Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 786: He is a man

A week later, I was sitting in the office of the Forest Bar. The key members of the Black Tiger Gang were sitting on the sofas on both sides. The early morning sunlight was streaming in from the windows behind me. Everyone talked and laughed, and everyone's face was filled with confidence.

"That Niu Jie, I knocked him down with just one brick!" Brick stood in the middle and performed, making everyone laugh.

Everyone was very happy because everyone successfully completed the task. The south of the city is about to be captured by us, and we are about to stand at the pinnacle of this city, with a lot of money and a lot of beautiful girls right in front of us. I smiled along with them, but I was still worried.

Because the mistress hasn't come back yet.

The opponent of the mistress is Kang Rui. Kang Rui said whether he was strong or not, and whether he was weak or not, but it would take some effort to kill him.

After a while, someone knocked on the door. The mistress is here! I quickly said come in.

The door opened, and the mistress did come, but she came in lying down. The youngest son was lying on a stretcher with a white cloth wrapped around him. Two brothers carried him in. Everyone was stunned, and the office was eerily quiet. The two brothers put the third son on the ground and suddenly knelt down in front of me, crying: "Brother Hao, you want to avenge our third brother."

My heart trembled. Stand up, step out, squat. The mistress died miserably, with at least thirty stab wounds to her body.

My nose felt sore and I almost shed tears. But I know I can't cry. I am the leader of the Black Tiger Gang and the backbone of everyone. I looked at the stab wound on the third son calmly. These knife wounds were jagged and messy, obviously not caused by one person or one knife. What kind of tragic situation did the mistress encounter before his death?

A brother raised the mistress's hands to show me, and I found that the mistress's hands were holding two pieces of wood tightly.

There was a faint cry outside the door - and it was the cry of more than one person. I stood up and walked out the door, and was surprised to find twenty or thirty men standing in the corridor, all members of the Xiaosanzi branch. These men all had their heads lowered, tears falling from their cheeks. Each of them was trying their best to suppress their cries. A sad atmosphere filled the corridor.

I'm surprised. As far as I know, the prestige of the mistress is not high, and his subordinates have always looked down upon him, thinking that he only became the leader of the hall because he "betrayed relatively early". Now that the mistress is dead, these men are crying like this?

I stood in the corridor, and the men raised their heads one after another, with tears in their eyes.

"Brother Hao, avenge third brother!" "Brother Hao, third brother is a man, you must avenge him!"

"What's going on?" I asked, "Who can tell me what's going on?"

I sat behind the desk and listened to the brother of my mistress narrating the entire process.

The mistress works very hard, and he really wants to kill Kang Rui in order to improve his status and prove his strength. He carefully investigated Kang Rui's information, ordered his brothers to investigate his whereabouts, and actively made battle plans. But unfortunately, these brothers looked down on the mistress and were not willing to listen to him. They do errands, do things half-heartedly, and never do things seriously. They go out for a walk every day, and when they come back, they say there is no news about Kang Rui.

Several days passed, and the other hall masters completed their tasks, but there was still no movement on the side of the mistress. The mistress was anxious and asked everyone to be more attentive. Everyone agreed, but in fact they still didn't take it seriously, waiting to see the mistress's joke. Seeing that the deadline is approaching, the mistress has not even seen Kang Rui's shadow. The more anxious the mistress is, the happier they will be. They even thought of a bad trick to punish the mistress. Yesterday, the day before the deadline, someone reported to the mistress that Kang Rui would appear at a disco that night. The mistress was very excited and immediately ordered all the brothers to gather at this disco in the evening. At the same time, they pretended to be ordinary guests, carrying a good guy, and were ready to kill Kang Rui!

In the evening, everyone rushed to the disco. However, they did not pretend to be ordinary guests. Instead, they bared their chests, revealing the tiger head logo on their arms, and they did not carry anything on their bodies. The mistress angrily asked them why, but they laughed and said, "Kang Rui won't come at all. You idiot, we deliberately messed with you."

At this moment, a group of guys armed with machetes and sharp knives rushed into the disco. Kang Rui is actually here!

Kang Rui led the people and rushed towards the mistress and the others. Of course, the results will be different if there is a guy or not, if one is prepared or not. The mistress's people fled, and everyone rushed to the toilet, where the windows could escape to the outside. The youngest son rushed to the toilet first, but stood guard at the door to let his brothers go first.

"Third brother, what about you?"

"Don't worry about me! I'm the boss and I want to protect you!" The third son yelled: "You go first, I'll take the lead!"

The mistress stood guard at the door of the toilet, fighting off the oncoming people and machetes alone. The toilet door is narrow, and as long as the mistress doesn't get out of the way, they can't rush in. The mistress grabbed the door frame, roaring, and the machetes fell on him.

A few hours later, the mistress's brother returned to the disco and found the mistress still standing at the door of the toilet. He was already dead, with stab wounds all over his body, but his hands were still gripping the door frame like iron vices. His expression was ferocious and his eyes were wide. Even though he was dead, he was still intimidating. Everyone was crying and dragging the body of the mistress. But he couldn't move at all. The mistress's hands were tightly grasping the door frame, and no one could separate his hands from the door frame.

Later, everyone found a carpenter to saw off the place where the third son was holding the door frame, so that the third son's body could be carried away.

The story is over. The tough men in the office couldn't help but blush.

"Brother Hao, you have to avenge Third Brother!" Everyone knelt in a row outside the corridor.

I took a long breath, holding back the sadness in my chest and the tears in my eyes.

"Before taking revenge, find the traitor first." I said calmly: "Kang Rui's appearance is not accidental. Someone among you must have leaked the secret. If you want to avenge your third brother, you must find this traitor."

who is it? !

Everyone turned their heads in surprise. You looked at me and I looked at you. No one knew who the traitor was.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "I know, the traitor is Chen Qing! This idea of ​​persecuting people was proposed by Chen Qing. And the subsequent bare chests, logos, and no dicks were all his. proposal!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a man stood up suddenly and was about to run downstairs. It was obviously Chen Qing. With so many people here, he must not be allowed to escape. Two minutes later, Chen Qing was captured. He had become bruised and swollen, and he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, claiming that he was only temporarily confused and was taken advantage of by Kang Rui. Everyone was very angry and wished to kill Chen Qing now.

I said, "If you can be used by Kang Rui, then you must be able to contact him, right? Where is he now?"

Chen Qing rolled his eyes and said: "Brother Hao, I know I was wrong, and I want to atone for my sin. If I tell you Kang Rui's address, can you spare my life? I am willing to get out of the Black Tiger Gang , and will never appear in the south of the city again."

I breathed out and waved to him: "Come here."

"Hey." Chen Qing immediately walked to the desk and looked at me expectantly.

I grabbed Chen Qing's hand, took a dagger from the drawer, and thrust it into the back of Chen Qing's hand. The dagger penetrated through and stuck firmly on the table. Chen Qing yelled, screamed, and begged for mercy, but I didn't move at all, still holding the hilt of the dagger.

"Remember, you have no right to bargain. Tell me, where is Kang Rui?"

"In the garbage dump over East Lake, there lives an old man who picks up rags. Kang Rui is hiding in his simple house."

He is hiding here, no wonder no one can find him.

As soon as Chen Qing finished speaking, all the hall leaders stood up: "I'm going!" Everyone's eyes burst out with anger.

"I will go." I said, "My brother, I will avenge him personally."

After saying that, I stood up and walked out, and everyone followed me. Chen Qing was tied up and locked in the office.

The scenery of East Lake is pleasant, and many elderly people and couples like to take a walk here. There is a garbage dump a few hundred meters away from East Lake. It has a rancid smell that lingers all year round. Just being close to it will make people feel sick. The entire Black Tiger Gang was mobilized this time, and Ma Teng, the newest member, also followed. Nearly three hundred people surrounded the garbage dump. Among the garbage piles all over the mountains and plains, there stands a small house in the center. It is made of ordinary plywood. It is not rain-proof in summer and snow-proof in winter. In addition to the unbearable smell, disgusting environment, and there are swarms of It's infested with mosquitoes and I don't know how the people inside live there.

But Kang Rui happens to live here, and has lived here for more than a week. It’s hard to imagine how he survived.

The movement of nearly three hundred people quickly aroused Kang Rui's movement. He emerged from the hut and looked at the crowd around him in astonishment. Everyone held a machete in their hand, and Kang Rui's eyes were shining with cold light.

The mistress suffered more than thirty knives, and I want Kang Rui to suffer more than 300 knives!

Conry ran around the house and found that there was no way to escape from this place. He knelt down in my direction, crying and professing his allegiance to me. We surrounded each other and formed a small circle. Without any hesitation, I picked up the knife in my hand and chopped it down. This was a signal to attack, and countless knives struck down. I turned around and walked out of the crowd, and I heard Kang Rui's screams behind me. The scream lasted only ten seconds, and then disappeared from this world.

I lit a cigarette and put it upside down on the ground. As the green smoke curled up, I looked at the sky and said, "My dear, you are a man. Don't worry, I will always treat you as my brother."

No one saw, my tears fell quietly.

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