(Picture at the end, Magnus and the Thousand Sons Legion)

Seeing that the plans of Chaos and Horus were not airtight, netizens around the world breathed a sigh of relief:

"Look, I said there is no airtight wall in this world!"

"Horus and the evil gods, you didn’t expect it! ?"

"We have psykers too!"

"And he is also a powerful Primarch!"

"Hehe, did you reveal your secret?"

"When I stared into the abyss, I discovered that my brother was chatting with the abyss!"

"As long as Arch Scholar Magnus reports the news to the Emperor"

"Just one Horus is not a problem at all, even if you add the 16th Legion under him!"

"You must know that the great Emperor once suppressed the entire Word Bearers Army alone. It was extremely powerful!"

"But how was Magnus going to notify the Emperor?"

"He is also on the expedition, so he should be quite far away from Terra."

"This is not simple. Aren’t there astropaths in the fleet for interstellar communication?"

"If that doesn't work, just take the spaceship and go back physically to convey the information. After all, this matter is more important than the Great Expedition!"

Ning Yu's next 42nd video also gave everyone great confidence.

The title was [A phone call shocked the world].

Netizens were very excited when they saw it:

"Look, Brother Ma is about to call!"

"The war commander betrayed and raised troops, this phone call was indeed earth-shattering!"

"I know the next plot without even thinking about it."

"After receiving the news, the Emperor went on a personal expedition, and Horus was slapped and flew two miles away."

"Yes, yes, by the way, we’ll also find those 25 guys from the Word Bearers."

"Then the Great Crusade went smoothly and mankind unified the galaxy."

"Eventually the Emperor retired from the Empire, eliminating the consequences of worshiping him."

"Listen, how pleasant it all is"

"Indeed, the people above know HappyEnd."

The longings of netizens are very beautiful, and the beginning of the video is indeed like this:

"The leader of the entire expeditionary fleet actually betrayed the Empire."

"Shocked, Magnus immediately summoned his men for a secret meeting"

"The top priority now is, of course, to report this matter to the Emperor on Terra."

"But the Chaos Gods obviously don’t want Magnus to do this."

"As a result, the subspace storm struck violently again"

"Whether it is subspace navigation or interstellar communication by astropaths, it has become an impossible thing."

"However, this does not trouble Magnus"

"Because as early as his childhood, he had used psychic power to communicate psychically with the Emperor far away on Terra."

"Now all I have to do is do it again"

"Although the subspace storm makes this extremely difficult"

"But don't forget, Magnus was the most powerful psyker among the Primarchs,

"This talent was also passed on to his Thousand Sons Legion, many of whom were powerful psykers."

"He just needs to gather the power of all the psykers in the Legion, plus himself,"

"Then harness the power of the Warp to cast a powerful psychic point-to-point communication spell"

"This news can be reported to the emperor in the fastest and most reliable way."

At the end of the video, the Thousand Sons warriors wearing red power armor gathered in the square on the planet Prospero.

They gathered their psychic powers and handed them over to their genetic father, Magnu. Si.

Then Magnus fired this white light, which was more dazzling than the sun, into the subspace.

Looking at the bright light, netizens stood up and applauded:

"This is a great phone call, Xiao Ma, it’s like a ray of hope!"

"Actually, I quite like this kind of plot."

"The Chaos God and the Word Bearer have countless calculations,"

"After decades and hundreds of years of planning, and even using the life of the entire planet as bait, they still fell short in the end!"

"Ha ha! I like this plot too!"

"I think the next episode will be the great emperor’s personal expedition!"

"Yes, I suggest that this be the title of Ning Yu’s next episode!"

"The great emperor's charioteer marches in person!"

(Picture at the end, Magnus and the Thousand Sons Legion)

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