(Picture at the end, the betrayed Primarchs)

Nothing major happened during the day, except for the arrival of a large mysterious force from a base in the Middle East.

The whole world is as usual, peaceful with a little noise.

In sharp contrast is the future destiny of the empire.

A dark cloud of conspiracy called betrayal has shrouded the entire human empire.

The time has not yet come, and everyone has gathered on the website of [The Other Side of Humanity], and started discussing with worries:

"I think everything is ready, Bald He will take action directly next step."

"No, his strength is still a bit weak."

"The power in the hands of Horus, apart from the original Legion of Word Bearers,"

"As well as the survivors of the Thousand Sons teleported into the Eye of Terror,"

"That is, the 16th Legion in his own hands"

"There are still 15 Primarchs in the hands of the Empire, as well as the Legion of Astartes in their hands."

"If the war starts in a hurry, there won't be enough juice for him to eat."

"So I think Horus’s next plan is to bring other Primarchs into his camp."

"This thing is not easy to do, but with the talents of Bald War Commander He and the help of subspace, it is really difficult to say……"

In everyone's worried discussion.

Ning Yu went online as planned and updated the 49th video:

【Divided Legion].

The video begins with Ning Yu whispering:

"The ending of the Battle of Prospero is what Chaos and Warmaster Horus most want to see."

"Perhaps the only point of dissatisfaction is that the Space Wolves were not destroyed along with the Thousand Sons."

"But it's not much different"

"The Thousand Sons Legion is the legion that Chaos fears the most."

"The psychic Astartes are the natural enemies of the Chaos Daemons"

"Now that Chaos and Horus have not been allowed to take action, the Empire itself has killed the Thousand Sons to pieces."

"Horus was very satisfied, very very satisfied"

"He could finally proceed with his next plan with confidence and boldness."

"As a warmaster with a very high understanding of war, Horus certainly knew that he was outnumbered.

"Therefore, he first talked with several of his closest Primarch brothers."

"Don't be surprised, the Primarch is human too,"

"They also have their own likes, dislikes and close friends"

"And because of their different growth environments, their personalities are also very different."

"If the Emperor hadn't been suppressing the expedition fleet before, the Primarchs might have started fighting over their discord."

"Now all Horus had to do was whisper in the ears of his friends and the help of the Chaos Gods"

"It was enough to draw many Primarchs into his camp."

In the screen, Ning Yu gave the names of those legions that were cast aside by the empire in later generations.

The first one was the 17th Legion Word Bearers and their original body Lorgar.

The second one was the 16th Legion Horus. The Sons of the Emperor, and their primarch Horus.

The third, the Emperor's Sons of the 3rd Legion, and their primarch Fulgrim.

The fourth, the World Eaters, the 12th Legion, and their primarch Angron.

The fifth one is the Death Guard of the 14th Legion and their original body Mortarion.

The sixth one is the ill-fated Thousand Sons of the 15th Legion who were forced to rebel.

On the screen, one by one appears The avatar of the Primarch.

Netizens around the world were angry and shocked at the same time!

"Oh my god, 6 legions?"

"This bald guy is good at instigating rebellion, he should be a headhunter!"

"Were you convinced so easily? The will of these Primarchs is not that good either!"

"Damn it, except Qianzi’s betrayal, everything else deserves to be damned!"

"Well, um, actually I think the Word Bearers are quite forgivable.……"

The speeches of the two netizens above were immediately criticized by everyone:

"Your attitude is wrong!"

"This is not a matter of understanding or not, betrayal is betrayal!"

"When they decide to renounce allegiance to the Emperor and the Imperium, they are nothing but traitors!"

"Could it be that the sharp weapons in their hands would not kill loyal Imperial soldiers because of extenuating circumstances?"

"These people are all sinners of the human empire!"

"And what they will do next will definitely make people and gods angry, and heaven and earth will be punished!"

(Picture at the end, the betrayed Primarchs)

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