Reborn Tycoon Rise

Chapter 77 Disneyland

Despite the impact of the first oil crisis, Americans still love cars with extremely large displacements. How big are they? The SUV that Xu Zhi and others were sitting in weighed 3 tons and had a 7.0-displacement V8 engine (that was what old American cars were like at that time, and oil was cheap). When you step on the accelerator, you feel a strong push on your back. Fortunately, this is not Germany, so there are still limitations. Set the rules quickly, otherwise...

It's already spring in March, and the temperature here in Los Angeles is slightly cooler. It's the best time to go out for travel. Even if you do activities like mountain climbing, you won't be out of breath from the heat.

Disneyland, located southeast of downtown Los Angeles, is the world's first Disneyland and the second largest comprehensive park in the world.

Founded in 1955, it owns eight theme parks including Main Street, Adventureland, New Orleans Square, Animal Kingdom, Pioneer Land, Mickey's Toontown, Fantasyland and Future Kingdom.

Still the same sentence: money can buy time.

Xu Zhi and Robson were a group of about ten people. They bought VIP tickets directly and entered the park through a special VIP channel. Otherwise, they would have had to queue for more than half an hour just at the gate, let alone go inside. Various entertainment venues can also avoid unnecessary queuing time.

Spending thousands of dollars and saving hours of boring time waiting in line was a very good deal for Robson and Xu Zhi.

As soon as she entered the park, Lin Siqi took out a small bottle of Coke and drank it directly.

"Did you bring food in?" Xu Zhi said instinctively, then came back to his senses and asked Robson: "Can we bring food into Disney?"

Robson nodded and said: "Of course, but some food with a strong smell is not allowed to be brought indoors, and littering is absolutely not allowed. The garbage here is classified, and littering is absolutely not allowed.

Just like a bottle of Coke, if you haven't finished drinking it, you are not allowed to throw it away directly. You must pour the drink into a special sewer before throwing it into the trash can. And the trash cans are also classified. In this regard, Disney is even better than outside. Yan, if you are caught throwing it by mistake, you will be fined hugely. Didn't we see a big green sign just before we came in? There is an article about this in it. "

Xu Zhi also remembered that before coming in, there was indeed a billboard placed on the road where the group passed before buying tickets, but Xu Zhi didn't pay attention to it. Even if it was in Chinese, he didn't bother to read it.

"I see." Xu Zhi also understood. This is the United States after all. He was too cowardly to even force his bag to be searched.

Disneyland is like a woman’s breasts. The purpose of its existence is for children. The ones who have the most fun are always adults!

As the world's only large-scale animation park, Disneyland is a dating destination for all single women on the West Coast of the United States. It has an adventure park that tests men's courage, and also has the dreamy Mickey Cartoon City.

The design here has never been just for children. Although children are easy to make money, great capitalists never mind having too much money. Adults are also a huge consumer group.

Xu Zhi and his group do not have children. Although Lin Siqi has three girls, the real decision-makers are Xu Zhi and Robson.

Robson comes from a military family, and his father also participated in the Battle of Midway. What this kind of person likes most is adventure. Naturally, he came to Disney not for romance.

The most exciting games in amusement parks are naturally the Ferris wheel, high-speed roller coaster or bungee jumping, and Disneyland has all three.

Robson led everyone to the Ferris wheel. His assistant had bought tickets in advance. Different from ordinary Ferris wheels, Disney's one was not only huge, but also had a huge portrait of Mickey on it, giving it a more dreamlike fairy tale atmosphere. , usually girls or children, once they see Mickey, they probably won’t be afraid anymore.

Robson said loudly: "Everyone line up together and take a group photo. Madam stands in the front, and Eric (Xu Zhiying) you also stand in the front."

Xu Zhi: “…………”

There is no way. Although Xu Zhi is a little over 1.7 meters tall, he is really short compared to Caucasians. In this area, where women are not even 1.7 meters tall, only Yao Ming can come back.

The photographer actually used a Fuji camera. The Drunken Master that Xu Zhi shot a few months ago also used a Fuji camera. But this is the United States, the home of Kodak, the largest camera brand in the United States, but the RB brand is still as slow as a moth. Slow penetration.

The 1970s was the golden age when Japanese goods hit the U.S. market. Automobiles, steel, and electronic products came in waves. Even if the U.S. government increased taxes and anti-dumping many times, children who relied on policy protection would never grow up. , even if he survived, he would only be the "overlord" of a lake and would not dare to swim into the sea.

In the film era, before the advent of Polaroids, there was no way to directly see the image. After taking a few pictures, everyone lined up to wait to enter the Ferris wheel.

Xu Zhi smiled at Lin Siqi and said, "Have you ever ridden on such a big Ferris wheel?"

Lin Siqi shook her head and said, "No, I have ridden a Ferris wheel in Xiangjiang before, but it was much smaller than this one. Then I went to the UK, and there are similar ones there, but I have never been there."

Xu Zhi smiled and said, "Don't be afraid when you go up."

Lin Siqi said: "I'm not afraid."

The Ferris wheel is actually nothing. The roller coaster behind it is the real excitement. For players who like to play roller coasters, Disneyland in Los Angeles is the real holy land. It has a complete 360-degree rotation. I don’t know what principle is used. The moment it starts, the feeling of pushing back is far stronger than that of an ordinary sports car.

The total duration of the entire roller coaster was 2 and a half minutes, which didn't feel long, but after getting off the top, Xu Zhi felt that his legs were shaking. He sat on the bench for a long time before recovering. Fortunately, he went to the toilet before. Otherwise it would be hard to say what the situation would be like now.

Lunch was eaten at a large hotel inside Disney. The price is a bit of a rip-off for ordinary middle-class people, but for Robson it is just a drop in the bucket. He doesn’t care about price, only cares about quality. For him, he has already achieved financial success in the hotel. free.

In the afternoon, the more exciting thing is yet to come. The first project is the jumping machine, or weightless elevator.

The principle is very simple, that is, in an elevator hundreds of meters above the ground, waiting for the elevator to fall freely, you can enjoy the feeling of weightlessness for more than ten seconds (it is not completely weightless, please take a detour, please, mathematician).

It's just that it doesn't matter. The key problem is that it is surrounded by transparent glass, which is so refreshing...

As for the rest, there are haunted houses, scary elevators, clowns and demons and other projects. In short, on the first day, Xu Zhi and others were almost scared out of their wits.

The process in the next few days is very simple, and Robson is also very polite. There are 8 theme parks, and you can only visit 2 each day. You will also stay in a hotel within Disney, so you can enjoy the unique scenery at night.

It wasn't until the afternoon four days later that a group of people returned to Los Angeles exhausted.

PS: I am an Orange Cat loser. I have never been to Disney, let alone American Disney in the 1970s. Please forgive me for any mistakes.

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