Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 850: Bastards are human beings too

Xiao Wu said softly: "It's okay, it's just a formality."

Mr. Rong breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go." Then he looked at us with contempt.

We all stared, but under the guns of these military police, we only dared to be angry and dare not speak. Mr. Rong took two steps and asked: "What about them? Nothing happened to them?" Xiao Wu said: "The public security bureau will come to arrest them in a while. If there is such a big mess in Beiyuan, no one can escape. After hearing this, Mr. Rong laughed happily, walked out of the yard surrounded by many military police, and left in the green military vehicle.

There were only a few of us left in the yard, all staring at each other. Yu Chengfei said: "It's okay. It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge."

Tie Nian said: "It won't take ten years. From the looks of the old man's face, he will die in less than half a year."

Yuan Shao asked: "That Xiao Wu said just now that someone from the Public Security Bureau will come to arrest us soon. Is it true or false?"

Yu Chengfei said: "It's probably true. After all, after such a big thing happened, we'd better hide."

As soon as we left the yard, we saw a middle-aged man standing under the wall outside. The others were fine, but Yu Chengfei and I were sweating profusely, because this man was Li Zhengyang, the deputy mayor of Beiyuan.

Li Zhengyang waved: "You two, come here."

Yu Chengfei and I walked over. Li Zhengyang said: "It's not just a formality. Mr. Rong has really been arrested. If there is such a big mess in Beiyuan, someone has to take responsibility. Anyway, this old man is about to die, so he is the best candidate."

We both said "Oh" with joy on our faces at the same time. Li Zhengyang added: "But in addition to Mr. Rong, the bosses of several parties in this melee, Miao Chenjiang, Ma Weishan, and Wang Hao, will also be arrested, otherwise they will not be able to explain to the superiors. Ma Weishan is dead, and Miao Chenjiang has already He was arrested, and as for Wang Hao..."

My heart sank, while Yu Chengfei looked anxious: "Uncle..."

"Go away and hide for a while, and then come back when the limelight has passed. I guarantee that no one will pursue this matter again."

"Ha!" Yu Chengfei laughed and put his arm around my shoulders. I was stunned and looked at Li Zhengyang blankly.

Li Zhengyang continued to say with a smile: "Let Yu Chengfei handle the matter of Beiyuan first, and unify the four urban areas as quickly as possible, you know?"

"No problem." A smile appeared on Yu Chengfei's lips. This kind of thing was no problem for him.

Li Zhengyang took a breath, as if to stabilize his emotions, and then asked: "Yu Chengfei, how is my daughter?"

Yu Chengfei immediately said: "Don't worry, uncle, she is in a very safe place. We will take her back when Beiyuan is stable."

"You're still calling me uncle now?" Li Zhengyang looked at Yu Chengfei with a half-smile.

"Then...Dad?" Yu Chengfei was extremely smart and immediately guessed what Li Zhengyang meant, and immediately brayed like a donkey. I was also happy for Yu Chengfei. He and Nan Nan had finally achieved success!

Li Zhengyang nodded, took a few more breaths, and then asked: "When will Nan Nan be born? Is it soon?" His tone is gentle now, and he has completely lost the airs of the deputy mayor, and is just a father. care.

I was also very curious about this question and looked at Yu Chengfei nervously. Half a year has passed in a blink of an eye. According to the time calculation, Nannan will give birth in the near future. Yu Chengfei smiled and said: "Dad, Nannan was lying at that time. She was not pregnant at all. The reason why she said that was to force me to steal the bride."

So that’s it! Sister Nannan is not pregnant, so my heart is empty, and I still think that I will have a nephew soon. But the most disappointing thing must be Yu Chengfei’s father. He couldn’t wait to hold a fat grandson in his arms, and this was the only thing he could show off in front of my father, but in the end it was all in vain. I raised my head and saw Li Zhengyang's expression. I didn't know how to describe it. I felt that he was happy and disappointed at the same time, and his face was uncertain.

Sister Nannan is not pregnant, and Yu Chengfei doesn't think anything of it, but we bystanders feel more sad than the other.

Yu Chengfei said strangely: "Dad, what's wrong with you, dad?"

Li Zhengyang waved his hand: "Call me uncle, don't call me dad!"

"Huh? Didn't you just..."

"Call me uncle, our relationship hasn't reached that level yet!" Li Zhengyang stopped looking at Yu Chengfei and said to me, "Wang Hao, please leave quickly, I can't hold him back for long."

I nodded and prepared to go back and drive my Poussin. Although the wall collapsed, it should still be able to drive.

"Let's go in my car." Li Zhengyang said, "Now the whole city is blocked, you can't get out in that car."

Li Zhengyang has an Audi A6 with a government license plate next to him, which is his usual car. I was not polite, just opened the car door and got in.

Everyone came over to say goodbye to me. Mr. Yuan said: "It's a pity that we have to separate after we just met. Our industry will never have a peaceful life. Don't go too far. Come back as soon as the limelight is over. Then we can have a good drink."

I said, "I definitely have to come back, and I still have to take the college entrance examination." Everyone laughed. Tie Nian said: "Wang Hao, you go to Xinxiang. That's the Ye family's territory. I'll keep you safe. Then I'll take Teacher Yuan back."

When I thought about it, it was a good choice, and I could meet Xia Xue and the others often. This is not running away, it is simply traveling.

When Brick heard this, he immediately said: "Then let me go too. It's not interesting to be here. I miss my sister too."

I said, "No, you stay and study hard. If you fail to get into SJTU then I will settle the score with you."

"How could you fail the exam? You should worry about yourself..." Brick muttered, but he didn't disobey me.

I looked at Ye Zhan again. Ye Zhan's face was bloodless and he seemed to be about to fall down at any time.

I asked: "How are you? Why don't you go to the hospital quickly?"

Ye Zhan shook his head and said, "It's okay."

The iron block next to him said: "Don't worry, I'm here. I'll treat him later."

I forgot that Iron Block is also a first-rate surgeon. I just breathed a sigh of relief, but after thinking about it, I felt uneasy, so I got out of the car and pulled Ye Zhan aside to talk. Now that Beiyuan's affairs are basically over, all that's left is to deal with some tails and unify the entire underworld. I intend to hand over the Beiyuan underworld to Yu Chengfei, but Ye Zhan is the second leader of the Black Tiger Gang, so I have to discuss it with him. As soon as I mentioned this, Ye Zhan said: "Mouse, don't worry. Everyone knows that you want to go to college and immigrate to Arabia. If Brother Yu is the boss, everyone will definitely have no problem with it. After all, his ability is obvious to all."

After listening to it, I just felt relaxed and relaxed like never before. I said with some excitement: "Well, I'll leave first. You must help Brother Yu well. I will be such a big brother in my life."

"Don't worry." Ye Zhan patted my shoulder and showed a bright smile again, just like when I first met him.

I also laughed and felt more at ease than I had ever felt before. I exhaled and looked around. Everyone was looking at me silently. The sun hit my face, and I smiled brightly and got back into Li Zhengyang's Audi car.

Li Zhengyang leaned against the window and told the driver that he must deliver me safely to Xinxiang City. The driver's name was Xiao Wang, a young man in his twenties who looked steady and steady. He said, "Don't worry, Mayor Li!" and then slowly started the car.

I waved my hands to everyone, and then slowly closed the car window. Even though the battlefields were in the south and north of the city, all the streets in Beiyuan City were very quiet, with almost no one wandering outside, and it was as empty as a ghost town. I asked Xiao Wang: "What is the situation in Beiyuan now?" Xiao Wang said: "The melee has stopped, and the police from all walks of life are cleaning up the scene. The living people are taken directly to the public security bureau, and the dead are taken directly to the crematorium and thrown into the crematorium half dead. Ambulances, if you can, save them, if you can't, pull them down, they are all scum anyway."

After hearing this, my heart felt cold. Xiao Wang realized something and quickly blushed and said: "Brother Hao, I didn't mean that... I meant those low-level bastards. Their lives are worthless, and no one will care about them even if they die..."

"Bastards are human beings too, and no one is born noble or humble."

I said something out of the blue, and Xiao Wang was so ashamed that he didn't dare to speak. But I know that in the minds of most people, they still have the same thoughts as Xiao Wang. The title of "bad boy" is enough to explain everyone's views on bastards.

To get on the expressway, we had to pass through the south and north of the city. Xiao Wang wanted to take a detour, but I wanted to see what was going on, so I insisted on letting him pass through Jiefang Street and Kaiyuan Road. We first came to Jiefang Street. Jiefang Street has been blocked. There is a yellow cordon outside, and countless cars, police cars, military vehicles, motorcycles, and ambulances are parked inside. They are parked in various directions on Jiefang Street. Countless staff are on It was busy inside, some were wearing suits, some were wearing police uniforms, some were wearing white coats...

People in suits were directing the scene, people in police uniforms were escorting people to police cars from time to time, and people in white coats were throwing people into ambulances—really throwing them, no exaggeration at all. I saw a man’s arm cut off, with blood still spurting out, but the people in white coats had no sympathy and coldly threw him into the ambulance without even taking the most basic medical measures.

I asked Xiao Wang to drive in. Because this car was Li Zhengyang's car, and the glass was covered with dark solar film, so it was impossible to see inside from the outside, so we were not blocked. The cordon was immediately withdrawn, and the armed police next to us saluted us.

The car drove into the street. The road was so crowded that the speed had to be very slow. I also took this opportunity to carefully observe the Jiefang Street after the melee. The machetes, blood, and injured people everywhere were shocking.

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