Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 413 Can I put the gun down? (Second update)

"What about Caizi's injuries?"

"In addition to the little finger, four toes are broken, the talus, metatarsal..."

"To put it bluntly, I am not the only one in this situation, and other doctors in Maibara City have nothing to do."

"It's best to go to a big hospital in Otsu City for treatment and surgery."

"Otsu City." Tamaki closed his eyes and pondered, thinking about all kinds of things related to Otsu City.

Otsu City is the seat of the government office in Shiga Prefecture. In the local counties of the island country, all high-quality resources are basically concentrated in the office seat. As far as Otsu City is concerned, with a population of more than 300,000, there are more than a dozen hospitals, two to three hundred clinics, and a few universities in the county are also established in Otsu City.

"I know a doctor in this area of ​​Otsu City. If you don't mind, I can contact you, Dean Yumu." The old doctor found the letter of introduction from the drawer.

With a letter of introduction issued by a personal doctor like him, he can get a certain amount of care in a large hospital.

"That's a real inconvenience to you."

Yumu nodded and said, "As long as it can be cured."

"If it is completely cured, it will be a bit difficult." In front of an old acquaintance like Yumu, it is meaningless to boast that Haikou can be cured 100%, so it is better to tell the truth, "She can only be cured after the operation. After resting, you still have to avoid strenuous activities.”

Leaving the consulting room, Yumu immediately put on a bad face, while Xiao Caizi raised her head and looked at the dean without saying a word.

Her eyes can reveal a lot of information.

Stretching out his finger and tapping on Caizi's forehead, Tamaki said in an impatient tone: "This is your favorite thing. You don't have to go to school for leave. Come with me to Otsu City for surgery."

Hearing that she could ask for a leave of absence from school for a few days, Ayako just forced a difficult smile on her face.

It's fine for kids to take time off work, but taking time off to go to the hospital turns a fairy tale into a horror movie in no time.

Back in the car with Caizi in his arms, the resolute Tamaki immediately prepared to go to Otsu City, which is a journey of seventy to eighty kilometers. The whole journey is by road, and he will arrive soon.

With a snort, the old car was ready to embark on its own journey again. Sitting in the driver's seat, Yumu called Ang.

"Tonight, the bear boy in the orphanage will be handed over to you. I'm going to take Caizi to Otsu City to have a look. If you need anything, just call me."

"En." Mi Yuan Angmu agreed in a calm manner.

"Miss Takahashi, do you want to go together too?" Tamaki asked Poor Takahashi in the back seat. From Yonehara to Otsu, he had to pass through several cities along the way.

The influence of the Transcendent War in Shiga County is still there, and there are still a group of officials from the government patrolling and guarding, if they are stopped on the road for interrogation.

"I'll stay in Yonehara for now."

"Sister Angel..."

Takahashi caressed the hairpin on Caizi's head pitifully: "It will be fine soon, I will wait for you in the orphanage."

Caizi was lying on the rear glass of the car, her two big eyes were watching the white angel blowing away in the wind.

"Little Caizi." The dean's terrifying voice sounded sinister, "Tell the dean about the matter between you and poor Miss Takahashi!"



Maibara City, Xi Township.

A pair of red eyes lurk in the darkness, watching a man walk straight into the business hall of the town.

Wearing the uniform of an ordinary club, he looks very ordinary, just a man who will not attract others' attention, like most of the common people.

"Excuse me, I want to get a contract machine."

"Hey, I see."

The female staff looked at the man who came to handle it suspiciously.

The man's eyes were straight and his expression was stiff. He was obviously talking to her, but it always made people feel that he was looking at something that didn't exist.

Absent-minded, over-stressed.

Just like those defecating suspects in movies and TV dramas, isn't that the straight look in their eyes when nervously looking at others!

If he meets the eyes of this kind of mental prisoner, his target of murder will become himself, and he can't look at each other, can't look at each other.

This is a murderer, absolutely!

Lowering his head to hide his panic, the staff member said tremblingly, "A Macintosh?"


"Should I pay in one lump sum or in installments..."

The nationals of this country handled the contract machine very quickly, and the staff was also very frightened by this man, their feet were like wind, and their hands were snapping to enter information, wishing that he would hurry up and walk away with the mobile phone.

Amid the relieved panting of the staff, the man walked out of the business hall with his newly purchased mobile phone in his pocket, and the sound of the door closing immediately came from behind him.

The stunned man turned around and turned into the alley without realizing it, and came out of the alley after half a minute.


After walking a few steps on the street, the bright sun shone on his body, and he rubbed his eyes as if waking up from a dream.

This isn't He Sagawa, why is he here? Didn't he want to go fishing by the river while his boss was away and the task was not heavy?

Just now, in the short time just now, he seemed to have experienced something, but his brain seemed to have forgotten this experience.

"Strange, what's going on?" The man patted the Tianling Gai with his palm, just like when he was a child at his grandma's house to "violently beat and repair" the snowflake problem at the TV festival.

"Daytime dreams, sleepwalking?"

Thinking of such a terrible thing as sleepwalking during the day, the man screamed and ran away.

"Beep beep."

Withdrawing Sharingan, Takahashi pitifully held the mobile phone obtained by a "smart" method, and recalled dialing a series of Sendai phone numbers.

Sendai city.

"Beep beep."

In a bright and tense office, the personal mobile phone on the table suddenly rang.


Bai Shiliao's voice rang through the phone.

There are too many things to worry about in the past few days, and the foundation of the Baishi family has reached the threat of extinction at any time.

When he was really faced with countless bad things, Shiraishi Liao realized how talented his father was back then, and also understood how terrible the bomb his father Shigenobu left for him.

This bomb almost blows him to pieces.

"it's me."

Takahashi's pitiful voice rang through the phone.

"Big, my lord!"

The tone of Bai Shiliao's voice instantly rose, and his throat became tense and narrowed.

"Hi, yes, I understand, hey, yes, I look forward to returning to Sendai anytime!"

Putting down the phone, Shiraishi swallowed his saliva.

He took a few deep breaths and faced the opposite sofa, his eyes filled with flattery.

In Baishi's body, the natural aristocratic atmosphere formed by being pampered since childhood can no longer be seen: "It's the call from Takahashi, she is still alive."

Desperate like a dog in the water.

"We understand, Mr. Shiraishi, you cooperated very well."

Baishi Liao was about to cry, his life was either in Takahashi's pitiful hands, or he was being held at gunpoint by the government, when did their chaebol family have such no face.

"May I... put the gun down?"

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