(Picture at the end, Angry Word Bearers)

Until the entire perfect city was completely in ruins.

The Word Bearers in other galaxies were notified.

They hurried back to the planet Kull.

But what greeted them was only rubble and bones.

Beautiful temples collapsed, the emperor's statues were shattered, scriptures with gold threads were burning, and countless corpses of people were bleeding.……

"The reason for all this!!! Lorgar angrily questioned his primarch brother Guilliman.

His Word Bearers legion had even grasped their weapons and prepared to fight to the death with the Ultramarines.

Just when the situation was about to get out of control, the Emperor himself arrived.

He used powerful psychic powers to suppress the Primarch Lorgar and his legionnaires.

He made Lorgar kneel with his warriors in the ruins of the Perfect City, reflecting on their sins!

The Emperor rebuked the Word Bearers Their religious beliefs, and once again denied his own divinity.

He asked Lorgar never to touch the red line of religion in the future, to truly accept the truth of the Empire, and to speed up the Great Crusade.

After completing the punishment, the Emperor took Guilliman and his 13th Legion left.

But the Word Bearers, especially their Primarch Lorgar, did not stand up for a long time.

"Sir, what did we do wrong?"

In the video, a Word Bearer soldier who had just joined the army asked the veteran.

The veteran looked at the emperor's fleet and shook his head:

"I don't know what we did wrong,"

"But I know that the perfect city was razed to the ground,"

"All I know is that our legion has been humiliated,"

"All I know is that we kneel down and watch the destruction of our homeland,"

"I only know how hopeless and humiliating this is!"

At the end of the video, Ning Yu showed a young girl.

She was the only civilian to survive the Perfect City incident.

Her robe was charred and tattered, and her bare feet were bruised and bloody by the debris on the ground.

But the girl just raised her head. , looking up at the tall golden figure in the distance, crying to himself:

"The God-Emperor finally arrived in his holy city,"

"Then he destroyed it,"

"He sends his false angels,"

"Destroyed our home, destroyed our faith"

"In this dusty sky, I witnessed the arrival of God"

"That tall body, that dazzling light, that majestic power"

"I am even more convinced that He is God to us"

"But our God doesn’t love us"

"He spurns us, hates us, destroys us……"

The thirty-fourth video has finally been played.

This video is very long and heavy.

It’s so heavy that netizens around the world can’t breathe. Netizens were divided over the rights and wrongs of the Emperor's punishment. Some netizens feel that the emperor did too much:

"The emperor is so cruel"

"The Primarch is his son, the Astartes are his grandsons"

"I have never seen a father punish his son so severely!"

"It was so heavy that it destroyed his belief in himself, his respect for himself, and countless lives!"

"This will completely break one's mind!"

"And did you see that the power of the Emperor can suppress an entire legion of Space Marines?"

"What is he if not God? He is God!"

"Besides, wouldn’t he offend people by letting the 13th Legion carry out such a mission of destruction?"

"This will definitely cause resentment and even hostility between the two legions!"

"Wouldn't this have a greater negative impact on the Great Expedition?"

However, some other netizens felt that the emperor had done nothing wrong:

"The Emperor had warned Lorgar many times before, but he was stubborn and insisted on having his own way!"

"The Emperor was his father, yes, but he was also the leader of all humanity!"

"How could he allow such religious behavior that violated the truth of the empire to continue to occur?"

"When necessary, you have to be cold-blooded and use thunderous means!"

"If you're wrong, it's Lorgar's fault. The Emperor told you not to believe in gods."

"You directly lead the entire legion to transform the emperor into a god and worship him vigorously. Isn't this seeking death?"

"And Lorgar truly worshiped the Emperor as a god;"

"Then the fulfillment of the Emperor's will should be regarded as the highest mission,"

"Instead of still being lazy about the Emperor's personal order to conquer the galaxy after the Emperor's repeated orders!"

"So, after all, Luo Jia was wrong!"

Ning Yu silently watched the quarrel among netizens.

In fact, what they said all made sense.

But it was not important, because this was not the end, but the beginning.

(Picture at the end, angry Word Bearer)

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