Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 878: Can you make bricks?

Then, a weak voice sounded: "I, I played the drums!"

But the scolding voice persisted: "You're trying to beat me up, but I didn't bother you when I saw you!" Then there were two "pops", it seemed that someone had moved his hands, and then there was another mess, as if the unlucky guy Being beaten. I know this is to find fault, to scare the first-year students and let them know that the sky is high and the sky is high. Sun Kai still pretended to be a good person: "Okay, okay, let's teach you a lesson. We must take care of our juniors." After the beating, Sun Kai continued to give a speech, talking nonsense like "We are all from the same department. In the future, we must unite when encountering problems. Don’t think that peace will be achieved at XNU. Here we need to behave with our tail between our legs.”

I continued talking for more than ten minutes, and was even more verbose than the principal of Xinda University, so I fell asleep while listening. Later, I heard a few more faint popping sounds, and I didn't know which student was in trouble again. I don’t know how long it took, but the door to the dormitory was pushed open, and I suddenly woke up. When I opened my eyes, I saw everyone had come in, and the corridor outside returned to calm. I said, "Is the meeting over?"

No one answered, only Zheng Fei said "hmm". I looked at them strangely and found that everyone looked bad. Looking carefully, there are bright red slap marks on Yu Qiang's face. I frowned and asked, "What's going on?" Still no one spoke, everyone looked worried. At this time, I found that Huang Xin had also come back and fell asleep on the bed. I asked my rival Zheng Fei: "What's going on?" Zheng Fei whispered: "We had a fight in the dormitory, and Sun Kai said he would help solve it. But his solution was to fight each other fifty times. , gave Yu Qiang and Bi Song two slaps each, telling them not to fight again, and also asked Huang Xin to come back and sleep."

It turns out that the snapping sound just heard came from Yu Qiang and Bi Song. I looked at Yu Qiang. His face was very ugly, and I could see that he was very depressed. Everyone in the dormitory was also busy with their own affairs. They took off their clothes to go to bed and lost their usual energy to chat. Yu Qiang lay on the bed, staring at the bed above his head in a daze. I threw a cigarette to Yu Qiang, and Yu Qiang held it in his mouth and started smoking. I sat on the edge of the bed, also smoking, and said, "What are you going to do?"

Yu Qiang seemed a little confused: "What should I do?"

I asked: "I was beaten twice by Sun Kai, so let's forget it?"

Yu Qiang smiled bitterly: "What else can I do? I am the boss!" It was obvious that he was really afraid.

I shook my head and said helplessly: "Whenever you want revenge, just say it, and I will definitely stand by you unconditionally."

After saying this, there was a silence in the dormitory. It was completely different from the scene I imagined where everyone would say "I am also on your side." There was silence for about ten seconds, and only Roudan said: "Yu Qiang, I'll help you too." But he didn't have enough confidence, and he was quite afraid of Sun Kai, but it was pretty good to be able to say such things.

Except for Roudan, everyone else continued to remain silent. No one dared to stand up and speak out against Sun Kai, including the mature and steady Brother Peng. Yu Qiang smiled bitterly and said, "Thank you, go to sleep." Then he flicked the cigarette butt away, turned around and fell asleep facing the wall.

The next day in class, I felt particularly bored. I was surrounded by students who were paying attention. After taking a few symbolic pages of notes, I was almost bored out of my mind. At this time, I remembered my MP3. I looked around, looking for Li Na. Finally I found Li Na in the third row, and also found Yu Qiang sitting next to her. That's how it is in college. At first, people in the same dormitory sat together, and then slowly began to move to other places. Some were at odds with their dormitory, and some wanted to pursue love. Yu Qiang, for example, fell into the latter category. Although Yu Qiang was beaten yesterday, it still didn't affect his ability to pick up girls.

I sent a text message to Yu Qiang and asked him to help me get the MP3 back from Li Na. After a while, Yu Qiang texted over: "Li Na has left it in the dormitory, let's do it tomorrow!" I felt uncomfortable, but I didn't say anything, so I had to continue listening to the class out of boredom. At noon, people in the dormitory no longer eat together. Everyone has their own small groups in twos and threes. Yu Qiang and Brother Peng accompany Li Na and the others to eat, Roudan and Zheng Fei go to eat together, Huang Xin and Bi Song hang out together. I had no choice but to find Brick and wait for Xia Xue and Tao Zi under the teaching building. While we were waiting, Brick asked me, "Who was that guy who fucked me in the corridor yesterday?"

I said, "Boss of our department, don't look for trouble."

Brick said: "I'm not the one looking for trouble. Of course, if he dares to find trouble with me, he'll be finished."

After a while, Xia Xue and Tao Zi came down. The two girls were still very beautiful and attracted a lot of people's attention. The four of us walked towards the cafeteria together. On the way, I asked with a smile: "You two are so eye-catching, why don't any boys chase you?"

Xia Xue curled her lips and said: "There are many, tall, handsome, and rich, and all of them are attractive men. The key is that Tao Zi and I are determined, otherwise we would have been picked up long ago."

I said shamelessly: "I am still the most charming." Then I remembered something and asked: "By the way, isn't Li Mingyang also in this school? Has he pestered you again?" In fact, I know that Li Mingyang has been pestering me. Well, didn't you beat him up last time?

Xia Xue said calmly: "He and I are not in the same major. We are on another campus and we don't have much chance to meet each other." She didn't say whether to pester or not. I felt that she didn't like to mention Li Mingyang, so I stopped asking. .

After dinner, we were not in a hurry to leave. We bought a pair of poker cards in the small supermarket inside and played cards. There are many people playing cards in the cafeteria at noon, and most of them are for men and women, because if you are the same sex, you can play cards in the dormitory, there is no need to go to the cafeteria. In addition to eating, there are many ways to relax in the cafeteria, including couples huddled in the corner doing bad things. I believe everyone who has gone to school knows this. The card we play is technically called Run Fast, but in our case it is called Ermao. There is no king or king, and Ermao is the biggest.

The four of us are all smart people. It would be a nightmare to fight, especially Brick is so powerful. He seems to know what cards we have in our hands. We really can't relax for a moment. If we are distracted for a moment, we may lose. Therefore, everyone is very serious when playing cards. It can be said that they are meticulous and unsmiling. Unlike the other card players at the table who were always laughing, I actually quite envied them. But no matter how serious I was, I could never beat them, and I ended up at the bottom almost every time. As a result, I started to get distracted. I couldn't beat him anyway, so I just beat him blindly. I would blow up whoever I wanted without showing any mercy.

As I was playing, I discovered that there was a table of card players not far from us who were always looking at us. There was only one girl at that table, the other three were all boys, and it was those three boys who were looking at us. Maybe it was because their yang was strong and their yin was weak, so they took aim at Xia Xue and Tao Zi? I was unhappy with them, but I wasn't the one who took the initiative to stir up trouble. After playing two games, I said, "Okay, let's go back to sleep." Everyone packed up their things and agreed to play cards again in the evening.

When I walked out of the cafeteria, I found that the three boys were following me. I hope this, your mother, is just a coincidence, otherwise it will be really hard for them. I said: "Let's go to the garden for a stroll." We all walked towards the garden together. Xinda's garden is very big. It's only September and the weather is still very hot. The green trees and red flowers are very beautiful. We turned towards the garden, and the three boys followed us. Now I am sure that they are following us. Brick also realized something was wrong. His intuition was very sensitive, so he asked me, "What are those three idiots doing?"

I said, "Don't ask, I'll take care of them later."

We talked quietly, so we didn't disturb Xia Xue and Tao Zi. When we reached a fork in the garden, I said, "Let's play a game. You go this way, and we go this way, and see who gets to the exit first."

Xia Xue and Tao Zi were very happy and immediately trotted away from the fork. Brick and I didn't move, but turned around and waited for the three boys. The three boys walked over slowly, and Brick asked me, "Can you do it, Brick?" I said, "Don't do it."

Those three boys were still pretending to be cool. They were probably seniors at first glance. They put their hands in their pockets and looked at me and Brick with evil intentions, as if they wanted to deal with us two. The three boys came over and punched at the same time in a very cool way. Brick and I didn't even dodge, we went head-to-head with them, and knocked them all down in less than ten seconds. Brick and I looked at each other, smiled, turned around and left. A guy on the ground was still unconvinced and asked, "Which one is sleeping?"

"A1 Building 309!" After I finished reporting, Brick and I walked towards the fork. This time they took the initiative to provoke us, so we don’t blame us for bullying them. When we arrived at the exit, Xia Xue and Tao Zi were already waiting, laughing and saying that we lost. If you lose, lose, as long as they are safe. Although it is a key university, there are many wolves, and sometimes you have to kill them by force.

Two days later, no one came to our dormitory to cause trouble. It seemed that the three boys were also show-offs. They thought they would have such a big reputation that they could call the boss of the department over again! During this period, the four of us always stayed together, eating, playing cards and so on. The dormitory was also temporarily divided. After all, finding a partner was a top priority after going to college. Yu Qiang and Peng Ge were tired of being with Li Na and the other girls all day long, which naturally aroused dissatisfaction among Bi Song and others. According to instructions, secretly After arguing several times, there were faint signs of starting another fight.

Li Na never expresses her position, as if she likes this kind of state of being supported. She is at a distance between Yu Qiang and Bi Song. This kind of careful thinking can be seen through by a discerning person at a glance, but she still enjoys it and does not seem to care about them. It won't stop until the fight starts.

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