(Picture at the end, carnival followers of Slaanesh)

Title for Ning Yu’s sixteenth video.

Most netizens expected it.

Because there is less violence and killing than usual.

Desire is something that exists everywhere and is pervasive.

Everyone also knows that indulgence will bring about various harms.

But knowing is knowing, and understanding is understanding.

No one is afraid at all!

"Haha, I am willing to indulge in women. Master Ning Yu, you don’t have to persuade me!"

"Is Slaanesh the perfect half in my eyes?"

"I want to see what the perfect partner in my mind looks like!"

"Give up on me! Just let me wallow in the Fortress! I am a rotten wood that cannot be carved!"

"Once a follower of Slaanesh, always a follower of Slaanesh. Whoever speaks ill of our Lord God will make me angry!"

"No matter how terrifying this video by Master Ning Yu is, it cannot shake my faith!"

"Come, come, let’s watch it together, and treat it as the ultimate test of our faith!"

So, netizens around the world clicked on the video with firm belief.

Ning Yu's sincere voice sounded:

"Desire is a gift to mankind, but it is also a curse"

"Don’t lose yourself in illusory desires"

"Belief in Slaanesh can indeed give you supreme pleasure and excitement"

"But it's both heaven and hell"

"Slaanesh's power slowly eats away at your thoughts and sanity"

"It will make you pursue more and more extreme pleasure and excitement"

"And your god Slaanesh, the greedy prince of pleasure, needs these pleasures and stimulations more than you do."

"So no matter what kind of pleasure you create, they will only stay with you for a moment"

"Then like a shooting star that cannot be caught, it is sucked away by Slaanesh"

"And all you are left with is endless emptiness and increasingly unsatisfied desires."

"Gradually, you will become more and more paranoid and crazy."

"Racing wildly on the road to pursue desire and excitement"

"So that your body will have various distortions"

"For example, in order to obtain better visual stimulation"

"Your eyelids will disappear, your eyeballs will be exposed, or even bulge out of the entire eye socket"

"For better auditory stimulation"

"Your auricles will disappear and your ear holes will open like trumpets"

"Even for better tasting food"

"Your tongue becomes elongated and forked"

"And these are just a small part of the variation"

"Ultimately, in order to pursue the ultimate experience in various senses"

"You will become a completely twisted monster"

"Always chase those desires that can never be obtained and satisfied"

"And then commit the most extreme acts."

As Ning Yu explained, a young and beautiful woman appeared in the video.

She was a resident singer in a bar.

With her beautiful singing voice and beautiful appearance, the bar was always full every time the woman sang.

She likes the applause, wine, and praise of those fans.

But it is not enough.

She feels that her stage can be bigger.

Her singing can be more beautiful and attract more people.

But everyone's hobbies are different. Not everyone is the same.

Not everyone goes to the bar, and not everyone likes her singing voice.

No matter how hard the woman tries, she is just a resident singer in a small bar in the city.

But one night, the evil god's voice sounded in the woman's ears. whisper

"Do you long for the ultimate compliment and glory?"

"Do you want your singing voice to mesmerize the whole bar, or even the whole city?"

"Believe in me"

"My power will elevate your singing voice to immeasurable levels"

"So that when others hear your singing, they will be fascinated and frightened……"

The woman's heart was moved.

It is her dream to have everyone fascinated by her.

So, she tremblingly signed a contract with the Whispering Evil God and accepted its blessing.

The next day, it was still in that small bar.

The woman sang a song.

This song, which she had sung countless times, was so ordinary that it could no longer be ordinary. But this time it was so beautiful that it was more intoxicating than all the wine in the bar combined.

Even people passing by outside the bar.

As long as I vaguely hear a sentence,

I will rush into the bar involuntarily and stare blankly at her singing on the stage.

The song is over.

The bar was crowded with people, and there were even citizens standing outside the bar.

They stared blankly at the woman on the stage, marveling at her superb singing skills and voice.

It took a long time before the applause broke out so warmly that it lifted the roof of the bar!

At that moment, the woman fell into extreme pleasure.

She was surrounded by countless flowers, wine, and admiration.

Words of congratulations and admiration flooded her like a tide.

But the thrill of glory soon wore off.

The audience in the audience was still applauding vigorously.

The woman's heart has become extremely empty.

Her heart was filled with greater desires.

No, not enough, this is far from enough!

She needs to sing better and get more applause, flowers, and glory!

(Picture at the end, carnival followers of Slaanesh)

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