(Picture at the end, colonial spaceship)

January 2024.

A very explosive news shocked the world.

So much so that everyone is talking about:

"Did you hear that? Someone has been reborn from the future!"

"It is said that the man's eyes were formidable and cold, like a sharp knife!"

"He also brought back news about the future"

"Really? It's unbelievable to be reborn from the future!"

"It is true, and governments of various countries have confirmed it and given him the highest courtesy!"

"It is said that he is from the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Maybe the Dragon Kingdom will take control of future technology!"

"I heard that he will also make videos about the future and play them for all mankind to see!"

"Starting tonight, he will upload videos to a network platform specially built for him!"

"It’s so exciting, I can’t wait to see what human civilization has developed into in the future!"

"of course? It must be a harmonious world without war, full of technology and civilization!"


Dragon Kingdom time, seven o'clock at night.

A website called [The Other Side of Humanity] was officially launched.

In an instant, billions of humans swarmed ashore.

And the reborn person named Ning Yu also uploaded his first video about the future:

【The Age of Space Colonization].

Just seeing the title of the video made countless netizens excited!

"God! What did I say?"

"Humanity will definitely go to space!"

"We are so smart and so hardworking, we deserve it!"

"Come on, let me see what a magnificent picture it is!"

Countless people clicked on the video with excitement.

At the beginning of the video, there was a blue planet.

Everyone could tell at a glance that it was the earth.

As the earth slowly rotated, a very magnetic low voice began to explain:

"Since the birth of mankind, we have been looking up at the stars"

"Birth and death, salvation and killing, creation and destruction"

"Continuous wars broke out and extinguished one after another"

"Ancient civilizations appeared and disappeared one after another"

"But the pace of mankind is always moving forward steadily"

"After a long period of development, in the 15th millennium"

"Humanity invented a sub-light speed aircraft and slowly walked out of its home planet"

"Start colonizing other planets in the solar system……"

As the video progress bar advances.

The earth on the screen has built a series of magnificent space ports.

Colonial spaceships were built one after another and flew into deep space.

On planets in the solar system.

Human footprints and colonies began to appear.

On the satellites of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and even Neptune, huge construction machinery began to roar to reclaim land, and bases were built one after another.

The flag belonging to the human camp is flying high on the alien planet.

Seeing this exciting scene, netizens collectively climaxed:

"Ha ha ha ha! Humans are too strong!"

"Those colonial ships are so magnificent! More than ten times larger than an aircraft carrier!"

"It is estimated that it will not be a problem at all to carry hundreds of thousands of people on one ship!"

"Not only are we not extinct in the future, we are also very powerful!"

"Now we can only say that we belong to the solar system, but in the future, we can say that the solar system belongs to us!"

"How can one solar system be enough? We have to go further into the depths of the universe and rush to other galaxies!"

Some netizens excitedly said the rhetoric.

But they were immediately questioned by others:

"No way? Didn't you hear what was said in the video?"

"We are using a sub-light speed aircraft, which means the speed is not as fast as the speed of light."

"It’s enough to fly around the solar system, but will it be too difficult to travel to other galaxies?"

"That is, the galaxies are too far apart, and it may take more than ten years or even longer to reach them at sub-light speed."

"In this extremely long process, if something goes wrong, all the colonial spacecraft may be destroyed, and the earth will not even be able to send out rescue!"

"Therefore, I think it is better to consolidate the colonies on various planets in the solar system first, and then make other plans."

However, some netizens are too excited to care about this:

"What are you afraid of?"

"In the age of great navigation, didn’t we also sail through dangerous and unknown waters on sailboats?"

"No matter how dangerous or far the distance is, nothing can stop human exploration!"

"Let's go!"

"How reckless! Do you think you are the only one on the spaceship?"

"That is hundreds of thousands or more people, and it is the hope of mankind to move into deep space!"

"How could we risk sailing out of the solar system if our navigation skills were not up to standard?"

"The person upstairs is timid! Do you know that the hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage!"

"If I am in the future, please let me be the first to break out of the solar system!"

"Once I lie down in the cryo-sleep cabin, even if it takes me a hundred years to sail, as long as I can reach the other shore, I have no regrets!"

The first video hasn't finished playing yet.

Netizens are already arguing.

The barrage on the video is as noisy as snowflakes, covering everything else.

In the end, someone came out and persuaded:

"What's the use of arguing about this now?"

"Let’s take a look at what choices humans will make in the future!"

The netizens became quieter and continued to watch the video with wide eyes.

In the video, as time progressed, the colonies on various planets in the solar system became more and more prosperous.

Finally, one day, hundreds of colonial spacecraft slowly took off.

They formed a fleet that covered the sky.

Dragging tail flames as bright as torches, they rushed out of the solar system...

Netizens watched this scene and burst into tears:

"What did I say? What did I say!"

"Humans are the greatest and most courageous race!"

"What about the endless deep space? So what if it’s an unknown darkness?"

"We still rushed out bravely!"

"One day, we will spread the glory of mankind to the entire galaxy! Even the entire universe!"

But among them, some netizens continued to express concerns:

"This is too risky, we can slow down"

"Indeed, we should wait until faster navigation methods are invented before rushing out of the solar system"

"Otherwise, if something goes wrong, there will be no way to ask for help."

But no matter what the point of view is.

Everyone wants to see what will happen to mankind next.

But the first video ended abruptly here.

It attracted countless netizens to crazily urge for updates:

"Is this gone? I've just read the beginning!"

"Master Ning Yu, hurry up and update the next video!"

"I desperately want to know what will happen after humans fly out of the solar system!"

"If you don’t update it, believe it or not, he will be hanged in front of your house now? ? ?"

Fortunately, the second video was uploaded to the website in a few seconds.

The title was [The Era of Colonial Independence].

When netizens saw it, their hearts sank slightly:

"Hiss, this title……"

"Why do I feel a familiar yet unpleasant feeling?"

(picture at the end, colonial spaceship)

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