Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 553 I am not, I am not (second more)

The huge sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara plus the surrounding area of ​​Mount Fuji is larger than Tokyo in terms of area. Coupled with the rugged terrain, it is not possible to search in one day. Moreover, it is impossible for soldiers to search at dangerous nights, which is too inefficient.

It is a good thing to meet a talkative ghost monk this time. If you encounter a bad-tempered evil god, this group of soldiers should not even think about coming back.

The identity of the ghost monk has also been roughly ascertained, and he is suspected to be a mage who specializes in suppressing the hundred-eyed ghosts.

In the legends of ghosts and ghosts in the island country, there is naturally a class of monsters with hundreds of eyes. As for whether they are imported or local, no one knows.

According to legend, thousands of years ago, there was a hundred-eyed ghost who caused harm to the world, and was subdued by a mage and monk. In order to prevent the hundred-eyed ghost from gathering a hundred eyes and transforming into a demon king, the mage simply destroyed his own eyes and only made the hundred-eyed ghost's eyes stuck at ninety. Eight, unable to complete the transformation, and finally sealed it with Buddhist incense!

This mysterious ghost monk might be the sorcerer who once sealed the Hundred Eyed Ghost. Even after death, he still guards the seal with obsession. This kind of spirit is enough to make Heisei trash cry.

The identity of the ghost monk is still being confirmed, and the expert team worked around the clock without sleep. A group of people surrounded Smith, using scalpels and various instruments to recite the "rebirth mantra".

The death of science can bring the efficiency of scientific and technological progress to mankind.

"Look at his muscle texture, it's really nice, oh, I mean, I would like to have this kind of muscle."

"This kind of low body fat rate is an anatomical problem."

"If you have this kind of physique, never ask a doctor to perform an operation in the future."

Being surrounded by a group of people, for Smith, was the time when he was suspected of stealing money in elementary school and was punished to stand in class. However, Smith, who was lying on the bed, seemed to sense the crowd watching at close range, and his left eyelid unconsciously bounced.

The movement is weak, but it is very eye-catching in the dead silence.

The nearest expert stopped moving, and his throat moved up and down unconsciously.

The expert who was thinking about how to do it yelled, and jumped back like a ghost: "He, he is resurrected!"

It looks like a constipated expression on his face, but in fact, he is so frightened that feces and urine are rushing out, and the lab coat can't hold it.

Humans are highly evolved animals, unlike fish and shrimps, even after death, the tissues of body parts will respond under the traction of nerves.

So, how can someone's eyelids tremble even after being almost cut off in the middle?

Coupled with being in a laboratory at night, this is a perfect horror movie.

"Corpse, corpse, no, it's Smith Smith, he's resurrected?!"

"Damn it! He's sitting up!"

"My God! His intestines are exposed!"

"The liver also fell out, it was too scary, I couldn't take it, I couldn't take it."

"Fuck! He ate caviar last night? Is this still served in the army?"

"He shoved it back, he shoved it all back."

If it weren't for the picture on the screen, just listening to the expert's words would make people confused. Those who didn't know would think they were discussing some movie plot, but seeing Smith who really sat up from the bed, everyone was confused. I wish I could open my mouth wide and eat myself in one bite.

"The resurrection of the dead?!"

"It can't be a fake death. It has been tested. There is no possibility of fake death. Indeed, there are no ecological signs. Is he really resurrected from the dead?"

Judging by any circumstances, Smith is not only dead, but his whole body has become cold after such a long time, even earthworms can't do anything about it, and he can still react like this, not resurrection.

The words "resurrection of the dead" struck the hearts of everyone present.

This is indeed the resurrection of the dead, and it cannot be faked.

Was it that the mysterious ghost monk made a mistake when attacking, and didn't completely kill the black light?

Or is it not Smith who was resurrected, but a monster that has been transformed by black light?

But if this is really the resurrection of the dead, even in the present when the extraordinary appear frequently, this is the well-deserved first discovery, the most important discovery!

Because it is really thorough and involves the most essential desire of human beings.

Resurrection, immortality, from the Egyptian pharaoh to the modern freezer, today finally appeared the entity!

It's a straight ball that can't be straighter, it can't be avoided, and it hits everyone's brain.

On the other side of the earth, the Grand Commander, who was lying on the bed to catch up on his sleep during the day, woke up faintly.

The assistant stood respectfully by the side, waking up the most powerful man in the world while he was sleeping, thinking about it was a little exciting.

As a successful rich three-generation businessman, the commander-in-chief's spirit has always been good.

"What happened? Persia is at war?"

The commander-in-chief is worried about a lot of things now, such as the new round of elections in the near future, a group of opponents released too much black information about him, these black materials are simply a joke, what if I spend my own money, I am not allowed to be born rich ?

And I don't look at the things you have done before. If you show it, all of you will go too far than me. For example, a former general can earn tens of millions of dollars with a book, so don't make it too obvious.

"It's Smith..."

"That black guy?" The commander's memory is not bad, and he can still remember such a tacky name.

"Yes, he, he is resurrected."

The commander instantly regained his energy, and got up from the bed with his eyes wide open.

The general election is only a few years away, and the resurrection may be an event that lasts forever.

The eyes from the other side of the ocean turned to the laboratory, and all eyes were on the power that could determine the lives of millions or billions of people.

Smith stared at his surroundings numbly for a few seconds, his mind was still a little unclear, recalling what happened before he passed out.

The pain that seemed to be severed in the middle made Smith wake up. Even if he was immortal, the piercing pain made him unable to stop howling.

But it is only the most basic undead body, death is only once for anyone, and there will be no next experience.

"I..." Smith looked at the blood-drenched lower body. With just such a glance, the big black man almost fainted.

He didn't have blood sickness, and he wouldn't be dizzy because of puddles of blood, but he still had a normal sense of fear. Anyone who saw his lower body was almost completely cut off must not be able to accept it for a while.

"I am dead?"

"Or am I not dead?"

Smith's tone was erratic, looking at the familiar faces around him, the scenes in science fiction movies didn't look like hell or heaven.

Could it be that these mythical places have also experienced the industrial revolution and scientific revolution?

"I have no problem with my wound." Smith foolishly pawed at his stomach.

"You guys saved me?"

It's not a good experience to be stared at by a resurrected living dead.

Several experts shook their heads desperately and waved their hands hastily.

"I'm not! I'm not!"

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