Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 516, Ye Family·Ye Yushan

Along the way, only seven or eight meters away, the old man coughed seven or eight times. I thought to myself, if this old man is still alive after coughing like this, he is not going to make the Lord of Hell angry to death. Of course, all joking aside, when he came over, I quickly stood up and gave up my seat for him. To be relied on by Li Wenchao like this, he must have two skills. The old man didn't even look at me, he just bent over and sat down. As soon as Li Wenchao heard the sound, he became a little excited again: "Uncle Qi, you have to save me, I'm going to die!"

"Okay!" Li Wenjuan followed and said, "Wake up Uncle Qi in the middle of the night, and the King of Hell will be scared back even if he comes."

Uncle Qi was still coughing, and asked as he coughed: "What happened to you kid?" Li Wenchao said with a sad face: "I was stabbed in the chest. I have never been so seriously injured in my life! And I am also blind. Are you too happy?"

Uncle Qi stretched out his two fingers tremblingly, pinched Li Wenchao's eyelids, looked at them, and said: "It's okay, it will be fine in two or three days." Li Wenchao shook his head: "I can't live for two or three days. I guess I will survive." Not until tomorrow morning." Uncle Qi said: "How can it be so serious? I think your boy is very good." Li Wenchao said again: "No, no, uncle Qi, you better show me. If I really die, what will happen in the future?" There is no one to play chess with you!" Uncle Qi said helplessly: "Let's take a look." Then he reached out and untied Li Wenchao's clothes and the bandages on his body.

"Hey..." I called out, "I just had an operation this morning, and he..."

Li Wenjuan patted me and made a "shh" gesture to me. I stopped saying anything, but I still watched nervously. Strangely enough, Uncle Qi, who had been coughing just now, did not cough once when he started doing this, and his technique was fast and steady. It felt like he was enjoying the process, like a fish back in the water. Uncle Qi untied Li Wenchao's bandage in circles, and at the end, the newly stitched wound inside was exposed. "Huh?" Uncle Qi made a confused sound.

"Am I going to die!" Li Wenchao said in frustration.

"With such a serious injury, he was about to die, but..." Uncle Qi touched Li Wenchao's wound with his hand. By this time, the anesthetic had worn off, and Li Wenchao grimaced in pain. Uncle Qi seemed to have dipped something in it and rubbed it back and forth between his fingers. He frowned and said, "Xin Xiangye's unique wound medicine?!" I looked at Uncle Qi in shock. Li Wenchao's surgery was made of iron, so it was normal for him to be given special medicine afterwards. Uncle Qi asked: "Where did you perform this surgery?"

Li Wenchao said: "It's at the Municipal People's Hospital!" Uncle Qi said firmly: "Impossible! Where did the Ye family's unique wound medicine come from the Municipal People's Hospital?" I quickly said: "A friend of mine performed the surgery on Li Wenchao. He is from the Xin Xiangye family." Uncle Qi turned to look at me. This was the first time he came into this room and looked at me so seriously.

"Who is from the Ye family?"

I felt a sudden shock in my heart. Uncle Qi could recognize that it was the Ye family's unique wound medicine just by touching it. It seemed that this person was definitely not a trivial person. Maybe he was a big shot before and now lives in seclusion here. If he had a grudge against the Ye family, wouldn't Iron Block be in trouble? Although I don't think he can beat an iron block, it's better to be careful after all. I frowned and said, "I'm just a small person in the Ye family. I'm afraid Uncle Qi won't know if I tell you, so..."

"Speak quickly!" Uncle Qi suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed my throat. This blow was fast and hard, and I had no defense at all. By the time I reacted, I was pinched so hard that I almost couldn't breathe. I quickly went to hit his arm, but I was surprised to find that his arm was as hard as iron, not like a dying old man at all. "There's no way a little person from the Ye family has this kind of medicine. Young man, please tell me quickly so that you won't suffer the same fate as me!" The pinch became tighter and tighter.

"Uncle Qi, Uncle Qi!" Li Wenjuan urged: "Let him go quickly, this is our friend."

Li Wenchao was also panicked. Although he couldn't see it, he said nervously: "Uncle Qi, this is my brother, he saved my life!"

Uncle Qi still didn't let me go, staring at me closely: "Are you going to say it or not?"

My eyelids were pinched so hard that I couldn't breathe, but now I was more sure that Uncle Qi had a grudge against the Ye family, so I squeezed out two words through my teeth: "No... say it!" Li Wenjuan I and Li Wenchao are still trying to persuade me, but it’s of no use at all. I’ve never seen an old man with such strength. I guess he must have practiced when he was young!

I thought to myself that it was over, I must die here, and there was a buzz in my head, and I felt like I was about to suffocate.

At this moment, I suddenly felt my throat relax, and Uncle Qi let me go. I rubbed my throat desperately and breathed heavily. Damn it, it would be a shame to lose your life here! As soon as he let go of me, I quickly stepped back, picked up a folding stool, and was ready to fight with this old guy.

I looked at him again and saw that he was coughing hard. It turned out that the old man was suffering from tuberculosis, so he was willing to let me go.

"Uncle Qi!" Li Wenjuan almost cried: "This is my brother, you can't be rough with him anymore." Then she stood in front of him, refusing to let him get close to me again. Li Wenchao also said: "Uncle Qi, if he hadn't sent me to the hospital, I might have lost my life!" Uncle Qi was still coughing, and he coughed dozens of times, feeling like he was about to cough out his lungs.

In the end, he finally stopped coughing and waved his hand to me: "Little guy, come here."

I shook my head and put the folding stool across my chest. This old man was too dangerous. Uncle Qi added: "You refused to tell me because you were worried that I was an enemy of the Ye family? Don't worry, the Ye family and I are old friends, but we haven't been in touch for more than ten years. Now I suddenly see the Ye family's unique family Shang Yao is a little excited and can't wait to know the news about his old friend, so he's a little rough with you, but you mustn't mind it." Then he sat down again, took a long breath, and then turned to Li Wenchao He said: "Don't worry, someone from the Ye family will perform the surgery on you personally and apply the Ye family's unique wound medicine. I guarantee that your kid will never die."

Li Wenchao was happy when he heard this: "It's okay if I don't die. It's okay if I don't die. I thought I wouldn't be able to play chess with Uncle Qi in the future."

Uncle Qi chuckled, then turned to me and asked: "Now can you tell me who from the Ye family is in Beiyuan City?"

I looked at Uncle Qi suspiciously, mainly because I had been deceived too many times, and I knew that the world was sinister and people had ulterior motives, so I was afraid that Uncle Qi was deliberately trying to trick me. Seeing that I still didn't believe him, Uncle Qi was really a little anxious: "Wenjuan, bring my ivory chess piece!" Li Wenjuan didn't know why, but she walked out anyway. After a while, Li Wenjuan came over holding a chessboard. Uncle Qi took the chessboard and carefully wiped the outer shell. It was obvious that he cared about the chessboard. Immediately afterwards, he opened the outer shell, revealing the chess pieces as smooth as jade inside. Uncle Qi took one and said to me: "This is a set of chess pieces made from the teeth of the elephant king of Myanmar after his death. It is very precious and priceless."

I also saw that the chess pieces were valuable, but why did the old man let me see this thing, and I couldn't eat it?

Uncle Qi picked up another "handsome" stone and pointed the reverse towards me: "Come and see, what words are engraved on it?"

I also became a little curious, so I walked over, lowered my head and took a closer look. I saw a few lines of small characters neatly engraved on it in official script:


Angry to death, Lord of Hell, longevity and heaven are equal

New Xiangye Family? Ye Yushan

Uncle Qi said proudly: "My real name is Qi Siyan, and 'King of Hell is so angry' is my nickname. Since you know the Ye family, you should know that the head of the Ye family is Ye Yushan, right? This is my sixtieth birthday. , the ivory chess pieces sent by Ye Yushan."

Frankly speaking, I only know Ye Yuchen and Tie Nian in the Xin Xiangye family. But looking at Ye Yushan, he should be Ye Yuchen's elder. From this, I believed what Uncle Qi said, scratched my head and said, "Uncle Qi, it was my fault."

Uncle Qi coughed twice more, laughed twice more, and then said: "It's okay, I don't blame you, it's just that I was too impatient. But you did a good job, and you couldn't tell whether I was a friend or an enemy of the Ye family. At that time, you did not reveal the whereabouts of the Ye family even at the risk of being killed. This makes me admire you very much!" There was indeed some appreciation in his eyes.

I laughed a few times sheepishly. Uncle Qi asked me again: "Can you tell me now who performed the surgery on Li Wenchao?"

"Yes, yes." I quickly said, "It's an iron block."

"Iron?" Uncle Qi's eyes were confused, as if he didn't recognize this person. After thinking for a long time, he said: "Is he the tall and strong guy who always grins when he has nothing to do and looks a little silly?"

"Yes, yes!" I nodded quickly: "That's him!" It seems that Uncle Qi really has a good relationship with the Ye family.

"Oh, it's that little doll. I remember, remember!" Uncle Qi actually smiled.

Tie Nian is almost thirty years old. Uncle Qi actually called him little doll, which surprised me.

Uncle Qi asked again: "What is the iron block doing here?"

I said: "He is here to protect someone under the orders of the Ye family."

"Then how did he perform surgery on Li Wenchao?"

"Li Wenchao and I ran into some trouble at school, and Tie Nian helped us solve it. Later, he sent us to the hospital, where he helped Li Wenchao undergo an operation."

"Hahaha..." Uncle Qi laughed: "It's probably because the doctor at the hospital said Wen Chao was hopeless, so he went into battle himself, right?"

I nodded and said in surprise: "Uncle Qi, you are so amazing, you can even guess this!"

Uncle Qi smiled and nodded, then turned back to Li Wenchao and said, "You have such a great reputation, you can actually let Iron Block perform surgery on you personally!"

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