Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 859, Early stage of college entrance examination

Ye Jianxiong had no choice but to listen to my words, so he had no choice but to take the people away. Before leaving, he said: "Brother Hao, be careful."

Only me, Brick, and a bunch of first-year high school students were left at the scene. The leader saw that we had a chance to win, but ended up driving away the helpers. He was a little confused about my thoughts and became more afraid of me, so he said: "I'm not looking for you to fight, I just want to talk about what happened this afternoon." , why did you hit us with a basketball?"

I smiled and said, "You brought a stick, and you said it wasn't a fight. Are you kidding me?" Then I took out a cigarette, lit it, and said, "Brick, I'll just smoke a cigarette. You watch." Let’s do it.”

Brick immediately understood what I meant, which was to let him deal with these people in one cigarette. Brick didn't take them seriously at all, he took out Brick from his satchel and pounced on them. Upon seeing this, the group of high school students immediately rushed over and surrounded Brick in an instant. I leaned against the car door, smoking and watching the brick fight. It's a pleasure to watch Brick fight, especially watching him torture these rookies, it's really one-by-one, completely unambiguous. After knocking down five or six people in a row, these people finally realized that they were no match for him, and immediately ran around. Brick didn't have a head and six arms, so he couldn't chase so many people at once.

"Okay." I flicked the cigarette butt to the ground, "Let's go."

Brick came over and said, "I'm so angry. There's not enough food at all."

Just as he was talking, a high school freshman came back, followed by a male teacher. As the student walked away, he said, "They were the ones who got into a fight and injured all my classmates!" Your mother has learned that the bad guys will complain first. I didn't say anything and continued to lean against the car door, looking at them with a smile. Brick stood next to me, waiting for my instructions at any time.

The male teacher was on duty tonight. He came over and saw four or five students lying on the ground. When he looked at us standing next to him, he slapped the first-year high school student on the neck and cursed: "You You deserve it!" After saying that, he turned around and left.

The first-year high school student was also stunned, and he did not expect this consequence at all. All I can say is that since I haven’t been around for a long time, they don’t even know who I am anymore. I smiled, opened the car door and got up. Brick also walked towards the dormitory. No one paid any attention to the student.

Back at the villa, Zhou Mo called me and said he was coming to see me. Of course I wanted it, so I agreed immediately. Just after sitting at home for a while, Zhou Mo came over. The little girl was still very beautiful, especially her burgundy hair. The more I looked at her, the more I liked her, and I immediately started to get fussy. Gao Qi hadn't come back yet, so I carried Zhou Mo on my back. Mo returned to the room. Zhou Mo patted me on the back and scolded you for being such a hooligan. I laughed, but I wasn't a hooligan anymore anyway.

After returning from Xinxiang, I met Zhou Mo two or three times, but never that one. She is very busy now and wants to learn business from her father. Either the second generation of rich people are good, they don’t have to go to college, and they don’t have to worry about working when they get older. I don't plan to let this opportunity pass me by. Gao Qi almost suffocated me to death a few days ago. I have already made up my mind to marry four wives, so I don’t have any psychological pressure on whoever I choose to be with. He took her back to the bedroom and took off her clothes in three strokes.

Zhou Mo was very cooperative, and she also knew that I was holding it back. When a woman likes a man, she is really willing to give everything to him. I also quickly took off my clothes, and when I was about to drive straight in, I suddenly found Zhou Mo's eyes staring at my shoulders. My heart sank, and I felt that something bad was about to happen. The bite from Gao Qi was still there, and I'm afraid it will be there for the rest of my life. The tooth mark was too deep, and it looked like it was bitten by a girl. As expected, Zhou Mo immediately asked: "Who bit this?"

I deliberately said carelessly: "What do you think?" Anyway, it's not like she doesn't know how many wives I have.

Zhou Mo thought for a while and said, "Third Sister?" She was right in guessing that, because Tao Zi and Xia Xue's personalities would make it impossible for them to bite me. If they wanted to bite me, only Bai Qingxia would do it, and she could do this too. thing.

I immediately said, "You guessed it right."

Zhou Mo said: "What bad thing did you do to Third Sister to make her bite you like this?"

As soon as I heard her tone, I knew she wasn't angry. Among the four girls, she is actually the most open-minded, after all, she was born in such a family. I laughed and said, "That's what I'm doing now." Then I jumped on him.

After we finished, I hugged Zhou Mo and chatted. I won’t say who I particularly like to be with, because Islam stipulates that four wives should be treated equally. This was the first time I had a long talk with Zhou Mo since I came back to Beiyuan. I talked about a lot, about getting into college, avenging my dad, and immigration. I said I have decided to take you with me.

Zhou Mo was also very happy and said that she had been looking forward to this day for a long time and would report to her father when she got back.

Because I hadn't done it for a long time, I was in high spirits. I worked on it two or three times that night until I was exhausted and fell asleep.

The college entrance examination is about ten days away, and the kids in the first year of high school have become much quieter. They now know how high and thick the sky is, and they will have to wait until we are gone to dominate. In the last few days, I didn't care about anything except sleeping. I held a book while eating and going to the toilet. It was a bit like returning to the hard-working state of junior high school.

In the last few days, I felt a little crazy, and a kind of depression spread among the students. At night, there were still people throwing things down from the dormitory windows, such as kettles and washbasins. I don't live in the dormitory, this is what Brick told me. It's not unusual for these things to happen in Beiqi or Vocational College, but it's quite surprising to me that they happened in Chenggao. I wanted to see the excitement, so I stayed in the dormitory that night. There was no bed space for me in the Chenggao dormitory, but after I arrived at Brick's dormitory, someone took the initiative to make room for me and slept together with other students. Lying in bed at night, listening to them chatting, I feel like I haven't lived this kind of life for a long time. And this kind of life will never happen again in my future life.

The dormitories are all for review classes. It's really not an exaggeration at all. They were lying on the bed talking about mathematical formulas and so on. I also benefited a lot after listening to it. The effect of everyone studying together is also great, but sleeping in the dormitory is definitely not good for rest. There are pros and cons. After turning off the lights, after waiting for a while, there was indeed a "bang" sound outside. I got out of bed and walked to the window, looked down, and sure enough, a thermos exploded on the ground. This could be considered a prelude, and soon other things were dropped. But the height of the city is always the height of the city, and the riot—perhaps not even a riot, did not last long, and silence returned to the campus.

The next day, Ye Jianxiong found me again and said that he wanted to hold a party before graduation and hoped that Brick and I could come and attend. This party of his is not a reunion of classmates, but a gathering of gangsters, the better ones from high school students in the city. There are probably only about twenty people in high school who are in their third year and second year in high school. Among them, I only know four or five, and they are the ones who often follow Ye Jianxiong. I don’t know the others. I originally wanted to refuse, but Ye Jianxiong repeatedly asked me to participate. I felt that he also wanted to show off. After all, he is my brother, so I agreed. In the evening, Brick and I, led by Ye Jianxiong, went to a restaurant near the school.

Sure enough, there were more than twenty people, who opened a large private room and occupied two tables. They all respectfully called Brother Hao and Brother Brick. After the food and wine were served, Ye Jianxiong asked me to say a few words. I waved my hand, meaning you can say it. I am not familiar with the people here. Then Ye Jianxiong started talking, all in a superficial way, saying that we were still brothers after graduation and that if anything happened, we could call him. Even if it was a big problem, if he couldn't solve it, Brother Hao would still be there to take care of it. I smiled and said nothing. Ye Jianxiong looked like a boss. Regardless of whether his words were sincere or not, at least he had done enough to save his face.

After Ye Jianxiong finished speaking, he started to eat food and drink. People kept coming to toast me, and I didn't refute anyone's face. After eating, everyone was in high spirits and wanted to sing together. In fact, I no longer wanted to go, but seeing everyone clamoring to go, I had no choice but to go along with them. I found a KTV and started singing Zhou Huajian's "Friends" in the same old way. This kind of song is a must-sing for graduation and will definitely become a chorus in the end. This night was no exception. More than 20 people shouted together: "Friends stay together forever..."

I don't know them personally and have no friends, so I don't have much feeling about them. Out of nowhere, I came to attend an inexplicable party. Inexplicably, I miss the Four Heavenly Kings. They are my brothers in Chenggao. They cried while singing. They are indeed brothers who have a good relationship. Maybe it was because of the atmosphere, but I was so sad that I wanted to cry. But I kept holding it in, because if I cried at this time, it would be too inexplicable.

As a result, when I turned around, I found that Brick was already crying, howling loudly, and yelling with them: One life, one glass of wine...

After Brick cried, I couldn't help it anymore, and there were tears in my eyes. Scenes from the past are replayed in my mind. I once had so many brothers and friends. The commotion lasted until around ten o'clock in the evening, when Ye Jianxiong was too drunk to walk. I drove him back to his dormitory, and slept in Ye Jianxiong's dormitory that night.

After this night, the atmosphere of the college entrance examination became more intense, especially in a school like Cheng High School, where it was as serious as a war. The three days before the college entrance examination are holidays, allowing everyone to familiarize themselves with the examination room in advance, adjust their mentality for the examination, etc. Brick and I were both taking exams at a school in the north of the city. We went for a walk in advance, and then it was time to prepare seriously for the exam.

The last college entrance examination happened at this time. Just at this moment, Yu Chengfei called me.

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