Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 133: Fate is over

As soon as Ye Zhan and I entered the dormitory building, Fan Wenfeng rushed out of the duty room.

"Brother Feng." I said hello quickly. During this period of living in the dormitory, Fan Wenfeng really took care of me. No matter how late he came back, he would always open the door for me. He would also turn a blind eye when I got into fights in the dormitory. He never stopped. If I don't report it to the school, what he said is: "I believe that you beat the students who deserve to be beaten." The more he said this, the less embarrassed I was to beat others.

"Wang Hao, you're back." Fan Wenfeng was a little excited: "I heard that you will be sentenced to several years. Fortunately, you are back without incident."

"Haha, I'm back. It's a pity that I was expelled from the school." I said, "I'll come back and pack my things. I'll leave the school tomorrow when it suits me." Because I was still thinking about going to find Xia Xue, I had to live there no matter what. one night. I don’t know if my parents received the news that I was expelled. Logically speaking, schools should notify their parents when expelling students, but I didn’t see my parents coming to see me.

"It's okay." Fan Wenfeng said, "You can stay as long as you want. Don't pack up your bedding. Just leave it there. You can come back anytime. I won't give your bed to anyone else." What Ge Chen said about leaving desks and chairs for me was the same, and it made me feel that there are so many good teachers in Chenggao, and it deserves to be the number one key high school in Beiyuan City.

As for the Slap King, he is really an anomaly. He may not be bad to students, but he is naturally very hostile to bastards. He simply does not regard bastards as students. When he is done using them, he kicks us away and treats us like urinals. .

"Thank you, Brother Feng." I was honored that I could meet so many good friends and good teachers when I came to Chenggao, and I felt warm and moved in my heart. "But forget it, the Slap King doesn't want to see me for a day and stay any longer. It’s an eyesore.”

"Haha, he has nothing to do with me!" Fan Wenfeng said proudly: "Let's go to your dormitory to drink." He took two bottles of liquor and two bags of peanuts from the duty room and followed Ye Zhan and me. Went upstairs together.

Entering the dormitory, a familiar smell came. I always felt it was smelly before, but now it smells like home. We dragged the table to the middle of the dormitory, put the wine and peanuts on the table, then used the rice bowl as a wine glass, and each of us filled half of the jar. Fan Wenfeng was very aggressive in catching students drinking in the dormitory. Anyone he caught drinking would inevitably be beaten. But now he actually took the initiative to drink with me, an expelled student, and I was extremely moved. However, I thought I would go to Xia Xue's house in the evening, so I tried my best to restrain myself from drinking. But then I got over the feeling and started drinking without any persuasion.

"Wang Hao, you are the most awesome student I have ever seen." Fan Wenfeng was already drunk. He gave me a thumbs up and said in a vague tone: "A student in the first grade of high school dares to lead a group of people. I kicked the dormitory doors of the sophomores and seniors one by one. I really thought you were going to be there that night. I didn’t expect that you would become famous overnight. Sure enough, heroes have emerged from young men since ancient times. With this courage and courage, in the history of Chenggao, you He was the first one! At that time, I thought, I must make you as my friend!"

"Brother Feng, thank you!" I was very happy when I heard someone praise me. Vanity is inevitable.

"I don't think you're good at fighting at all." Fan Wenfeng continued: "Don't be upset, I think you can't even beat Ye Zhan." Ye Zhan was very happy after hearing this, and even showed off to me with great power. Showing his fists.

I was about to express my objection when I heard Fan Wenfeng continue: "But it's strange, you are the one who obeys those bastards who can cure you. No matter big bastard or small bastard, they all admire you from the bottom of their hearts. This kind of The temperament is quite rare.”

I was really embarrassed by the praise, so I had to say: "Brother Feng, you are just coaxing me to play, I am not that good."

"Don't worry, Wang Hao!" Fan Wenfeng picked up the rice jar. There was still half a jar of wine in it, and it was half a catty anyway: "Since you are a dragon, no matter which school you go to, you will soar above the nine heavens. I Waiting for that day to come!" Then he drank up his neck.

Ye Zhan and I were both embarrassed, so we had to raise our necks and drink all the wine in our own tanks, and then...

Then I knew nothing.

When I woke up, the dormitory was very lively. There were people drinking water, chatting, laughing, and washing feet. I felt very warm in this atmosphere. This was the student life I dreamed of. At that moment, I didn't want to wake up, I wanted to sleep forever, and I wanted this dream to last forever. I really want to have the life of an ordinary person, but I know that once I am ordinary, I will miss the passionate years again. I am a person of contradictions and see both sides of everything.

"Brother Hao, are you awake?" Someone noticed that I opened my eyes.

"Yeah." I responded vaguely: "What time is it now?"

"I've been studying for a long time next night." Someone said, "Brother Hao, how long have you been sleeping?"

"I..." Wait, did he just say "you"? ? I moved my hand slightly, and sure enough I found someone next to me. I didn't have to turn my head to know that it was Ye Zhan. Neither Ye Zhan nor I can drink well, and I remember we fell down almost at the same time. There are so many beds in this dormitory, what does Fan Wenfeng mean by throwing us two on the same bed? He thinks that we are both very thin and one bed is enough, right?

I woke up, but Ye Zhan wasn't awake yet. I was thinking about going to Xia Xue's house, so I hurriedly got out of bed, took out the washbasin and went to the water room to wash it off, tidied up, and said to the dormitory person: "Let Ye Zhan sleep in my bed tonight." After thinking about it, I poured him a glass of water and put it on the bedside. This kid must be very thirsty when he wakes up in the middle of the night.

After leaving the dormitory building, it was so cold that I was shivering even though I was wearing my coat. I held a cigarette to keep out the cold. It was unprecedented for me to smoke on campus. Anyway, I had been expelled, so who was afraid of me? There was a student union patrol officer wearing a red armband. When he saw someone holding a cigarette butt in his mouth, he shined his flashlight over him and yelled, "Which student is smoking on campus, get over here!"

I particularly didn’t like that person’s tone, so I directly said back: “Your grandpa.”

The student obviously didn't recognize me and became even more angry: "Do you want to be punished?" Someone next to him immediately pulled his sleeve: "This is Wang Hao!" The student immediately fell silent and even turned off the flashlight. He ducked into the darkness and was never seen again.

I suddenly understood why I had to go to Xia Xue's house at night. In front of Xia Xue, my soul was so dirty that I was afraid of the direct gaze of the sun. I only dared to hide in the darkness when night came.

When I got downstairs from Xia Xue's house, I looked up and saw there was a light upstairs, then I went straight to the door and knocked on the door. After a long time, there was a response from inside: "Who is it?" And it was Tao Zi's voice. For a moment, I wanted to turn around and leave, but I still mustered up the courage to say, "It's me, Wang Hao." You can't avoid what is coming, and you will have to face it sooner or later.

After a long time, he said again: "Wang Hao, please go back first. Xia Xue said she doesn't want to see you now."

My heart felt cold, knowing that Xia Xue was still angry, so I said: "If I don't leave, I will sit at the door until you open the door, or you will never come out. I'll starve to death or thirst to death. I'll forget it." ." After saying that, I sat on the stairs next to me.

After sitting there for about twenty minutes, there was no response at all. I know that if it was just Taozi, she would have opened the door for me long ago, but Xia Xue can be so cruel. I can't blame anyone, I hurt her first. Another hour passed and all the pack of cigarettes was finished. I was bored, so I went downstairs to buy a pack of cigarettes. When I came back up, I found a letter on the floor.

I quickly picked it up and looked at it. There was only one sentence on it, and I clearly understood that it was Xia Xue's handwriting.

Wang Hao:

Our fate has ended. Don't come to me again.

Xia Xue

I felt so distressed after seeing this that I knocked on the door again and said, "Xia Xue, I won't leave. I will always be outside your door. If you want to see me, just open the door. Taozi, can you open the door for me?" ?I have something to say to Xia Xue."

I am now almost certain that Xia Xue must have told Tao Zi about that matter, otherwise Tao Zi would not cooperate with Xia Xue and not open the door for me. Every once in a while I would knock on the door, say a few words, and then sit down and smoke.

I kept waiting and waiting, but there was no movement at the door. I was very frustrated. These two girls had always loved me and never had the heart to let me suffer any pain, but now they were so cruel that they made me sit at the door, cold and hungry, almost 12 o'clock in the evening.

After smoking another pack of cigarettes, I stood up and knocked on the door again. I said, "After knocking once, I won't knock again. I guess you should take a rest. I fell asleep on the stairs outside. If you If you can bear it, don’t open the door.”

After I finished knocking, I sat down and leaned against the railing to doze off. It was so cold, my whole body was shivering from the cold. After a while, I heard the door open, and I jumped up suddenly. It was Taozi who opened the door, and she made a "shh" gesture at me. I immediately kept silent. Taozi saw that no one was outside the door, so she pulled me in and said softly: "Keep your voice down, Sister Xia Xue is asleep."

"You dare to open the door for me when she's asleep?" I shook my head and smiled bitterly.

"Yeah." Taozi nodded: "I wanted to open the door for you, but Sister Xia Xue wouldn't let me. She's been feeling bad these days, so I tried my best to follow her. As soon as she went in to sleep, I hurriedly opened the door. You opened the door!"

I was so moved that I hurt Taozi like that at noon, but she was still so kind to me, which made me almost ashamed.

"It's cold outside, drink a glass of water to warm yourself up." Taozi poured me some water and asked me to sit on the sofa and drink it.

I am very familiar with this sofa. I have slept on it for more than ten days, and it was also here that I had many affairs with Xia Xue. Suddenly many memories flooded into my mind, making me feel bitter, sweet, sour and astringent.

{Piaotian Literature

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