equipment companies have been greatly affected. Their revenue has fallen off a cliff, and their stock prices have plummeted even more.

Investors are sharp-eyed, and they can't see that these pharmaceutical giants have a chance to turn the situation around. It's because Taiji Group is too powerful, controlling almost all high-end pharmaceutical businesses.

But for the patients, they are not at all disgusted with the Taiji Group, but full of good feelings. Previously, the treatment of tumors was not only difficult to cure, but also cost them half their lives.

The problem is that the cost of treatment is also very high, and it may not be cured, and the bankruptcy is just to delay a little time, but the pain I have suffered for this is beyond words.

Although Tai Chi Group charges are not low, but at least they can cure their illness, and it is not so painful, follow-up to eat some recovery medicine and health care products, the body can return to the healthy state before the illness.

For these patients, whoever can cure their disease and suffer less pain is their Bodhisattva. As for which country this pharmaceutical company belongs to, they don't care.

Even healthy people did not make irresponsible remarks to the Taiji Group, because it is very likely that one day they will also use the products of the Taiji Group, and they still need to accumulate some virtue in their mouths.

And those advanced medical equipment companies have also suffered. In the past, the equipment for treating tumors was very expensive, and it was not uncommon for a set of equipment to cost hundreds of millions of yuan.

Now these devices that have been painstakingly researched before can only be left in the corner to collect ashes. The use of biological agents by Taiji Group has completely solved the things that they had to spend a lot of effort to do before, and it is much better. .

Of course, it is impossible to have so much revenue relying solely on this major disease treatment drug. After all, the amount is there, and it is impossible to really charge sky-high fees.

In fact, in their pharmaceutical business, a considerable part of their income comes from non-serious disease treatment drugs, such as infertility drugs and so on.

The problem of infertility has become a global problem, and the causes are various, so we will not analyze it in detail here.

But in contrast, countries with lower economic levels have a higher proportion of this kind of situation, which may be related to their poor environment and medical level.

It is undeniable that this is a huge group, and now most of them can only use test tube technology to achieve the purpose of multiplying the next generation, but the cost of this technology is too high for ordinary families to afford.

Many of these medicines produced by Ye Zishu can treat most of these diseases, and they are completely cured, and the effect is much better than that of test-tube baby technology.

However, there are also some that are difficult to solve with drugs and require surgical assisted treatment, and some even cannot be treated at all and can only be treated with test tube technology. Drugs are not a panacea, and in some cases they are powerless.

Although this type of medicine does not treat fatal diseases, it is a medicine that is just needed by human beings, and any patient who needs it and can afford it will not turn a blind eye.

Although Ye Zishu did not specifically develop drugs for this kind of non-fatal disease, but when sorting out the drug information, if you think of it, you will still solve it, especially this kind of disease that involves reproductive problems cannot be ignored.

Compared with the current huge revenue of Tai Chi Group, in fact, the scale of revenue brought by organ cultivation technology is not very large. In the face of such a huge total amount, it may be negligible.

However, Pei Qing thought of limb regeneration technology and asked him if he could do it, because the number of disabled people in the world accounts for a very large proportion, accounting for about 10% of the total population, which is an extremely large number.

If technology can solve this problem, it will not only enable the disabled to live a normal life, but also bring huge economic benefits to Tai Chi Group.

This is what Ye Shu didn't expect before, mainly because he focused on life-threatening diseases. In fact, the pain caused by disability is even worse for many people.

Although the cell induction technology is somewhat similar to the limb regeneration technology, it is actually very different, and the technology involved is higher and more difficult.

Ye Zishu doesn't have time to deal with this technical problem right now, so I can only say that when I have time, Taiji Group has made rapid progress this year, so it's better to stabilize the existing business, and it is not suitable to involve too many new businesses for the time being.

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