Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 852, Unify Beiyuan

So the two of them searched for Mr. Yuan while playing. One day when they passed through a relatively wealthy village, they were shocked to find that there was a photo of Mr. Yuan on the archway!

"Young Master Yuan's arrest warrant has been posted here?"

"Who knows? Let's go down and take a look."

The two got out of the car, took a closer look, and found that it was a poster for Mr. Yuan to run for village chief!

On the poster, Yuan Shao spreads his fingers and looks up at the blue sky. Next to it is his personal introduction, and below is his election manifesto.

"I want to lead everyone on the road to becoming richer and stronger. Please vote for me!" The bottom back cover reads like this.

Yu Chengfei and Nan Nan were stunned and had no idea what was happening.

"Damn it, if Mr. Yuan can become the village chief, I can become the president of the country." Yu Chengfei laughed. But no matter what, they finally had news about Yuan Shao. After some inquiring, I easily got Yuan Shao's contact information. It turned out that Yuan Shao had become a celebrity in the local area. After the call was put through, Mr. Yuan was so excited that he drove over to find Yu Chengfei and Nan Nan, then took them to a restaurant in the city for dinner, and then told his story.

It turns out that when Yuan Shao first arrived in Guangdong, he accidentally rescued a local gang boss. The gang leader admired Yuan Shao's personality and abilities, so he befriended him and made him the second boss. Since then, Yuan Shao has been hanging out with this boss. As for running for village chief, that's because the boss has taken a fancy to the village's industry. Only by arranging one of his own to become the village chief can he legally take over the village's industry. Young Master Yuan was the most educated among their group, so it was natural for him to run for office. There is another force also vying for the position of village chief, so the competition between them is quite fierce. However, Mr. Yuan was very confident. He said: "That kind of small force can be killed in minutes!"

After Yuan Shao finished speaking, he said excitedly: "I didn't expect that I would be able to become the village chief in this life. Now I can feel proud in front of my dad!" In the following days, Yu Chengfei and Nan Nan lived here. , experienced how Yuan Shao ran for village chief and how he battled wits and courage with another force. However, that is another story, and I will tell it to you when I have the opportunity.

After Yu Chengfei and Nan Nan lived here for several months, they finally couldn't bear to leave Beiyuan and said they wanted to go back and have a look. Yuan Shao smiled and said: "Don't worry about the rat. I think that boy will be fine. But you can go back if you want, but you must be careful. If anything happens, call me in time. I will send people there all day and night You can get to Beiyuan.”

In this way, Yu Chengfei and Nan Nan quietly returned to Beiyuan and rented a private house in a certain urban village. None of them told or revealed their whereabouts. Yu Chengfei went out to inquire about information every day and bribed many gangsters, who were his informants. He knew everything about the Black Tiger Gang, the east of the city, and the west of the city. He also had a good grasp of the situation in the entire Beiyuan. Yu Chengfei was particularly concerned about my every move and tried every means to find out everything about me. After learning that Mr. Rong and I had close contacts, he began to secretly inquire about Mr. Rong.

But Mr. Rong is not so easy to figure out. Yu Chengfei spent a long time observing this old man, staying near Mr. Rong’s residence every day, and saw that he not only had close contacts with me, but also with Miao Chen Jiang and Ma Weishan had close contacts. Although he didn't know the specific content of their conversation, Yu Chengfei still concluded based on his feelings that "this old man is definitely not a kind person."

After coming to this conclusion, Yu Chengfei analyzed the current situation in Beiyuan and determined that some reinforcements were needed, so he called Mr. Yuan. Mr. Yuan was unambiguous and immediately rented several buses to transport two to three hundred people in the name of tourism. As a result, the melee had already begun before anyone arrived. Mr. Yuan got into another car and hurried to Beiyuan. Before leaving, he told his men: "Divide into two groups, one to the south of the city and one to the north of the city, to help those with tiger heads on their arms!"

As for rescuing Ye Zhan's parents, it was a complete coincidence. Mr. Rong kidnapped Ye Zhan's parents earlier, and Yu Chengfei didn't know about it at all. While he was standing outside Mr. Rong's residence, he found Ye Zhan suddenly appeared and walked in. Yu Chengfei was still wondering what Ye Zhan was doing here. After a while, a girl hurried out of the courtyard, took out her mobile phone and made a call - Yu Chengfei recognized her as Su Beibei from the Golden House in Wangjiabao, and she was also someone close to Mr. Rong.

Yu Chengfei also did some research on this person, and it turned out that he was a baby girl picked up by Mr. Rong and raised as his granddaughter until now. Just listen to Su Beibei say: "Wang Hao, you'd better come to Mr. Rong's place, because..."

After Su Beibei finished the call, Yu Chengfei and Yuan Shao immediately rushed out, took Su Beibei to a secluded place, and asked her what was going on. Su Beibei was not a loyal man, so he immediately told the truth, and repeatedly emphasized: "I am on Wang Hao's side! You see, I also tipped him off!"

"Why?" Yu Chengfei asked, "You are Mr. Rong's man, why did you inform Wang Hao?"

Su Beibei said seriously: "I was inside just now and saw that Ye Zhan would rather be beaten than defend Wang Hao. I was moved by their friendship, so I came out and called Wang Hao. I hope they To be together forever.”

Yu Chengfei and Mr. Yuan looked at each other and felt that the girl's words were a bit strange, but they had no time to think about it deeply, and then asked her about the whereabouts of Ye Zhan's parents. It turned out that Ye Zhan's parents were imprisoned in the basement of the Golden House. Yu Chengfei and Mr. Yuan brought Su Beibei to serve as the royal family's fortress, used her as a hostage to rescue Ye Zhan's parents, and then sent Ye Zhan's parents to a safe place before returning to Mr. Rong's residence. What happened next is what we have experienced together.

After Ye Zhan finished speaking this paragraph, I took a long breath. I didn't expect that Yu Chengfei had protected me in secret for so long.

Then, Ye Zhan told me about the current situation of Beiyuan. The overall situation has been stabilized. The public security bureau has detained a group of people, the hospital has admitted a group of people, and the crematorium has sent a group of people to the hospital. "Ma Weishan is dead, Miao Chenjiang was arrested, and Wang Hao ran away." The east and west of the city suffered another defeat and are now in a state of extreme chaos. Under the leadership of Yu Chengfei, the Black Tiger Gang quickly reorganized its situation and urgently transferred 400 people to occupy four urban areas respectively, strictly prohibiting small groups from taking the opportunity to cause chaos; then they spent a lot of money and relied on connections to protect people from the public security bureau. , so that the imprisoned Black Tiger Gang members can be released as soon as possible; and then occupy major hospitals and clinics to provide treatment to the Black Tiger Gang members first, ensuring that everyone can recover as soon as possible.

In short, everything is in order, heading towards the goal of "unifying Beiyuan".

After hearing this, I was very happy and very ashamed. If it were me, I might have thought of the same strategy, but I wouldn't have acted as fast as Yu Chengfei. In this way, I feel more at ease living in Xinxiang, and everything in Beiyuan is slowly getting back on track. The dream that seemed out of reach at first has finally come true.

After hanging up the phone, I lay on the bed peacefully, and every muscle and cell in my body was relaxed.

I turned on the TV and tuned to Beiyuan TV Station. The news channel was broadcasting today's events. However, the melee of thousands of people turned into a melee of hundreds of people, and there was a close-up of Miao Chenjiang being arrested. The guy shrugged his head and was as honest as a grandson under the hold of the armed police; and Ma Weishan's body, just It was lying in the middle of the road, just covered with a white cloth. The host claimed in a persuasive tone that this was the fate of a chaotic society. Then he announced my name, saying that this was a gangster who was on the run. Everyone was welcome to provide clues and hoped that This gangster can surrender as soon as possible.

After seeing it, I felt guilty and relieved at the same time. Fortunately, there was only a name and no photo, otherwise I would not be able to go out to meet people in the future. But it’s my name after all, so I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel guilty. I was worried that someone would sue me when I went out to eat. But this worry is obviously unnecessary. Xinxiang is the territory of the Ye family, and Tie Nian has already asked someone to take care of me.

From that day on, Ye Zhan would call me every day to report on the situation, and everything was heading in the perfect direction. Under this situation, the gangsters in the east and west of the city abandoned their secrets and joined the Black Tiger Gang. There are more and more members of the Black Tiger Gang, and four urban districts have been firmly captured by us. Yu Chengfei's prestige in Beiyuan has naturally increased.

Every day brings new surprises. I stood on the rooftop of the hotel, looking up at the blue sky of Xinxiang, overlooking the bustling streets of Xinxiang, and imagining the same scene in Beiyuan. After a week like this, Ye Zhan called me again and said that Li Zhengyang and Pang Guohong had called Yu Chengfei over. No one knew the specific situation, but it must have been about Yu Chengfei hitting and killing Bai Yanluo in public. I was very nervous after hearing this, but I had to wait.

After a day of anxious waiting, Ye Zhan called again and said that Yu Chengfei had returned safely. I was relieved and asked him for details. It turned out that Yu Chengfei's wanted order was on the Ministry of Public Security's website, and it was impossible to get it. Therefore, Yu Chengfei needs to change a false identity. From now on, he will use this false name to continue to hang out in Beiyuan, so that no one will cause trouble for him. Like him, Yuan Shao, Yang Jiayi and other people involved in murder cases all need to change their identities.

After Yu Chengfei changes his name, he can be his king of the underworld in a down-to-earth manner.

"Okay, absolutely okay." I was very touched. As long as I can live and don't have to run around anymore, changing his name doesn't matter. We all know who he is anyway. Then I asked casually: "What's Brother Yu's new name?"

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