Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 809 Ghosts in the Mountains (Second)

Going down the stone steps was easier than going up the mountain, but after only a few steps, Hannah's forehead and body were covered with sweat.

It's not that she's tired, but that she's under too much mental pressure. Monsters have popped out of the mist many times, but they were all easily resolved by Christine, but every time it put a lot of pressure on Hannah's little heart.


Christine smashed the ghost blocking the way with one punch. The ghost just appeared from the thick fog and was smashed to pieces within a few minutes.

It's just that after the ghost's death, all the body parts dissipated, otherwise Hannah would still be able to pick up a weapon and pretend to be beside Christine.

"How many times is this?"


"Yeah." Christine took out the energy bar from her bag and bit into it. Although there was no suspense in killing the mobs in seconds, the physical exertion was real.

She became more and more sure that the big eater she met in the izakaya was extraordinary!

"I feel like I can go down the mountain soon." Hannah found a wooden stick from nowhere, and if it was polished, it might become a wooden stick.

In this way, the two of them stood together more like a master and his followers, but Christine was too thin as a master.

"I feel the same way, wait..." Christine hid the energy bar in his hand, which obviously represented a change in the situation to him.

"There's something ahead."


The dense fog was locked, and there seemed to be something in front of her, and it seemed that there was nothing, but she believed in the eyes of her good friend. Since even the power has become stronger, it is not incomprehensible that the eyes are a little easier to use.

"He's tall and carrying a lantern. It doesn't look easy to deal with."

Hannah stared wide-eyed and didn't see the lantern, but nodding at this point was enough.

"Then what shall we do? Hide?"

"Please hide!" The pure German came out of the phone, and the words were straight and straight, as if they were afraid that the two of them would not understand, "The most important thing for you is to ensure your own safety!"


Looking at the monster not far away, Christine hesitated, whether to step forward or retreat to the mountain, this is indeed a difficult decision.

Just when she was hesitating about which choice to make, a voice suddenly sounded in her head: [Don't be afraid, face it bravely. 】

The voice obviously did not speak the language of volition, but Christine could understand it miraculously, somewhat like telepathic communication.

"Who are you?" Christine asked following the voice, but she didn't get an answer, but she was sure she had heard the voice just now.

Could it be the dead soul lodged in the stone? After he crushed the stone, the unknown dead soul attached to his body, activated his extraordinary ability, and under his guidance step by step, he walked towards the world's most extraordinary path.

Shaking his head to get rid of the thoughts in his head, Christine looked forward with burning eyes.

"Hannah, let's rush over."

"Rush, rush over?"

Not to mention Hannah, even the foreign affairs personnel on the other end of the phone were speechless.

Christine didn't explain much, and without any explanation, she held Hannah in her arms, took a deep breath and ran forward.

The cannon is fired!

The steps on the mountain were narrow, and Christine simply stepped up to four or five steps. From a distance, it seemed that he was going down the mountain, and it was clearly between rolling and face-to-ground.


The thick fog was simply rushed out of the vortex, and the ghost soldiers who appeared along the way were rushed by Christine before they had time to react.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, the monster you mentioned is in front of me!"

The fat on Hannah's face trembled violently, and her pupils shrank suddenly as she watched the figure appearing in front of her.

A strange man in a white long coat, with a slender figure and long hair, can't see the front clearly, but the lantern in his left hand looks weird.

The blue lanterns are like will-o'-the-wisps. Even though Hannah didn't grow up immersed in the East Asian cultural circle, her fear of weird things is innate.

"Don't be afraid!" Christine stepped on the steps with both feet, pressing her legs down and then suddenly relaxing.

But the lantern monster seemed to have eyes behind it, and it grabbed the two of them with its backhand without looking back.

A large amount of chakra condensed into substance, and the blue energy arm rapidly expanded, blocking the entire step down the mountain.

"Hey!" Christine shouted, all the strength in his body was concentrated to one point, and his speed was raised to a new level again.


The physical body collided with Chakra, and Christine only felt a resistance and pain at first, and then it disappeared quickly.

There is no blue energy arm in front of me, only the steps down the mountain.

succeeded? Passed through the block of that strange man?

Christine didn't have time to look back, she still didn't dare to stop, but Hannah turned her head and patted Christine's back excitedly: "You rushed over, we rushed over."

"Ahead... is the foot of the mountain!"

The dense fog in front gradually faded, and the gentle concrete floor was clearly visible, followed by police cars and a group of police officers.


Christine shouted again, and jumped from more than thirty steps, several meters above the ground.

She stepped forward with her long legs, the other leg was slightly bent, her long golden hair fluttered behind her ears, and her eyes were staring ahead.

If it wasn't for Hannah, she would look like a high school teenage girl leaping in comics.

But it was the county police and supernatural police who were more shocked. They were waiting with guns in hand, and everyone tensed up when they felt something coming out of the thick fog.

Something did rush out of the mist, pointing guns at the arc Christine drew in the air, they forcibly suppressed the urge to shoot.

If all the monsters in the dense fog look like doesn't seem too bad?

"All community organizations have been notified to evacuate, and I hope the area of ​​the dense fog will not expand."

"What the hell?"

"Get down and don't move!"

"It's those two foreigners who dug out the extraordinary!"

Digging out the supernatural, at first I thought it was something blasphemous to the Egyptian pyramids, but what these two people are doing now is almost blasphemy.

"We have no malice." Christie raised his hands, and Hannah fell to the ground with a scream, "We are just ordinary college students."

She used English throughout the whole process. Although the islanders couldn't speak English clearly, they could understand what Christine meant with the intelligence of a few police officers from the Supernatural Department.

"Then..." Christine nodded seriously, "There are ghosts coming down from the mountain now."

An exclamation not far away corroborated Christine's words, followed by continuous shooting.


The supernatural police captain's hair blew up and looked, and a slender figure appeared in the thick fog, and the screams of bullets pierced the silence of the city.

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