Because of last night’s video.

During the day today, people did not hold any activities to celebrate the future of mankind.

Everyone should go to work, and everyone should go to school.

It’s just that at the gates of some giant technology companies, there are more demonstrators demanding that they stop artificial intelligence research.

But this is destined to be useless.

Because last night, high-level officials from various countries had set the tone for this matter.

The research still needs to be done, and even more efforts should be made.

The opposition of a small group of people cannot change anything.

All day long.

The one everyone talks about the most.

It’s how mankind will clean up the mess after the Iron Man rebellion in the future, and how it will move forward.

But one thing has been agreed on: due to the ban of artificial intelligence and STC, coupled with the destruction of the war.

Human civilization will definitely retreat to a certain extent.

But it shouldn't be a big problem.

After all, the basic base of human beings spreading across the galaxy is still there.

Everyone’s brains are still there.

Human beings have enjoyed prosperity, but they are also a powerful race that can persevere in harsh environments.

Artificial intelligence is not good, the worst thing is to find another development direction.

But wait until 7:30 p.m.

See the title of the eighth video uploaded by Ning Yu.

Everyone is numb again:

【Warp Storm】


Netizens who have watched the previous videos all know this.

It is a fast passage used by humans to conduct space navigation.

There's a storm blowing there.

Isn't it like a strong wind blowing on our earth?

It will definitely cause traffic disruption!

Everyone's hearts were immediately in suspense.

Will the surviving human planets lose contact as a result?

But Ning Yu's explanation told everyone that their worries were absolutely correct:

"In the 25th millennium, a massive subspace storm suddenly appeared"

"Navigating subspace, which was once a commonplace experience, suddenly turned into a dangerous adventure."

"At this time, the subspace is like a sea with huge waves, and the energy flow inside is rushing around wildly and irregularly."

"Those ships that were impacted were either directly shattered to pieces by the impact, or were carried to a completely unknown location."

"What's more, they are trapped in subspace and can no longer find an exit."

"According to calculations, the original safety pass rate of 98% was reduced to less than 3% after the emergence of the subspace storm.%"

"This storm almost paralyzed human transportation routes throughout the galaxy"

"And its duration will be thousands of years"

"Humanity's colonists, who were originally scattered among the stars because of the war, were once again isolated one by one."

As Ning Yu explained, netizens shouted uneasily:

"Something is wrong, something is starting to go wrong!"

"We just finished dealing with those rebel gangs on the front foot."

"Are you here for us again?"

"It's over, it's over, when we are at our weakest, the transportation route is gone? ? ?"

"Will it last for thousands of years? I have died of old age hundreds of times after giving birth to a baby!"

"Misfortunes never come singly!"

"Will this bring us back to the era of great independence?"

"The era of great independence? Upstairs is so naive"

"Did you notice the time when Ning Yu said it?"

"The Warp Storm occurred in the 25th Millennium"

"This time period should be the key vulnerable node where we have destroyed all artificial intelligence and STC according to the correction protocol, but have not yet found another way to become stronger."

"If it happens so suddenly, it might be fatal! After this netizen said it, everyone suddenly realized:

"I'll go, it's broken, it's broken, it's really bad this time!"

"All the original powerful methods have been destroyed, and future methods have not yet been invented?"

"Our means of self-protection are not as good as before!"

"A stick at this time is really fatal!"

And Ning Yu's video also proves this point:

"due to sudden loss of contact with the outside world"

"Much of the world has fallen into a chaotic state of unofficial"

"The former alien neighbors also took this opportunity and began to rob the isolated human colony planet.……" in the video screen.

One after another, strange-shaped spaceships descend on human colonies.

The equally grotesque aliens that walked out quickly defeated human defenses.

Then they started plundering and trampling on humans wantonly.

The once proud and glorious humans were dragged out of the room one by one.

They are treated as food, as playthings, and as garbage.

Play wantonly and kill at will.

Looking at the humiliating pictures, pictures that would never pass the censorship on other websites.

Netizens couldn’t help gritting their teeth and clenching their fists:

"The world has indeed changed! These beasts are so brave!"

"In the golden age, these aliens didn't even deserve names!"

"Now you dare to trample on human land at will"

"He even let a dozen human girls sleep with his pet!"

"Damn it! It’s frustrating!"

"Give me a knife, I will travel to this era and kill all these beasts!"

"You were too kind to them in the first place, why did you sign a peace agreement?"

"These beasts should all be killed!"

However, there are sane netizens who are still comforting everyone:

"It's okay, it's okay"

"Our race is scattered throughout the galaxy and has a large base"

"Only a small number of colonized planets were harassed and enslaved"

"Although most of the colonial planets are isolated, they are still very peaceful."

"We must have an overall view. The collapse of a small part of the world cannot shake our foundation."

"Give us time and things will get better in the future!"

However, as soon as the title of Ning Yu's next video appeared, everyone was confused:

【Era of Civilization Collapse]

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