Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 610, Night of Death (3)

I almost vomited when I saw this scene. At that time, I felt that Maizi was a pervert, and his eldest brother was also a pervert. Sure enough, it was the boss who accepted the younger brother. I was quite speechless by this scene. I was asked to watch this before I died. I really didn’t know what to say.

"Let's go." Daohu stuffed his underwear into his pocket. Maizi also put the sack over my head again.

"Let's go!" Maizi kicked me hard in the back. I had no choice but to walk forward and listen to the footsteps in front of me to prevent myself from hitting a wall or something. I knew that Maizi and the others were waiting to see my joke. But fortunately, except for a flash when going downstairs, everything else was fine. When passing by the billiards room, many people greeted Daohu and asked him what he was doing so late. He smiled and said he went out to kill someone. He said it very easily and simply, as if he was talking about going to have a meal.

I knew that everyone's eyes were focused on me at this time, and I unconsciously straightened my back very straight.

I'm Wang Hao, and I'm not a coward. I'm still Yu Chengfei's younger brother, and I won't embarrass him.

I followed Daohu's footsteps, passed through the billiards room with a lot of people and the smell of smoke, passed through a door with a low threshold, and stood on Kaiyuan Road in the south of the city. Kaiyuan Road was still very lively. Many cars roared past with their horns honking, and loud music could be heard vaguely in the distance. I don’t know which entertainment city came from it. Maybe someone will see me and wonder why I have a sack on my head. But no one would come and ask, because standing in front of me was a bare-armed Daohu. The tiger head symbol on his arm could scare away 99% of people, and no one would come to trouble me.

Daohu's voice rang out: "I will kill him here, and you will take him to Sun Mountain and bury him. Is this okay?"

Maizi said repeatedly: "No problem."

"Okay." Daohu walked up to me, cut a hole in the sack, and then put his two hands in. One hand grabbed my head, and the other hand still held the blade, and accurately slashed towards my throat. I knew I couldn't run away, Maizi and the others were surrounding me. The cold breath of the blade filled the sack. I closed my eyes and felt the final despair.

At this moment, I suddenly thought of many things and many people.

But these things and people only flashed through my mind, and the last thought was extremely clear in my mind.

Brother, it's such a pity that I won't be able to see the day when you become the king of the underworld in Beiyuan City...

If I were still alive, I would like to be your white paper fan to help you soar above the nine heavens.

elder brother……

Tears flowed from my eyes. The blade had already stabbed me, making a slight "pop" sound, and the skin on my neck had been cut open. There was no pain at all, just a cold feeling on my neck. I took a big breath, waiting for the hot blood on my neck to sputter out, and waiting for myself to collapse weakly on the street of Kaiyuan Road. It shouldn't take long for me to lose consciousness. Even if I am buried on the Sun Mountain, even if a ton of soil is sprinkled on me, I won't feel it at all, right?

At this time, there is no chance that anyone will come to save me, right? Although it is on Kaiyuan Road, I don’t know how far away DT Bar is. Even if he was nearby, Yu Chengfei wouldn't know that I was being killed here, would he?

During the year and a half I lived in Beiyuan, I experienced many desperate moments. In Chenggao's classroom, I saw the tall and fat figure standing on the podium; in Beiqi's classroom, I heard that Ye Zhan was hung in the air covered in blood; in the woods of the vocational college, Nie Yuanlong held him with a knife My throat...none of the above times was as desperate as it is now.

It turns out that being on the verge of death is the greatest despair.

I took another big breath, and my body was already shaking like a leaf in the wind. But my blood hasn't spurted out yet, and my body hasn't fallen down yet. How is this going? I tried to swallow, and all functions were very complete. But I did feel a little pain in my neck. The blade did scratch my skin, but it seemed that it just stabbed and did not continue to scratch. A drop of blood slipped down and seemed to be dripping on my chest.

Anyway, I'm not dead yet. Why did Daohu stop moving? Did someone stop him outside the sack?

But it seems not. I didn't hear anyone approaching, but I seemed to hear a string of music...

Immediately afterwards, Daohu retracted both hands. I swallowed again to make sure my throat wasn't hurt.

"Hello? Brother, what's the matter?" Daohu was talking, as if he had received a phone call. The music sound just now should be the sound made by Daohu's mobile phone. It turned out that this phone call saved me. I hope this phone call lasts forever and never hangs up.

"Okay, I understand...I'll go over right away, um, let's meet there."

Daohu quickly finished the call, and Maizi next to him asked: "Brother, what's the matter?" Daohu said: "It's the gang leader, something urgent happened, I need to go over immediately." Maizi said anxiously: "Then what happened to him? What to do? How about you kill him first." Daohu paused and said, "Don't worry, tie him into the car first. It won't be too late to kill him after the matter is finished."

"Okay." Maizi could only agree.

I swallowed hard again. What are you doing tonight? This is the third time you have narrowly escaped death. The first time was in East Lake, the second time was in the billiards room, and the third time was on the main road! Shouldn't my life be cut off? Then who will save me tonight?

"Maizi, Hongli, you two come with me, the others stay here and wait for me." Daohu made a voice, then opened the door and got into the car. Maizi and Hongli, one on each side, helped me into the back seat of the car, and then they sat on both sides of me. I smiled bitterly in my heart. I didn’t lie down in the trunk this time. Is this a favor to a dying person?

My head was still covered with a sack, and the cut that Daohu had just made was in my mouth, so it was still dark before my eyes. But I feel that Daohu is driving. Maizi sat on my left, Hong Li sat on my right, and no one sat on the passenger seat. Maizi asked: "Brother, where are we going?" Daohu said: "Don't ask, you will know when you get there." Maizi said "Oh" and said no more.

The car drove smoothly and was obviously far away from Li Yuan Road. There was no loud noise in my ears. The world gradually became quiet except for the roar of the engine. It should still be in town though, as there aren't any bumps in the road. Don’t know what time it is now? I remember that I returned to Chenggao at twelve o'clock, then went to East Lake, and then to Kaiyuan Road. Now I don't know where I am going? It was very quiet on the road, so quiet that I was a little surprised. The two people next to him were silent, adding to the depression. I think of my three narrow escapes, but I don't know if I can escape the fourth time.

It should be impossible. I thought so. Three times, God has been fond of me enough. This night, after all, there was no way to escape death. I let out a long sigh, but because my mouth was stuffed with a rag, it turned into a "whew".

Maizi next to him smiled and said, "Why, do you have anything else to say?"

I didn't say anything anymore. I really didn't want to say a word to him. Hong Li also laughed: "I guess he wants to beg for mercy." Maizi said: "It's useless to beg for mercy. I will kill him today. When he asked Mr. Yuan to kill me, he showed no mercy."

The two of them said one thing to you and another to me, and they kept talking. I didn't make any more noise, just leaned back and enjoyed my last night. The car drove for about twenty minutes when Maizi suddenly said in shock: "Hey, why are you here?"

I feel strange in my heart, where is this? Daohu snorted: "You don't usually dare to come to this place, right?" Maizi said "hmm": "It is said that this place is very dangerous, and no one comes near it during the day." I felt even more strange, could it be that some awesome person had arrived? territory? Just as I was thinking wildly, the car screeched to a stop, and it seemed that it had reached its destination.

Maizi said: "Hey, there are already four cars?"

Daohu said: "Yes, the leaders of our four branches are here. This time, the order was given by the leader himself."

Maizi asked: "Why are you here? Do you want to settle this place?"

Daohu said: "Besides, if we want to level this place, why don't we bring people here? Besides, how can we have the courage?"

As he was talking, someone suddenly knocked on the glass. Then there was a "drip" sound. It seemed that Daohu pressed down the glass.

"Brother!" Daohu's tone was very respectful.

It seems that the leader of the Black Tiger Gang is outside the window! This person is also a legendary figure. It is said that he once unified the underworld in the south of the city. Unfortunately, his power gradually declined and he was overtaken by Black, Bai Yanluo and others. I don’t know what he looks like, but I would like to meet him.

"Yeah." The man's voice was a little shrill, not like a strong man's voice, and said: "The Shark Gang is looking for trouble for us."

Daohu cursed: "Damn it, those bastards from the Shark Gang have the ability to fight Black Yama. Why are they staring at us all day long?"

The man with the shrill voice sighed: "Don't you just want to annex our gang and then go to fight with Black Yama? Although our two gangs are both second-rate forces now, if we can really merge into one, we can still fight with Black Yama Let’s do it.”

"Damn it, that kid named Luo is so ambitious that he wants to swallow us up? Aren't you afraid that we will swallow him up in turn?"

"We... don't have the ability." The leader of the Black Tiger Gang sounded very disappointed.

Daohu also sighed, feeling very helpless. Daohu asked again: "Then what should we do now?"

The leader of the Black Tiger Gang said: "There is no other way but to ask the old gang leader to come out. I am not capable of fighting the Shark Gang, but if the old gang leader is willing to come out and regain power, it should be more than enough to deal with a Shark Gang."

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