Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 721: Get ready to fight

At the entrance of the sand and gravel plant, all vehicles are in order and they deliberately slow down when they come here, so the noise is extremely low. But our car was already broken, and it rattled when we were driving, just like driving a tank. Coupled with the fact that Ye Zhan hit the accelerator, the sound was so loud that it hurt people's ears. The people at the gate quickly realized something was wrong, and as expected, they all ran out.

With a "boom", the dump truck crashed into the concierge. The gatehouse was temporarily built out of plywood and turned into ruins after being crushed by dump trucks. Of course, due to my careless sitting posture, my head also hit the windshield, which made me grin and gasp in pain.

After knocking down the concierge, Ye Zhan stopped the car with half of the car lying on the road. Other drivers thought there was a car accident and stopped to watch. Several big men at the gate stood nearby and looked at our car in shock. Ye Zhan and I opened the car door and jumped out one by one. Although my head hurts, I have to pretend to be nonchalant and calm at this moment, otherwise the ferocious image I have finally created will be ruined. I came to the car, looked at the collapsed concierge, and then looked at the big man next to me.

"He wasn't killed? What a pity." I shook my head and said, "Can you call your person in charge out now?"

The movement here also alarmed Ah Jiu and the others, so a lot of people ran over and asked what happened. There were many of us and few on the other side. These big men quickly fled back to the factory. Ah Jiu and I said, "What are you waiting for? Drive the car over and block the gate of their factory!" Upon hearing this, everyone was extremely excited and rushed back, drove all the cars over, and blocked the gate of the sand and gravel factory. The gate was blocked tightly, and cars from other construction sites could not get in or get out. I climbed onto the roof of the middle car, stood on it and put my hands on my hips and said, "Brothers, someone is bullying us. How can we bear it?"

Everyone yelled. They had been holding back their anger before, but now they finally had an outlet to vent their anger. Some people imitated me and stood on the roof of the car, while most people still stood on the ground. Hundreds of people were huddled in the gaps between various vehicles.

After a while, dozens of workers holding sticks walked through the factory area. The one walking in front was a middle-aged man with parted hair and a suit and leather shoes. Several big men who were in the concierge were now gathered around the middle-aged man, pointing in this direction. Those people came to us and stopped about ten meters away from us. The middle-aged man asked: "Who is the leader of the Black Tiger Gang?"

I stood on the roof of the car in the middle, pointed at my nose with my thumb and said, "That's me. My name is Wang Hao. The king of the world, the awe-inspiring and upright Hao. Are you the person in charge of the sand and gravel plant?"

The middle-aged man said: "I am Xu Jingpeng, the sales manager of the sand and gravel factory. If you have anything to say, please tell me."

"Oh, at first I wanted to talk it over, but none of you said it properly; now I don't want to talk it over, and you come here to talk it over again. What's the matter, don't you take us, the Black Tiger Gang, seriously?"

"I was busy at first, but I just got the news and rushed here. Brother, we are all in business. Please clear the door first. Can we go to my office and have a good talk?"

"No. We won't get out of the way until things are clearly explained. Besides, let's just talk here and not go anywhere."

Xu Jingpeng looked a little annoyed, but he still said under pressure: "It's not convenient to talk here, so I would like to ask Gang Leader Wang to come in and talk."

"Tell me about your mother's legs." I snorted, "Just say it here. If you keep talking nonsense, I'll go down and break your legs."

I discovered that this group of people are just trying to be tough but not soft. They are a bunch of shit and they have to use this tone of voice to communicate.

"I'm telling you, don't be too arrogant!" Xu Jingpeng finally got angry, pointed at me and said, "Don't forget, this is our Jishi Village! If you really piss us off, hundreds of villagers will come out, and none of you can run away today!" "

"Haha." I laughed: "Are you scaring me? I'm so fucking scared." Then I climbed out of the car and walked slowly towards Xu Jingpeng. People naturally followed me, coming from the gaps between the vehicles. When they come out, they are like black rivers that eventually converge into a vast ocean. The decent underworld in Beiyuan City is naturally not comparable to these workers in the countryside, and the momentum it exudes is enough to scare them. Xu Jingpeng was the first to get scared and started to back up, and all the workers also started to back up.

"Don't move, don't move!" Xu Jingpeng pointed at me: "Just stand there and don't move!"

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of my mouth: "Will I listen to you? Brothers, come on!" Then I took the lead and rushed over. Everyone came over with a roar, raised the weapons in their hands, and rushed towards the opposite side, shouting and killing. Xu Jingpeng shouted, turned around and ran away. Suddenly the tree fell and the macaques dispersed. All the workers lost their previous momentum and ran towards the interior of the factory. As we entered the factory, we saw a large yard with patches of sand piled in it. The workers were familiar with the work. Some climbed over the wall and some jumped through the door. After a while, they disappeared without a trace. A large group of people stood in the yard and suddenly lost their focus. I continued to put my hands on my hips and said, "Come on, pack the sand."

Everyone got to work enthusiastically, first driving the car in, then driving the forklift next to it, and started loading sand into our cars. We filled each car and drove it, so that we could have enough food and clothing by ourselves. After a while, a voice came from above.

"Wang Hao, if you have the ability, just wait here!"

I looked up and saw Xu Jingpeng standing on the roof, looking at me angrily. I smiled and said, "Manager Xu, if you can't handle this, let's ask your boss to do it. I heard his name is Huang Dafa? He's the tyrant of Jishi Village, right?"

Xu Jingpeng didn't say a word and went down from the other side. I know that he must have gone to the village to call for people, and called for all the young and strong labor force. It is estimated that there will be two to three hundred people. This is the entire strength of Jishi Village. But I am not afraid at all. After all, we are also professional gangsters. We usually kill people just like playing house. Come and see who can outplay whom.

Previously, the standard configuration of a dump truck was two people, but now it is time to need people, so it was changed to one person. Let them quickly clean the sand at each construction site, while the others stay where they are and wait. They must figure this out today, otherwise the sand will still be a problem in the future. Huang Dafa really took the courage of a leopard and dared to shit on the head of the Black Tiger Gang.

Soon, the Black Tiger Gang's dump trucks were loaded with goods and transported away one after another. Trucks from other construction sites were also pulling in. No one registered because we made such a fuss. The sand was effectively free, and no one wanted to take advantage of it.

Suddenly, a driver ran over and said, "People are coming from Jishi Village. There are more than 200 men, women, and children, carrying sickles and hoes. You'd better run away."

I burst out laughing: "Is there any mistake? There are also women, old people, and young people? This Huang Dafa must be crazy."

He didn't care immediately and continued chatting and laughing with the people around him. Brick immediately said: "Let's make a deal first, I won't hit women." But he was also very excited. He held Brick in his hand and kept staring at the factory gate. In less than five minutes, a crowd of dark figures came over. Sure enough, they were carrying sickles and hoes, and they all looked angry. The local folk customs were indeed quite tough. Xu Jingpeng was walking in front, showing off his power, shaking his head and tail, he was really proud of himself.

I felt happy when I saw this scene and said, "Brothers, copycats, get ready to fight!"

This time, there were more than 150 people in total. Excluding those who drove away before, there were still more than 120 people. The number of people is much lower than that of these villagers, but I believe that we will never lose this fight. I dare not say that all of you here are murderers without blood, but you still have the courage to chop people half to death. Everyone roared in unison, stood in rows, raised the weapons in their hands, and stared at the person coming. Xu Jingpeng led the villagers over, and I shouted: "Where's Huang Dafa? Why send you, the cannon fodder, here?"

Xu Jingpeng said: "Stop talking nonsense, I will let you lie down and go out to Jishi Village today. Brothers, rush for me!"

At this moment, suddenly an old man ran out from the crowd opposite, rushed forward a few steps, then turned back, opened his arms wide and said: "Don't move, don't move!" The people on the opposite side did the same. Obedient, he stood still immediately.

I looked at the old man curiously and saw that he was wearing coarse cloth clothes and a blue cloth hat on his head, which was similar to the one worn by Zhao Benshan. He looked very rustic. Xu Jingpeng said: "Secretary Yu, these people are bullies who come to our village to cause trouble. They have seriously affected the normal operation of the sand and gravel plant. I asked men, women and children to come over to help. Why are you stopping me?"

It turns out that he is the secretary of the village committee of this village, but he looks very shabby, and he still has such a big sand and gravel factory. Could it be that all the profits were taken by Huang Dafa alone? I just heard Secretary Yu say: "If anything happens, you can call the police station to solve it. What's going on if you ask the villagers to come over and fight? Who is responsible for being injured or killed? Are you responsible?"

This question left Xu Jingpeng speechless. He said angrily: "Secretary Yu, get out of the way, we have to fight today."

"I said no, I just can't. If you have the ability, just step over me!" Secretary Yu opened his arms and said angrily.

"Hey, this secretary is interesting." I pointed at his back and the people next to him, and everyone nodded.

Xu Jingpeng was also angry: "Old man, get the fuck out of your way now, or I'll be rude to you!"

"No, if you can, call Huang Dafa over and I'll talk to him in person!" The old man seemed quite stubborn.

"Damn it." Xu Jingpeng stretched out his hand and said to the person next to him: "Give me this guy, and I will kill this old man!"

Unexpectedly, the people next to him did not move. Xu Jingpeng glared: "What's going on?!"

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