(Picture at the end, imperial double-headed eagle)

Controversy among netizens.

Ning Yu can understand.

After all, the Iron Man rebellion caused a huge psychological shadow on everyone. No one wants to experience that feeling of betrayal and falling from the top again. But the Adeptus Mechanicus does have great potential. This potential was particularly evident during times of war. They can turn planets into forge worlds, and then continuously create various machines. And the Emperor knew this very well. So, the thirtieth video, [Treaty of Olympus], makes its debut:

"After the Imperial fleet arrives over Mars"

"The Emperor himself traveled to the surface of Mars to negotiate an alliance with the Adeptus Mechanicus"

"The Emperor and Imperium will recognize the existence, institutions, and beliefs of the Adeptus Mechanicus"

"Allowing it to enjoy control of the world under its command"

"And the Empire can provide the extinct navigators on Mars"

"Allow the Mechanicus to collect technology and knowledge scattered across the galaxy more efficiently"

"But in return,"

"The Adeptus Mechanicus wants to build an expeditionary fleet for the Imperium powerful enough to span the galaxy."

"and provide various weapons and supplies, as well as maintenance"

"As small as daggers, guns, as large as space battleships, etc."

"Moreover, the Cult of Mechanicus is not allowed to dabble in certain forbidden knowledge"

"For example, the top artificial intelligence technology in the golden age,"

"Or some specific technologies involving subspace, etc."

After reading the entire negotiation content, netizens were silent for a moment, and then expressed their opinions:

"It seems that the Emperor is preparing to leave the Adeptus Mechanicus behind."

"Although I am loyal to the Emperor"

"But if I were the Adeptus Mechanicus,"

"I will definitely not agree to such conditions."

"Indeed, this treaty is so unfair"

"The empire just gives a little bit of leadership and then recognizes the status"

"The Adeptus Mechanicus will have to work hard for the Empire and build things?"

"Building a fleet that can conquer the entire galaxy is not a small project at all!"

"And also need to cover after-sales maintenance?"

"If the Adeptus Mechanicus is a little pissy, they will definitely pick up a wrench and start fighting the Imperial Army."

However, what happened next surprised netizens.

The Emperor walked on Mars and showed his bottomless wisdom and power to the Mechanicus.

Those machines that were suspended during the Great Collapse era were After the Emperor put his hand on it, it began to roar and resume operation.

Even the secret passages hidden under the Mars that even the Mechanicus didn't know about, the Emperor knew clearly!

The Mechanicus was shocked.

They began Think that the Emperor is the incarnation of the God of All Machines in the human world!

Otherwise, why would he know so many mechanical principles that even they don't understand?

Know so many deep tunnels under Mars that even they don't know about?

Those ancient and high-tech Their research on machinery has made no progress for centuries!

Only the omnipotent God of all machines, Ohm Messiah, can activate them!

Netizens who saw this became happy:

"Hahahaha, how could I forget this!"

"The Emperor is an immortal who came from ancient times!"

"He also has a huge amount of scientific and technological knowledge!"

"Maybe he even visited Mars during the era of space colonization!"

"Of course you know those machines and secret passages!"

"Hahahaha, a really cool script with the main character!"

"It's comfortable, it's comfortable now."

The ending is as expected by the majority of netizens.

Most of the Mechanicus believers began to worship the Emperor.

But some people were dissatisfied with the terms proposed by the Emperor.

They believed that this hindered the Mechanicum's exploration of technology.

And they did not think that The Emperor is the incarnation of the Ohm Messiah.

I think he is just a warlord who rose from Terra.

But in the end, the negotiations achieved the best result.

The two major powers in the solar system signed a treaty called"Olympus" The alliance treaty.

The alliance between the Empire and the Mechanicus was formed.

The Imperial Sky Eagle also grew a second head and became an Imperial double-headed eagle!

One head represents the empire.

The other one represents the Mechanicus!

(End Pictured, Imperial Double-Headed Eagle)

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