(Picture at the end, Erebus and the Cursed Blade)

The thirty-eighth video, [Daven’s Rebellion].

At the beginning of the video, the Primarch Horus leads the 16th Legion and lands on a dry and wild planet.

The time is 945 years of the 30th millennium.

This planet is called Devon.

The intelligent creatures above have evolved to the tribal age.

But in the face of the powerful Sons of Horus, the resistance of the indigenous people was almost negligible.

The battle ended quickly.

Horus led the fleet to continue the expedition.

As for the establishment of the imperial regime on Davin, he left it to his mortal best friend, Governor Eugene Tamba, and the first company commander of the Word Bearers Legion, Kor Phaeron.

The scene in the video at this moment is the 16th Legion flying into space, the governor of the mortal planet waving goodbye on the ground, and the Captain of the Word Bearers Astartes.

Seeing this, netizens said it was bad:

"Isn't there already 25 members of the Word Bearers Legion at this time?"

"It's over now!"

"A mortal with no clue, and a 25-year-old Astartes Captain?"

"I've already seen the future on this planet!"

"Otherwise, why would we call it Davin's Rebellion? If it wasn’t chaos, there would be something wrong!"

However, Ning Yu did not directly announce the future fate of this planet, but the scene turned to a heavily guarded equipment warehouse.

Erebus, the chief priest of the Word Bearers, emerged from the darkness.

His figure was like Ghost opened a treasure box in the deepest part of the warehouse.

Inside the treasure box was a long sword with a weird shape.

The sword was twisted and green pus dripped down, emitting an extremely pungent stench.

It obviously contains power and aura that does not belong to the real world.

Holding up this long sword called the Enemy Blade with both hands,

Erebus let out a thin, ferocious smile:

"The gears of fate have turned,"

"Follow the will of the God of Chaos,"

"The sword will knock down Horus and the false emperor will be overthrown"

"The mantra will come to pass, and chaos will rise from the warp!"

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Even across time, space and screens, netizens were all made restless by Erebas' shrill laughter:

"Is this the guy who concocted a galaxy-level conspiracy? It's really scary!"

"This kid’s sinister eyes will never be learned by us little freshmen in eight lifetimes!"

"It looks like this grandson is going to cause trouble!"

"That sword was oozing with pus and green. I could tell with my naked eye that it was related to the evil god Nurgle!"

"It's far more than that. These grandsons have long lifespans and have spent decades planning their conspiracies."

"So Tzeentch is also involved in this, maybe Khorne and Slaanesh are also involved!"

"Okay, okay, the four gods of chaos are all here to take advantage of humans, right?"

"And it seems that the target of the evil gods is Horus!"

"I don’t know if the Warmaster can save the day, I’m so worried!"

The video continues to play.

The time advances to the 4th year of the 31st millennium, that is, 60 years after the planet Davin was ruled by the Empire.

Warmaster Horus, who was still commanding the Great Crusade among the stars, suddenly received the command of the Word Bearers Legion. Report from Chief Priest Erebus.

Report description:

The mortal governor who was ordered to rule Devon 60 years ago, Eugene Tamba, betrayed the empire.

Now he has become the leader of the rebels entrenched on Devon!

After receiving the report, the war Handsome Horus immediately became furious.

He regarded this rebellion as a stain on the glory of his expedition.

Angrily, he led the fleet to Devon in person.

He wanted to personally eliminate these enemies who dared to betray the empire and make his glory perfect!

However, When the 16th Legion parachuted into Devin again, they found that the planet had undergone drastic changes.

60 years ago, it was dry and desolate, with yellow sand in the sky. But now, it is full of smelly swamps and dark forests! And!

What awaits them on the surface are not ordinary rebels.

Instead, they are a group of carrion-like monsters with weirdly twisted limbs!

These monsters are obviously mutated from the residents of Devon.

They can withstand much more damage than mortals.

Also They can exert much more power than mortals.

They can even break out extremely difficult viral plagues.

The Astartes of the 16th Legion are fine because of their genetic modification. But the mortal auxiliary army behind them , but suffered huge losses!

A strange green smoke drifted past, and patches of mortal armies fell, but before their comrades could bury their bodies.

These guys had also turned into those twisted monsters, heading towards more The living people pounced!

The wild planet Devon, which was once easily captured, brought huge trouble to the 16th Legion just sixty years later. And a bigger conspiracy was waiting for their leader. (Picture at the end, Erebus and the Cursed Blade)

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