This time, the god was equally generous and kind.

It even apologized to the old king.

Because the last magic went wrong, his kingdom suffered bad luck.

So this time, it will provide solutions to the crisis for free:

"Intensification of domestic conflicts can be transferred abroad"

"The Northern Kingdom has ten times your land and wealth."

"More importantly, there is not a single soldier in that kingdom now."

"And your 300,000 troops suffered almost no losses in the previous battles."

"So what are you waiting for?"

"Go and conquer the lands in the north, plunder their wealth, give it to your people, and make your people superior to theirs."

"In this way, all domestic conflicts will completely disappear."

The old king was silent for a long time.

Finally he accepted the god's proposal.

But at the same time, he also felt a little vigilant in his heart.

The old king was very smart.

The death of the priest, the eyes of his only son, and the death of half of the people had already made him realize This god may not be a kind person.

Every step that follows must be taken with extreme caution.

The invasion war went smoothly.

The northern kingdom without soldiers had little resistance and chose to surrender.

To the people, the old king performed very well degree.

He did not grab too much wealth, he just alleviated the conflicts of his own people.

And he did not make his own people superior to others.

But for the royal family of the northern kingdom, the old king went on a killing spree.

He felt that he was the most unstable now. These are the royal families who have lost their prosperous life.

If anyone wants to resist him in the future, it will be them.

As long as he kills them all, his new kingdom can rest easy!

At the same time, the old king requires that the army's loyalty to him be greatly increased..

Even to the point of perversion.

To avoid the possible military rebellion due to the excessive land area.

It must be said that these tactics were used correctly.

After completing the conquest of the Northern Kingdom, the New Kingdom prospered and settled for several years. Years.

That god has never appeared again.

So the old king gradually relaxed his vigilance.

He did not notice the increasingly cold eyes of his only son.

Although he was a prince, everyone was respectful when facing him..

But the grown-up prince can still see the strangeness in the eyes of those people with one eye.

Even when he is sleeping soundly late at night, there will always be whispers in the prince's ears.

There is always a voice. Tell him that his eyeball does not have to be lost.

God gave his father many choices at the beginning.

But the reason why his father finally chose to sacrifice him is because this choice has the lowest cost.

"my dear prince"

"Compared to the whole kingdom, your eyeballs"

"It’s really insignificant, hahahaha!"

I don't know how many times I whispered.

Finally, late one night, the prince stabbed his sleeping father's back with his dagger.

The old king, who woke up from the pain, looked at his son in shock and listened to his resentful roar.

He was weak. He explained everything that had happened.

But the prince, who had been blinded by resentment, stabbed him a second time!

In order to save the entire kingdom, the old king chose to sacrifice his son's eyes.

Finally, he died in the hands of his son.

Chapter 1 The next day, the prince announced that he would inherit the throne and become the new king.

He was satisfied that the entire kingdom was the best compensation for his eye.

But the prince missed one point.

The old king had always strictly required his army to be loyal to him.

However , For some reason, rumors began to spread that this succession to the throne was a murder!

So, a young general who was most loyal to the king quickly assembled his army and attacked the royal capital!

At first, the prince was not worried at all. The man who called for the royal capital The army and the people resisted the invasion together.

But he forgot one thing.

The incident that killed half of the people a few years ago still made the people dissatisfied.

The compensation given by the old king was far from enough to fill their hearts. There was resentment.

So they chose to stand by and watch the royal family dispute.

And the army in the royal capital also chose to stand by after the news began to spread that the old king was murdered by the prince. A few days later, the young general led the army, He easily rushed into the palace and killed the prince. Late at night, on the empty throne, the young general laughed wantonly. His true identity was that he was the only bloodline of the northern kingdom. A few years ago, he was about to be killed by his old man. When the king's soldiers killed him, a god appeared and saved him. He also told him that he could help him change his identity and join the old king's army to report. Only in this way could he escape the old king's big hunt. And the god also told him how to survive in the old king's army. A quick way to advance in the army. The old king appreciates people who are loyal to him. You are loyal to him to the death and ask your subordinates to do the same. The young man did so, so soon, he became a general. Then In the past few days, the gods appeared again and told him that the time for revenge has come. The prince will kill his father and take the throne. And you can lead the army and occupy the palace in the name of revenge for the old king. And as long as you kill the one-eyed prince, you are two The only royal bloodline in the kingdom. When he announced that he had taken over the entire kingdom, there would definitely be a response. Early the next morning, the young general faced his subordinates and the ministers of the kingdom. He announced his true identity and his reasonable inheritance rights to this country! However, The young general also ignored a problem. In order to gain the trust of the old king over the years, he required his subordinates to be loyal to the old king, which was almost abnormal! Seeing the general who once claimed to avenge the old king suddenly betrayed his loyalty and declared himself It was the king. The soldiers under his command were shocked at first, and then angry! They pulled out their swords one after another. In public, they hacked the young general to death! In this way, the royal bloodline of the two countries was severed. There was no winner. The entire The country quickly fell into chaos. Various forces were competing to rise, and you were fighting against me. Wars, conspiracies, and killings were constantly happening in every corner. And the god walked among the endless chaos and gave out a smile of extreme joy! Its stage turns out to be bigger! This ends the eighteenth video. Netizens around the world gasped at the sight:

"Let me go, this conspiracy one after another"

"It burned my brain!"

"The old king thought his measures were effective"

"In fact, he was manipulated by Tzeentch!"

"There isn’t even a winner in the end, it takes them all!"

"But I have to say that this Tzeentch is much better than Khorne and Slaanesh."

"At least it won't make your body distort and mutate into a monster"

"It won't make you lose your mind and turn you into a lunatic."

"But after accepting its help, you will have to use your brain every day for the rest of your life."

"Damn it, I’m so scared every day, trying to guard against this and that, you might as well kill me!"

"Fortunately, Tzeentch should not accept fools like us as its followers."

Some netizens speculated:

"Its focus should be on thoughtful people"

"After all, the higher the IQ, the more you think, and the more fun you have"

"It's no longer fun for stupid and rough people like us if we die immediately."

A person with a careful mind and a high IQ?

People like this all over the world are also meditating at this moment.

God Ning Yu told them clearly in the video.

Belief in Tzeentch can satisfy the original goal.

But in the future, that will You have to be on tenterhooks every day.

And even if you win one or two battles of wits and courage, the final fate is still death!

How can you, a mortal, escape the traps carefully woven by evil gods for you? The more you play, the happier you are. But you are The more you play, the more you die!

Compared to ordinary people, the elites are more afraid of death.

After a few chills, they drank red wine to calm down their shock, while shaking their heads and saying:

This Tzeentch can be trusted, but not easily.

At least the knife is not on his neck, so he can't believe it!

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