Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 772, My Plan

After Bai Yanluo left with his people, Secretary Yu also left with his people. Ye Zhan and others came around and said in shock: "Really we have to fight in three days?" I nodded and said: "Sooner or later, let's fight and decide quickly."

Brick laughed and said, "Haha, that's right! Wang Hao, we finally had a bloody fight."

The decision was made, Meng Liang and the others were also very excited. No one wanted to kill Bai Yanluo more than they did. We returned to Beiyuan and came to my villa to stay temporarily. The news of the decisive battle three days later has spread throughout the south of the city. There will never be an assassination attempt within three days. I am not ashamed to do such a thing, but Bai Yanluo is disdainful to do such a thing.

We made serious preparations for the decisive battle three days later. Although there is a huge disparity in strength between the two sides, we must still go all out. Bai Yanluo's power in the south of the city reached 800 people, and there was only a lot more. On the day of the decisive battle, he will definitely bring all his brothers out. In fact, we all have a consensus that the so-called decisive battle on Kaiyuan Road is simply impossible to happen. why would you say so? After all, Kaiyuan Road belongs to the urban area, and it is also the most prosperous road section in the south of the city. Two gangs are fighting here, and the government will not sit idly by and watch. Probably all the police in the city will come, and maybe even the army will be dispatched.

If the decisive battle took place at Sun Mountain, there might not be these concerns. But on Kaiyuan Road? ! It’s amazing that he can fight!

Just like the time between Black Yama and Zhao Tiequan, they only left after a few dozen minutes of confrontation.

The decisive battle between Bai Yanluo and me on Kaiyuan Road will eventually turn into a negotiation between the two parties.

In this case, why did I propose a decisive battle on Kaiyuan Road, and why did Bai Yanluo agree to a decisive battle on Kaiyuan Road?

After all, we each have our own little Jiujiu. After such a big thing happened, it is no exaggeration to say that the entire underworld in the south of the city, including the entire underworld in Beiyuan, are paying attention to us. Not only us, but everyone thought that there was going to be a fight to the death between us. At this time, whoever shrinks will not be able to survive. Of course Bai Yanluo is not afraid of us. His only worry is that he cannot find us. In his eyes, Yu Chengfei and I are insects that can be easily crushed to death. Before, if he hadn't wanted to marry Nan Nan, he would have killed Yu Chengfei and me. With the trust Yu Chengfei and I had in him at the time, it was easy for him to do this.

Now, I offered to have a decisive battle. Although it was on Kaiyuan Road, Bai Yanluo couldn't wait to agree. He knows he can't fight, and he knows he can't kill us. However, he just hopes that we don't run away. He also wants to marry Nannan again. He thinks this matter can be discussed again. Therefore, the negotiation was in line with Bai Yanluo's wishes, so he agreed.

I chose to have the decisive battle on Kaiyuan Road because of two considerations. First, after three days, Yu Chengfei has disappeared and no one can find him anymore; second, I want to assassinate Bai Yanluo. If you kill someone in public, you will definitely be arrested. Under such circumstances, Bai Yanluo would never have thought that I would dare to take action.

He would never have imagined that in order to kill him, I would even risk going to jail or being sentenced to death!

If not, we would be in a very bad situation. The Black Tiger Gang has no place to survive, and Meng Liang and his gang can only hide in hiding. Everyone slowly dies under the influence of Bai Yanluo. However, as long as I can kill Bai Yanluo, all this will come to an end! I told Yu Chengfei that I would live, take down Beiyuan City, and wait for him to come back. In fact, it was just to let him go with peace of mind.

On Kaiyuan Road, the two armies faced off. I will use the name of negotiation to get very close to Bai Yanluo. Then, I pulled out the knife and stabbed him in the heart. Blood gushed out, Bai Yanluo fell, and his era ended.

This is the only way I can think of to kill Bai Yanluo.

Afterwards, I would be picked up by the police. Jade and stone will burn together and perish together. The remaining people will continue to work hard until Yu Chengfei returns.

That's my whole plan.

Crazy and impulsive, but with a high success rate.

When I told this plan in the villa, almost everyone opposed it. Only Miao Wenqing said that this was a good idea. Although it was desperate, it was the only way to kill Bai Yanluo.

"No." Meng Liang slapped the table and stood up: "You can't die. You are the backbone. After you die, our strength will be dispersed. Bai Yanluo leaves it to me to kill. In terms of killing, I have more experience than You are rich.”

Brick said: "I agree with the first half of Meng Liang's sentence, but I disagree with the second half. Bai Yanluo should be left to me to kill. Master and I have learned thirty-six ways to kill people. When it comes to killing people, I have more experience than you." Abundance for everyone!”

Others were also noisy. They all agreed with this method, but believed that they should do the killing. Especially Meng Liang and his gang, almost everyone wanted to kill Bai Yanluo with their own hands, while Quanhu and the others simply wanted to kill for me "because I am the gang leader." Everyone argued for a long time, and finally calmed down and looked at me.

I said slowly: "Brothers and brothers, do you know where our advantages are?"

Everyone shook their heads.

I continued: "Bai Yanluo doesn't trust anyone, so he has no core strength. Once he dies, his men will fall apart. That's what it means when the tree falls and the monkeys disperse. But we are different. We are all the core strength of this force. .Even if Yu Chengfei leaves and I go to jail, you can still continue to lead the team forward."

Meng Liangming nodded: "But you don't have to do it yourself. Everyone here is more experienced than you."

I smiled: "Brother Liang. If the two parties are negotiating, I am the closest to Bai Yanluo. I am the most convenient to start and can guarantee the fastest speed. And..." I stood up slowly and spoke word by word. : "I must let Bai Yanluo die in my hands. Because..." My expression became ferocious, and my tone became vicious: "I have never wanted someone to die so much!"

The word "death" is pronounced very strongly. Yes, Bai Yanluo has become the most hated figure in my heart, successfully surpassing the likes of Su Xiaobai and Hou Shengshuo.

Everyone fell silent, they had noticed my determination, and no one stopped me from my crazy behavior.

Only Brick sighed: "You said you would go, why do you still need my red stick? Oh, really..."

I smiled and said, "You are responsible for covering me. Bai Yanluo's personal bodyguards are very good. If they stop me from killing Bai Yanluo, you will be responsible for killing them all." Brick was happy when he heard this and said repeatedly: "No problem, leave it to me!"

After a while, Miao Wenqing asked: "The so-called negotiation must be based on a situation where both parties are evenly matched and have concerns. The Black Tiger Gang was injured a lot by Bai Yanluo before, and now it can only be counted as 70 or 80. People. In addition to Brother Yu's previous subordinates, there are only more than a hundred people. What if Bai Yanluo sees that there are only a hundred of us on Kaiyuan Road, then what is the point of negotiating? No chance at all, directly What should I do if I wave my hand and let people rush forward?"

"Yes." Everyone expressed doubts: "Eight hundred people versus one hundred people, Bai Yanluo may not be able to negotiate..."

This possibility does exist.

I smiled slightly: "So, we have to recruit troops within three days, and quickly gather enough people to make Bai Yanluo feel scrupulous, forcing him to negotiate with us!"

Next, under my direction, everyone went about their own business.

After a whole day of work, I was so tired that I felt like falling apart, so I lay down on the sofa and fell asleep. In the dream, I saw the birth of Yu Chengfei and Nan Nan’s child. His eyes are like Yu Chengfei’s, and his mouth is like Nan Nan’s. What a beautiful child. I smile when I look at him.

I woke up smiling. When he opened his eyes, he was immediately startled to see four beautiful girls standing in front of the sofa, namely Xia Xue, Tao Zi, Zhou Mo, and Bai Qing. I sat up in surprise: "Hey, why are you here?"

Xia Xue said: "I did very well in the exam, so my mother allowed me to relax for two days and allowed me to move around freely outside."

Taozi said: "Have you forgotten? I live here originally, so there is no question of coming or not."

Zhou Mo said: "Such a big thing happened in the south of the city. Do you think I can't come over to take a look?"

Bai Qing said: "We all know about you, so we..."

I raised my hand and said, "Okay, don't say anything. I've made up my mind, no one can persuade me. Instead of talking about useless things, it's better to cherish the remaining time. Do you have wine? You can drink with me. A few drinks.”

There was wine in the villa, and Tao Zi cooked some dishes, so we sat together to eat and drink. I said strangely: "Where's Sister Qi, doesn't she live here too?" Taozi said: "She left after you fell asleep."

Zhou Mo snorted: "She saw that we were in trouble, so she slapped her butt and ran away, right? A bitch is ruthless, the old saying is true."

"Okay, okay." I waved my hands and said, "Don't talk about that, just let's be happy. Come, let's drink."

I picked up the cup and clinked it with the four girls. After drinking three glasses in a row, I felt a little dizzy. This is the first time that I have been together with four girls at the same time. I feel very happy now. I wish that time could freeze at this moment and let us live a carefree life forever. I smiled and said, "Do you know what I just dreamed about? I dreamed that Brother Yu and Sister Nannan's child was born, and it was very beautiful. Sister Nannan also asked me to choose a name. How could I do that? Ha ha ha ha……"

The four girls also laughed together and helped me with suggestions. Several names were chosen, but none were ideal. Finally, Bai Qing said: "Okay, okay, it's still early for the baby to be born, why should we be anxious? When Brother Yu and Sister Nannan come back, we can get together and think of a name!"

Unexpectedly, when Bai Qing said this, everyone fell silent.

Who knows if I will still be alive at that time?

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