Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 719: Patricide (4,000 words)

"Old man, I'm back." Mizuno Soichiro yelled rudely after entering the door, it was already after midnight.

My grandson Liang asked with concern: "Is this okay? It's one o'clock in the morning."

"It's okay, no matter how soundly the old man sleeps, he will wake up when he hears my voice... Hey! Old man! Old man!"

Soichiro Mizuno yelled several times, but he became irritable when he still didn't get a response. He patted my grandson Ryo's shoulder and smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, Brother Inuyang, I'm going to make the old man wake up now." Make us some hangover soup."

His cursing appearance made my grandson very disdainful. How did such a guy give birth to such an excellent son as Mizuno Sora?

Either the gene was mutated, or Mizuno Sora had been replaced with a soul.

But what does other people's affairs have to do with me? My grandson Liang is not a righteous person with a strong sense of justice.

My grandson leaned slightly against the wall and watched Soichiro Mizuno enter the small room, but within a few minutes, a scream almost pierced the eardrums, but the scream stopped halfway, which was very abrupt.

It was as if Mizuno Soichiro grabbed his neck with his hands, covered his mouth and strangled his voice.

"What's the matter? Big Brother Mizuno." My grandson Liang walked slowly towards the small room with light steps, which didn't match his weight of more than two hundred catties.

"He he he he!!"

Soichiro rolled and crawled on the ground like a dog in the water, all the way to the door of the small room and hugged my grandson Liang's leg: "Dead, dead, he is dead?!"

"Dead?" My grandson Liang walked a few steps, his fat and gentle face became serious in an instant.

I saw an old man lying on the tatami, covered with a thin quilt, his face covered with age spots was pale and frightening, my grandson Liang has the technology of corpse identification, just looking at it, I can probably confirm that the old man died at least 20 years ago. As long as four hours, if real people use scientific technology to test, maybe the death time can be extended a little longer.

In other words, Mizuno Soichiro has not paid attention to his father's life and death for a long time...

What a jerk!

"What to do, he's dead, what to do." Soichiro Mizuno woke up from the alcohol, shaking off the smell of alcohol all over his body.

"Don't panic." My grandson acted calmly like an undertaker who has dealt with such situations many times, "Contact the hospital and the undertaker first, and then report to the community..."

Hearing my grandson's suggestion, Soichiro Mizuno shook his head frantically: "No, no, absolutely not, absolutely not to report."


"Don't you understand?" Mizuno Soichiro turned around and knelt in front of his father like a dutiful son, "If he reports to the police, he will die!"

"Dead? But he's dead now."

"It's the kind of death that has been canceled, and I can no longer receive a pension. How do you want me to live without a pension? Have you sold the house?" Mizuno Soichiro snorted coldly, not expecting that he just recognized The brother was so puzzled, "I won't sell the house until the last step, unless the other party gives me a lot of money."

"Successful people like you don't understand that without a pension, we social moths can't survive in a cruel world."

Dazed for a moment, the back of my grandson Liang's head felt slightly chilled.

I understand that as a member of a special institution, the dark side of society that my grandson Ryo has come into contact with is beyond what Soichiro Mizuno can imagine, and what Soichiro Mizuno is going to do, my grandson Ryo knows very well.

My grandson looked at Soichiro Mizuno in surprise: "Then you want it?"

"Yes! He's not dead yet, he's alive and well!" Soichiro Mizuno covered the old man with a quilt, "The pension still needs to be paid out on time, when he really dies."

"Tomorrow is when the return visitors will come, and it is very easy to deal with them. Anyway, they never check carefully, and they are just going through the motions." Mizuno Soichiro looked a little nervous, "I just need to say that the old man went out to find friends. Fool it, anyway, the capitalists and the state have so much money, it doesn’t matter if you give me more.”

While talking about it, Soichiro Mizuno groped in the room, he found the hidden compartment under the tatami and pulled it open.


It's a small storage space.

This is a measure that many old houses have, but it is generally used to store banknotes or precious gold and silver jewelry.

Now it is empty inside, and the money is estimated to have been consumed long ago.

"Brother Quan Yang, please come and help us, we will fold this old man in...Anyway, cheating on pensions is not a big problem, and I didn't kill the old man, so it doesn't matter if he is found out."

No, you will be punished for this.

My grandson Ryo said silently in his heart, but he still helped Soichiro Mizuno.

Sentence for breaking the law is very far away from him. He is only performing official duties, and it is inevitable that he will make some small mistakes for official duties during the execution.

Seeing that the brother he had just met was so understanding and reasonable, Soichiro Mizuno was moved to tears.

In the cramped room, the black shadows of the three people stretched infinitely, and the voices of Xixisuo kept rubbing against each other. As the secret compartment was covered, a crime seemed to have been covered up on the surface.

After doing all this, Soichiro Mizuno let out a long breath, and sat on the ground slumped on the ground, exhausted of all his strength.

My grandson Ryo has always been on guard against the attacks of Mizuno Soichiro. After doing evil things together, it is not uncommon for people around him to suddenly kill the killer. However, Soichiro does not know whether it is pure pitifulness or cowardly, and he did not show the slightest attack impulse.

Perhaps in his mind, this is just an insignificant matter, and it is not enough to kill people around him just because of a trivial matter.

"thanks, thanks."

If the two were still superficial brothers when they were drinking, now after doing something wrong, they feel like they are developing into like-minded people.

"You're welcome...these are small things..."

"But... this is really..."

My grandson smiled brightly, pretending to deliberately change the topic: "You are the only one in such a big house now, brother Mizuno, do you really live separately from your son?"

When people are extremely nervous, they will keep releasing when they catch a little bit of venting. Soichiro Mizuno, who was very resistant to talking about his wife and children while drinking, finally let go of himself and chattered about everything about Sora Mizuno.

He also wanted to change the topic. Although his conscience was gone, his head still knew what should be done and what should not be done.

Brother Quan Yang is a good person who can be assured, and he has done "good things" with him, and now the two are grasshoppers on the same rope.

"That's right, your son is a doormat at school, and he can't speak..."

"Hasn't he learned the way of swordsman?"

"Ah, I just thought of it suddenly... so he still has this habit?"

"The character is very cowardly, it doesn't look like you were born?"

Soichiro Mizuno was sitting cross-legged on the dark shelf, a middle-aged man was talking about his young son on the corpse of his elderly father.

My grandson Liang nodded repeatedly after hearing this. There is a limit to intelligence work. Sure enough, only the parties involved know about some secrets.


My grandson Liang pursed his lips and pinched his thigh with his right hand.

Shimoshima Kiyomi's inspiration is indeed correct, there is something wrong with Mizuno Sora.

Or, is he still Mizuno Sora?

Soichiro would also warmly welcome my grandson Liang to stay overnight, but my grandson Liang is not big enough to live with the dead.

Summarize the information obtained from Soichiro, and then connect with the previous doubts.

My grandson Liang's heart was pounding, he felt like a traveler walking in a dark and deep tunnel, groping in the dark, advancing in the dark, and after turning around seven times, he finally saw... no, he smelled the sun , After the sun suddenly shines, it must be a brand new world.

After a night in the magical reality, he turned back into a little person lurking in the city and stalked forward.

There was a slight breeze in Tokyo last night, and it was particularly cool in the morning. Office workers and students ran on the ramp, and there were also elderly people who came out to exercise early in the morning. My grandson Liang is no different from thousands of others.

"The master is coming out soon, the time is up."

"It's the master!"

However, when my grandson Liang was walking slowly, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look to the other side. Why is there a crowd gathering early in the morning? Although this is not within the scope of my grandson Liang’s mission, he still Pay attention to observe a few more times.

The crowd gathered was a detention center in the North District. The detention center held criminal suspects who had not yet been prosecuted. The management was loose, and it was probably comparable to the detention center in Huaguo.

Within 48 hours, the police station will hand over the case to the detention center. If the suspicion is not cleared after 48 hours, then a ten-day review period will be added. If the truth is not found within ten days, the prosecutor will continue to judge whether to add it.

With so many people gathered in front of the detention center, the one who won't be imprisoned is Jidao, right? The eldest brother is going to be released from the detention center, so the younger brothers came to welcome him together?

But my grandson Liang looked left and right, and all the people gathered were old people in their seventies and eighties, and there were no ruthless characters with broken limbs, not like retired cadres of the Jidao.

However, the doubts did not last long. Ten minutes later, the gate of the detention center opened, and under the watchful eyes of the police, a monk came out with a smile on his face.

"This monk..." My grandson looked back after a few glances, "He is the leader of the attack on the palace."

Storming the palace sounds like a pre-war story, and of course it happened after the defeat, but it was more subtle. The closest thing to the attack on the palace was the May Day rally in the 1940s and 1950s.

In order to oppose the emperor's politics and express dissatisfaction, tens of thousands and more than 200,000 people gathered in the outer garden of the Imperial Palace to demonstrate on May 1st in the first few years, and the square in front of the Imperial Palace was also nicknamed "People's Square" at that time. The kind written in Chinese.

There will be violent conflicts in the demonstrations every year. My grandson Liang still remembers that a guy named Matsushima Matsutaro was punished as a 'crime of disrespect' for holding up a slogan to tease the emperor, but he was acquitted under the operation of Amelika— — Just kidding, it’s so disrespectful to fall off the altar.

If your emperor is disrespectful, what should our Emperor MacArthur do?

Hungry people also broke into the dining place of the imperial palace under the leadership of red, and ate the food of the emperor's family. The extravagant ingredients continued to ignite the anger of the people.

"It's really a good time." My grandson shook his head, and left quickly after knowing what was going on.

A hundred years ago, none of the ones who attacked the Imperial Palace would end well. If the emperor of the Qing Dynasty succeeded, he would say that he was going to be a feudal official for you, and future generations would enjoy the shade forever.

Seeing the monk walking out of the detention center, the crowd gathered in front of the gate became excited.

The old man in the front row immediately stepped forward to support the monk, as if he had been wronged so much in the detention center.

In fact, if you really want to commit a crime and be caught in the detention center, the treatment is actually quite good. The police guards in the detention center are also based on the attitude of doing more things than doing things less, and they are not even interested in talking to prisoners.

"You've suffered a lot in there, those savage lackeys."

"Knowing the news that you are coming out, I rushed here last night."

"Let's take a break first."

There was a dumbfounding expression on the monk's face, as if he had transformed into a star among the middle-aged and elderly people.

These people are all left-wing groups on the island. Now that young people in the island country are not interested in politics, only the elderly are actively involved in the actions to transform the country, but they have little impact.

"Thank you for giving..."

It seems wrong to use a benefactor, but the monk is sincerely grateful. If it weren’t for a group of elderly people who organized protests every day, he wouldn’t have been released from the detention center so soon—the guard once mentioned cryptically that he was now brought to the detention center. A lot of pressure.

Although there is no crime of disrespect now, it is a trivial matter for the police to detain him for a few more days and suffer.

"Why are you polite, you are our leader now, and I haven't seen someone as organized as you for a long time."

"Leader?" The monk paused, not knowing what happened when he went to have a public meal.

"Yes, the country is now in a mess. Look at what it has become after Chaofan came out. The police randomly arrested people and shot them. Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto suffered disaster one after another!"

Extraordinary events have been described as great victories by officials, but the dead will not be resurrected. The pain of losing a loved one cannot be avoided by TV mourning or insurance compensation, let alone some insurance companies. Refused within the scope of the claim.

This is an undercurrent that swells beneath the surface of the country. The death of a person is the tragedy of a family, and a family represents the generations behind it.

More than 250,000 victims were affected by the extraordinary incident. Politics, which only the elderly would care about, suddenly has a lot of new forces, the poor and the middle class. The cloud still hasn't dissipated.

The scene of storming the Imperial Palace arm in arm left a deep impression on many people present. According to word of mouth, the monk himself did not know that he had become a well-known figure in the small circle.

"Master, Master! Something went wrong."

A vagrant in ragged clothes finally got through the crowd to the front, and clamped the monk's hand as soon as he came up.

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