(Picture at the end, images of 20 Astartes Legions)

Except for the genetic scientists.

Another group of highly focused people are weapons and equipment scientists.

In Ning Yu's video, each Astartes was wearing heavy armor and holding weapons that had never been seen in this era.

They are tall and have two hearts and three lungs.

His reflexes are also lightning fast, and he can tear enemies into pieces with his bare hands in the blink of an eye.

Unarmed, the Astartes were unstoppable.

But the Emperor equipped them with the best weapons and armor of the age.

Each Astartes wears power armor that covers their entire body.

These powered armors provide them with great protection and mobility.

Ordinary kinetic energy weapons can't even leave scratches on it!

And the armor also has various powerful systems for combat and survival: a micro nuclear-powered backpack as a power source, electronic muscle bundles that can enhance the strength and speed of warriors, including automatic medical treatment, fully sealed constant temperature, oxygen supply, and food supply. life support system.

A combat helmet integrating command communications, environmental monitoring, aiming and ranging, and optical imaging.

As well as magnetic shoes and jet packs that can improve combat efficiency in gravity-free environments such as space, etc.

In terms of weapons, in addition to various chain swords, power axes and other melee weapons.

It will also be paired with plasma weapons, melt weapons, deflagration weapons and other long-range weapons.

Countless military equipment experts enlarged Ning Yu's video to the extreme, watching and discussing it frame by frame.

AsThe equipment on Te's body fascinates them and makes them yearn for it.

Of course, they can't make it.

After a short discussion, the experts gave a preliminary evaluation of the Astartes' combat effectiveness:

The Astartes are war machines armed to the teeth.

For every hundred people, one city can be captured!

Every thousand people can conquer a world!

Every ten thousand people can defeat an entire civilization!

And Ning Yu's subsequent description of their scale was even more shocking:

"As a blade created by the Emperor for the war of unification of mankind"

"The Astartes are not only powerful, they are numerous"

"Due to the difference in the gene-seed received from the original body

"The Astartes were divided into 20 Legions"

"At its peak, each legion had tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people!"

(But this was not realized until much later due to the disappearance of the Primarchs.)

In the video, on the planet Terra, under the light of the rising Holy Empire.

One after another, the Astartes legions passed through the square, and the earth Trembling under their feet.

The Imperial Sky Eagle fluttered above their heads!

Even Ning Yu's voice became extremely heroic:

"The Astartes undergo rigorous combat and psychological training"

"Equipped with the most refined weapons of the human empire"

"Their lifespan is also nearly infinite"

"They are almost immune to disease"

"No one has ever seen an Astartes die of old age"

"They are born for war and will only die in war"

"When you choose to become an Astartes,"

"You have surrendered everything to the Emperor"

"And the emperor's request for you is also very simple."

"Always fight, or always be ready to fight!"

"The final destination of every Astartes is to die on the battlefield."

"And this is the glory they pursue throughout their lives!"

At the end of the video, there is the solemn oath of the Astartes.

They faced the noble emperor and swore the most loyal oath:

"What are your responsibilities?"

"Be loyal to the Emperor's will!"

"What is the Emperor's will?"

"Let us fight to the death!"

"What does death represent?"

"That's our duty!"

(Picture at the end, images of 20 Astartes Legions)

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