Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 380: Chop off one of his hands

My heart was pounding, but I still pretended to be nonchalant and said, "I won't do this little thing." Xiao Zhishan gave me a meaningful look: "Master Hao, you can't be soft at this critical moment. You If you are too lazy to take action, then I will go."

To be honest, I don't have any sympathy for Donkey Kong. As Yu Chengfei said, this road is very narrow and cannot accommodate so many people, so we can only keep kicking them off the cliff. Since Donkey Kong has chosen this path, he must be prepared to be kicked off the cliff at any time. I didn't say anything, so I acquiesced and let Xiao Zhishan do whatever he wanted.

The days were calm again. I still sell my own beer and side dishes, but Sun Dafei and the others often bring in gangs of gangsters, saying they want to join me and follow me in the future. I drove them away again and again, but Sun Dafei came again and again with different people. "Brother Hao, this is Frog. He is very ruthless. He wants to get to know you." "Brother Hao, this is Black Panther. I have admired your name for a long time and wants to be your little brother." "Brother Hao, this is..." I was so annoyed that on a less hot and less busy evening, I asked Sun Dafei to call all these little bastards.

Sun Dafei said with great joy: "Brother Hao, King Kong has fallen, Xiao Zhishan is old, Dongguan Town is waiting for you to carry the flag!" which caused other gangsters to nod. I lay on the rocking chair, rocking under the sunset, and looked at these little bastards who were about the same age as me, all of them were smug and domineering. You can often see them on the streets of Dongguan Town, hugging each other, smoking, spitting, and swearing at every turn, thinking that they are the most awesome people in the world.

"Want to hang out?" I yawned, shook a paper fan, and looked at them lazily.

"Think!" everyone shouted in unison, looking at me expectantly.

"Are you afraid of death?" I continued to look at them lazily.

"Don't be afraid!" Everyone shouted in unison, which attracted the attention of other vendors and people in the market.

"Okay." I took out a vegetable cutting steel knife from under the rocking chair and threw it in front of them: "Go and chop off one of Donkey Kong's hands. Whoever chops it off will be qualified to follow me." The steel knife made a cold sound on the ground. of light, but no one dared to pick it up. Everyone looked at each other, but no one was bold enough to chop off other people's hands, especially Donkey Kong's hands.

"Go back and practice your courage again. You can't get along like this." I waved my hand and closed my eyes. Then footsteps sounded, and everyone dispersed. I didn't really want them to chop off Donkey Kong's hands, I just used an excuse to drive them away. Now it seems that my goal has been achieved. When he opened his eyes again, there was no one in front of him. I stood up, picked up the steel knife that had not been picked up on the ground, walked into the store with my hands behind my back, and continued to do the trivial work.

More than ten days have passed since that night's battle, and I obviously feel that my status in Dongguan Town is different. People are pointing at me when I walk on the road. The man who used a fire ax to defeat Donkey Kong in South Orchard quickly became the talk of countless people over the past few days. Various versions have gone through ever-changing versions of my image, depicting me in all kinds of mighty and domineering ways. Some people say that I acted like this. The appearance of the fire ax was particularly like that of Guan Erye holding the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in the Three Kingdoms. This very unimageable metaphor made me feel so embarrassed and ashamed that I even found a Guandi Temple to kowtow: " Mr. Guan, they are all nonsense, don’t take it to heart, I can’t even compare to your toes.”

Walking on the road, I respect Master Guan very much, and I am no exception.

Although, I don’t regard myself as a person on the road.

More than ten days have passed and I haven't heard any news about King Kong. Ever since Xiao Zhishan said he wanted to chop off one of Donkey Kong's hands, he has completely lost his voice, and he doesn't know whether he succeeded or not. But he probably didn't succeed, otherwise this matter would have been spread out long ago, and Sun Dafei's big mouth should have told me long ago. I made it clear that I wouldn't accept any of my subordinates, but Sun Dafei still came to my store to help me all day long. His father, who was a decorator, was so angry that he came to arrest him several times, beating and scolding him: "I haven't learned my craft yet, so I'm here selling spicy hotpot?" But even so, Sun Dafei still kept going. I'm running this way.

One time when I was free, I asked him: "Why is there no news about Donkey Kong these days?" I really wanted to know what Xiao Zhishan was doing.

"Donkey Kong." Sun Dafei said: "Didn't you cut an ax on your back last time? I heard that they were afraid that you would have to make up for it afterwards, so they went to a hospital in another place to recuperate. Some people said that in I saw him in Xiguan Town. I didn’t dare to raise my head when walking. I guess I won’t dare to come back in the future. Brother Hao, you are so majestic. With one strike of the ax, you scared King Kong so much that he didn’t even dare to return to Dongguan.”

I sneered, but I could only blame him for his lack of spine. As the saying goes, if one thing falls on another, he will be unlucky if I fall on him.

Sun Dafei added: "By the way, Brother Hao, your order has been passed down. There will always be someone who dares to come out and do this!"

I said confusedly: "What order?"

Sun Dafei said: "Didn't you say last time that only those who cut off one of Donkey Kong's hands are qualified to follow you? Now there are several evil-minded people who are ready to take action. They are looking for Donkey Kong all over the streets these days."

I was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say. I didn't expect that my casual words could make all the gangsters in the town take action. That's when I realized that when a person's identity reaches a certain level, he can no longer talk casually. The speaker is unintentional and the listener is intentional. It is inevitable that some people will take my words as a quibble.

The most important thing is that you cannot take back what you have said casually, otherwise others will think that you are not true to your word, and some will even make a big fuss out of what you have said, spread rumors and distort it, and confuse right and wrong.

I thought about it for a moment and decided not to clarify the matter and simply let it go. Anyway, looking at the entire Dongguan Town, I am afraid that only Xiao Zhishan dares to chop off one of Donkey Kong's hands, and the others are just talking about it.

A few days later, Xiao Zhishan came to me carrying two pounds of pig head meat.

He said, "I'll be in charge of the food, and you'll be in charge of the wine."

I'm not short of wine, so the two of us set up a table and sat down. I couldn't wait to ask: "How is it?"

Xiao Zhishan shook his head: "I didn't find Donkey Kong. This guy is hiding. I guess he has recovered from his injuries today." Then he showed a look of trouble. I said: "Don't worry. If he really wants to make a comeback, he will show up sooner or later." Xiao Zhishan said: "That's what they say. But when he shows up, it will prove that his energy has recovered and he will be defeated again." He is always afraid of some difficulties." I chuckled and said, "Don't worry so much, maybe he doesn't even have the courage to show up."

Xiao Zhishan shook his head: "Master Hao, you don't know something. You can't be cautious when walking on this road. I won't be able to rest until I see King Kong completely cross." Then he stood up. , lifted up his clothes, revealing a shocking scar on his belly. "This knife was cut by a little bastard." Xiao Zhishan sighed: "Ever since I received this knife, I know that I can never underestimate anyone, let alone let go of any opponent easily."

Then Xiao Zhishan sat down again: "Master Hao, the order you gave two days ago is also very good. Now many people are looking for King Kong, hoping to find him out soon." Hearing what Xiao Zhishan said, I also have I couldn't express my pain, so I could only say nothing. Xiao Zhishan added: "But be careful. If King Kong knew that you gave such an order, he might hate you in his heart." I snorted coldly: "If you have the ability, ask him to come to me. Let's see. I won’t peel off his skin.”

Xiao Zhishan chuckled and said, "That's right, in front of Master Hao, Donkey Kong doesn't even count."

Having said that, I was still very cautious. If King Kong really led a few people to ambush me, I really wouldn't be able to handle it. So I picked the steel pipe from the peach tree. After several days of wind and rain, it already had rust stains on it. But holding it in my hand still makes me feel at ease. The cold steel pipe made my blood boil, and the thrilling memories of Beiqi resurfaced in my mind. Before I knew it, I had already been out of school for two months.

Since Ye Zhan came here once, I have completely lost contact with Beiyuan, and no one has disturbed my life again.

Life is really dull now. Except for the battle in South Orchard that night, which made me excited, the rest of the time is spent in an ordinary way. It's so plain that I even find it funny. Is this still me? Is this really me?

Anyway, holding this steel pipe again made me regain some of my previous feelings. I stuffed the steel pipe into my sleeve and kept my eyes and ears open all the time, just in case that Donkey Kong guy would suddenly appear. In fact, I really hope that he will show up and let me relive the exciting feeling!

When no one was around, I swung the steel pipe hard. The steel pipe streaked through the air and let out a scream, as if it was thirsty for blood.

I'm looking forward to Donkey Kong appearing, looking forward to Donkey Kong standing in front of me again with his ax or wrench like a man, and saying to me: "I don't accept it, let's start over again!" If so! If so, I will definitely swing the steel pipe, rush forward without hesitation, and fight this guy fiercely, even if he beats me black and blue.

It’s just that I overestimated Donkey Kong. I thought he was a man, but I didn't expect that he was not even a human being. What he did next was not only unexpected by me, but also by all the gangsters in Dongguan Town, because it was simply not something that humans could do.

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