(Picture at the end, Primarch Lorgar)

End of the video.

When Luojia came out of the Eye of Terror, his eyes that originally still had this glimmer of light turned into black holes like abyss.

Netizens looked at this scene and were almost angry to death:


"As the Emperor's son, you have turned to Chaos!"

"You thick-browed traitor!"

"That Erebus is such a fucking bastard, no wonder Ning Yu is so foul-mouthed!"

"Seducing a Primarch with 200,000 Space Marines in his power to turn to the evil god?"

"This crime is too numerous to mention, and the entire empire will remember it!"

"If I have two bullets, one for Lorgar, and the other for this Erebus!"

"Damn it, I'll give Erebus both shots!"

"It's okay, it's okay. Just because Luojia rebelled doesn't mean that his legions will rebel too. It shouldn't be a big problem."

"Indeed, the Astartes loved their genetic father, but they were also loyal to the Emperor!"

"Even Luo Jia is not able to make big waves so easily!"

However, Ning Yu's thirty-sixth video,"Undercurrent", explains in detail how much damage a scheming traitor can cause.

"After leaving the Eye of Terror,"

"Lorgar and Erebus began to execute a huge conspiracy"

"First, they converted all the priests in the Legion who previously preached the divinity of the Emperor into followers of Chaos"

"And then through them, distort the thoughts and loyalty of the entire legion."

"Because of the Perfect City incident, this matter was not very difficult."

"Soon, the entire legion began to fall into the embrace of Chaos, until they all fell."

Seeing this, netizens were so angry that they slapped themselves:

"Okay, okay, I just said that the Word Bearers Legion would not fight back."

"As a result, you immediately slapped my big mouth, right?"

"You don’t need to come, I’ll pump myself!"

"That’s more than 200,000 Astartes!"

"A military force that is enough to destroy the world!"

"So betrayed the empire?"

"But it hurts me so much!"

"It hurt so much that I almost vomited blood!"

Some netizens quickly consoled themselves optimistically:

"Okay, stop slapping yourself."

"Don’t be afraid if one Legion of Astartes turns against you, we still have 17 more!"

"It’s not a big problem, the advantage still lies with us!"

However, Ning Yu seemed to be going against the netizens and continued to explain:

"Though the Word Bearers legion fell,"

"But Luojia knew that compared with the entire empire, they were still too isolated."

"To more easily overthrow the Emperor and bring the glory of the Four Gods to the galaxy"

"The Word Bearers came into close contact with the other Legions Astartes,"

"Test their tone and their loyalty to the Empire"

"Don’t forget, they are word bearers, they are the most eloquent preachers"

"They rely on their innate skills to spread certain ideas to other Astartes in a targeted manner"

"Then try to win over those forces that are not firm enough for the empire to come to your own camp."

Now even those optimistic netizens couldn't hold back anymore:

"OK OK!"

"Word Bearers, this is how you use the genetic advantages the Emperor gave you, right?"

"Even if you have degenerated yourself, do you still want to be like rat shit and spoil the whole pot of porridge? ? ?"

"How unreasonable, how audacious!"

"Damn it, when they destroyed Perfect City,"

"Not only should Luo Jia be blown up to death, you guys should be blown up too!"

However, there are still a handful of netizens who still have confidence:

"It's okay, don't panic, everyone!"

"Don't forget that the Emperor is on board the Great Crusade!"

"With his wise old man, how could he not notice this turbulent undercurrent?"

"See, the Emperor will notice soon!"

"Then he will use powerful spiritual power to burn all traitors and wavers to ashes!"

However, what Ning Yu said next made netizens all over the world lose their guard:

At this critical historical node, the emperor actually left the Great Expedition and returned to his hometown...

(Picture at the end, Gene Origin) Tiloga)

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