Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 882, Dormitory Melee

Since the last battle with Bi Song and the others, our dormitory has become unprecedentedly confident in its own combat effectiveness. At this moment, everyone stood up immediately, and Yu Qiang went to open the door without hesitation. "Wait a minute." I couldn't help but say, "I'm afraid they are coming prepared!"

Bi Song knew he couldn't defeat us, yet he dared to kick in the door so arrogantly. How could he be unprepared? Yu Qiang said: "Then what do you think we should do?" I said seriously: "Don't worry, let's see what happens." Involuntarily, I seemed to have become the boss again. With quick hands and eyes, Roudan dragged a stool to the door and peered down from the glass above. The dormitory of SJTU, like most university dormitories, has a wooden door with a piece of glass on top. While Roudan was watching, the door of the dormitory was kicked continuously, but not very hard, otherwise it would have been kicked to pieces, and they would still be waiting for us to open the door.

Roudan looked at it and said in a panic: "Oh no, they all have guys in their hands. I saw some with wooden bars and steel pipes."

"Ah, steel pipe?!" Yu Qiang, who had always been steady, was also a little panicked. It was obvious that he rarely came into contact with these things.

"Yes, steel pipe." Roudan jumped down, pulled out the machete from under his bed, and said viciously: "Fight them!"

This bastard is quite impressive, but everyone else is intimidated. Yu Qiang stood there motionless, Brother Peng also frowned, and Zheng Fei was even more frightened. I reached under the pillow and quietly took out the fist buckle and put it on my hand. The lights in the dormitory were not turned on, so they didn't see my movements. Roudan said again: "Yu Qiang, what are you doing? Open the door!"

"Open the door? How to open the door?" Yu Qiang said: "They have guys in their hands, how can we fight with them!"

In fact, I can see that even if he has a guy in his hand, he may not dare to fight with him. Roudan said, "What are you afraid of? I also have a machete in my hand. Open the door and I'll chop whoever comes in. You don't have to do anything. I can handle it all by myself!" Bragging is probably a common trait among all gangsters. Yu Qiang was still hesitant, while Bi Song was still kicking and cursing outside the door.

There was just a "crash", and the glass above the door was broken, and the glass shards shattered to the ground. Yu Qiang, who was standing at the door, quickly retreated, and everyone else also retreated. Bi Song's scolding was so unpleasant that everyone in the corridor probably came out to watch the fun. Our door was kicked loudly, and Yu Qiang's face became even more ugly. Roudan was anxious, but he respected Yu Qiang's opinion. At this moment, Yu Qiang turned his head and looked at me! I frowned, looked into his eyes, and immediately understood what he meant. He couldn't make up his mind and wanted me to help him decide. I didn't know why he chose me, but I still said: "There are two ways now, one is to fight them head-on, and the other is to admit his mistake to Bi Song."

Bi Song was still silent. I continued: "Our dormitory is just a wooden door, and anyone with a little strength can kick it open. They even dared to smash the glass, but they didn't kick open the wooden door, which proves that they just wanted to scare us and didn't really want to do anything. If you admit it now and apologize, Bi Song will definitely not cause trouble for you again."

When Zheng Fei heard this, he quickly said: "Yes, yes, Yu Qiang, just admit your mistake!"

"No, you can't admit your mistake!" Roudan roared: "There are so many people watching outside. Once we admit it, let's stop messing around after we go to bed!"

Yu Qiang looked at Brother Peng. Brother Peng said: "Don't look at me, you decide. I will do whatever you say." Normally he wants to fight for the top spot, but at this time no one wants to come forward. Once the wrong decision is made, it may harm the entire dormitory.

Bi Song's scolding outside became more and more unpleasant, and he basically only targeted Yu Qiang. His intention was very clear, others should not interfere, this was a matter between him and Yu Qiang. If the people in the dormitory were a little timid, someone might open the door immediately. Fortunately, in this dormitory, Roudan and Brother Peng are not timid. Although Zheng Fei is timid, he will help when there is a real fight.

Yu Qiang looked at me again: "Then what if I don't want to apologize?"

"Then let's fight hard." I said: "They don't even have the courage to kick open the door, and they may not really have the courage to hit people with a steel pipe. If we rush out in one go, the outcome is not certain. And..."

I smiled: "It's not like you don't know how strong our balls are."

"Haha!" Roudan laughed: "Yes, yes, the mouse is right, isn't it me?"

Yu Qiang also laughed: "Okay, that's it, let's rush out in one go and catch them off guard!"

Zheng Fei said tremblingly: "Really, really fighting? They have guys!"

Roudan took a sip and said, "You can hide behind."

I smiled and said, "Don't rush blindly. It's not like we don't have stools in bed. If we take them out one by one, the momentum will be different."

Maybe it was my smile that inspired everyone, and the tense atmosphere was greatly relieved. Everyone moved their stools one after another, and no one paid any attention to Huang Xin, who was pretending to be dead on the upper bunk. Just as he took the stool, he heard someone say from outside: "Yu Qiang, don't you dare to fucking open the door. Stop showing off in front of me in the future. Also, don't pester Li Na in the future, otherwise I'll beat you and call me grandpa every day!" "

After saying the harsh words, Bi Song and his party seemed to be preparing to leave. Yu Qiang shouted at the right time: "Li Na, you better keep that bitch for yourself."

"What did you say?!" Bi Song was furious as he was about to leave. He returned to the door of our dormitory and started kicking the door open.

Yu Qiang took a stool, looked at the people behind him and said, "Brothers, are you ready?"

Everyone said they were ready, and although their morale was not very high, it was much stronger than before. Yu Qiang shook his neck, made a cool gesture, rushed forward with a stool, and suddenly opened the door. The light from outside the door shone in, and everyone in the dormitory stood up with stools. Bi Song outside the door was stunned for a moment, and the roommate next to him was also stunned. They probably didn't expect that the door would suddenly open. Yu Qiang smashed the stool over and cursed: "Who the hell are you trying to scare?!"

The stool in the dormitory is an ancient square chair with a backrest. It shakes and creaks when you sit on it. When it hits Bi Song on the head, it instantly breaks into a pile of rotten wood, which is similar to the early Hong Kong martial arts movies. The shots inside are exactly the same! Bi Song's body shook twice, but he did not fall down. Instead, he took two steps back. There was no blood on his head, but he was just a little unsteady. Yu Qiang blew the battle horn, and everyone in the dormitory howled and rushed out collectively, like an unstoppable August flood. This time I did not rush to the front line, but stood behind and looked at them with a smile.

To be honest, it feels really good to watch a dormitory unite and charge into battle!

If my prediction is correct, Bi Song and his dormitory will definitely be defeated like a mountain, and one after another they will escape back to the dormitory like a dog crawling. Sure enough, under the powerful offensive in our dormitory - we can't even say offensive, we can only say momentum! Bi Song and the others crawled back to their dormitory. Fortunately, their dormitory was right next door, so they could escape very quickly. Everyone in the dormitory rushed out, and I followed behind with a smile, ready to go out and watch the excitement. At this moment, there was a sudden sound of wind and a sharp pain in the back of my head!

There was a crash and a pile of wood was scattered around me.

The quality of this crappy chair is so damn bad. My first reaction was, your mother was attacked by someone. I turned around and saw that Huang Xin only had the chair back in his hand. Maybe he saw that I was okay, so he was looking at me blankly. With anger rising in his heart, he punched Huang Xin straight in the nose. Huang Xin flew directly backward. I still had a fist buckle on my hand, and this blow was really cruel. I think the bridge of his nose was 100% broken. Huang Xin didn't move after he fell to the ground. He didn't know if he was pretending to be dead. I ignored him, put away my fist button, and walked out of the dormitory.

Outside the door, we won the first battle, just in time to see Roudan slashed out. The last student screamed in fright, ran into the dormitory as if lifeless, and then quickly locked the dormitory door. I didn't see any injuries on the student's back just now, so I guess Roudan's machete was not sharpened, and at most it only had a scaring effect. But it’s really scary, holding a machete in a place like Xinda! In the corridor, there were indeed many classmates watching, and Brick was among them, looking at us and laughing stupidly.

I scolded: "You are so ridiculous."

Brick said: "I came out early, and I just wanted to see your reaction. Sure enough, you must not be able to bear the loneliness."

I said: "Go aside, go back to the dormitory and lie down to sleep."

Brick was obedient and told me, "Call me if you need anything." Then he went back to his dormitory.

I said from behind: "There's a bullshit, they're all a bunch of brats."

After Brick left, I also came to the door of Bi Song's dormitory. This time it was our dormitory's turn to show off. Yu Qiang kicked the door, while Roudan was scratching at the door with a machete. You can leave such things to Roudan alone. He scolded while pulling: "Get out of here, Bi Song, you bitch. Weren't you so awesome just now? Why don't you shrink into your pussy now?" Ken is coming out..." He was scolded more harshly than ever before, and I felt extremely embarrassed when I was listening to him.

But no matter how hard we kicked the door, there was no movement inside the dormitory. This had been a big fuss for a while, and we were worried that the administrator would be summoned later, so we went home after a few curses. After returning to the dormitory, everyone was very excited and kept saying that it was so relieved. Yu Qiang, in particular, seemed to have stepped out of Li Na's shadow after sweeping away his previous decline. With a red face, he talked about how hard he had hit her just now, and while talking, he gestured with his hands. It seemed like this was the first time.

As he was talking, Zheng Fei suddenly said: "Hey, why is Huang Xin lying on the ground?"

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