Red Alert 1895

Chapter 253: Surrender of the Dutch Army (Part 1)

Soon, the Dutch army was divided into two halves, the eastern half and the western half, and they have been divided, so that they have no way to fight back. Read the book recommended by the first starters, and their original formation has also been smashed to pieces. Many of their troops are scattered now. If it is not because of their military ranks, they can command the soldiers nearby in time. Let the troops not fall apart. But now they are also very unfavorable, after all, many of the soldiers they tie are not their own soldiers, and the generals don't know them well. This kind of military rank can temporarily obey your command, but this is only a temporary solution, not a long-term solution. So now the Dutch are facing an unprecedented crisis, so they simply cannot resist the continuous erosion of the Taiwan army.

And the Taiwanese army is constantly squeezing them, and then making their room for movement smaller and smaller. In the end they became more and more concentrated, and then the result they faced was artillery. After all, the troops were squeezed together, and once the enemy's artillery bombarded them, the consequences would not be too good!

"Stop the bombing!" Chen Liyan said.

Soon, the front-line artillery stopped bombing, and then Chen Liyan began to say: "We send people to talk to them and see if they are willing to surrender. If they are willing to surrender, that would be great. If they If you are unwilling to surrender, then we should not open fire directly, we will starve them to death!"

Chen Liyan adhered to Wang Guorui's opinion, whether it is possible not to kill people or not to kill people lightly. This is not the stupid benevolence and righteousness. If Wang Guorui was a benevolent person, he would not have massacred the aborigines. And Wang Guorui was worried about the feelings of the Westerners. If he had already surrounded those Dutchmen and killed them vigorously, the whole Western world would probably be terrified. You must know that if Taiwan kills these more than 300,000 Dutch people, the whole West will probably feel extremely scared in the end. At that time, Westerners will have to gather coalition forces to destroy Taiwan.

So now that the situation has been controlled, there is no need to continue to kill the enemy in large numbers. Forcing them to surrender is naturally the best choice. And Chen Liyan soon notified the officers of the Political Department of the Nanyang Military Region to send out liaison officers. Then go to discuss with the Dutch officers in the two divided blocks.

"Several military commanders, you have now been divided and surrounded by our Taiwan army, and you have nowhere to go. If you know the time, you'd better surrender quickly. Only in this way can you save your life!" The liaison officer Said.

And one of the Dutch army commanders immediately said: "No. Since we are soldiers, we must be prepared to sacrifice ourselves to defend our country, so we will not surrender!"

And the officer who contacted heard this, and immediately saw what this guy really thought. Others don't know what the liaison department of the political department is, but how can I, the liaison officer of the political department, not know? The liaison department within the political department. In fact, it is also a high-level intelligence organization. Of course, he is different from those in the General Intelligence Agency. The liaison department is actually divided into two types, one is open people, similar to diplomats in the military. The other is the secret person, who bribes and corrupts the enemy's high-level officials. The General Intelligence Agency is not only responsible for the high-level enemy, but also responsible for the execution of some tasks, and the Liaison Department of the political department is actually planning against the high-level enemy. It is only responsible for the senior officials of the enemy, not like the General Intelligence Agency. Responsible for everything big and small.

but. People in the liaison department of the Political Department, whether they are public or secret, must have a skill, and that is to read words and expressions. The liaison officer could clearly see that although the Dutch army commander sacrificed himself to defend his home and country one by one, the liaison officer knew that he was definitely feeling weak in his heart. The army commander was very scared in his heart. He said this just to embolden himself. And if he could smash his seemingly very hard camouflage, then it would be inevitable for him to surrender.

However, this also depends on the means of contacting the officer.

"Your Excellency, for this war, you have suffered enough losses. Not only were more than 30 brigadier generals and above officers killed or captured, but also more than 50,000 soldiers were killed or injured. It is very traumatic. So, don't let the soldiers bleed again. And we are here for the restoration of Lanfang, this is what you did wrong. For this unworthy thing. Let you Hundreds of thousands of troops are destroyed here, then you Dutch people are really hopeless."

"Think about it, there are more than 300,000 soldiers, that is almost all you Dutch can use. If these more than 300,000 soldiers are killed, then for your country with a population of only tens of millions, What a huge loss! At that time, your Dutch soldiers have been sent out and all died. Isn’t your Netherlands in danger? At that time, you Dutch have no troops, isn’t it? Those fat pigs waiting to be slaughtered in European countries? As Europeans, you should know that Europe is not as benevolent and harmonious as we Chinese, and you never like to compete with others. But you Europeans never let go of any **** opportunity for the benefit of others."

"At that time, once you Dutch have no soldiers, the first thing they think of is not to help you, but to find a way to take advantage of the fire to cut off a piece of meat from you! So you should surrender quickly, and then let the country reach an agreement with us as soon as possible , so that you can return to your country. After returning to your country, you still have to protect the interests of your Netherlands from being violated by your European allies!"

And the words of this contact staff member are really very face-saving. You must know that the liaison staff never mentioned anything to force them to surrender, but instead spoke from the Netherlands' own plight. If the fighting continues, hundreds of thousands of troops will be wiped out in Indonesia, and countless families will lose hope. Isn't that very miserable? And at that time, the Dutch, who had lost their armed forces, would definitely face the slaughter of countless Western powers. After all, those foreign devils are not good things. As Westerners, how could they not know the personality of Westerners? Although these Westerners seem to be more civilized, they still have a bandit mentality in their bones. It's just that they have changed from a violent bandit to a well-dressed man, and they don't forget to put on a coat when they rob. That's all.

And once the hundreds of thousands of Dutch troops were wiped out in Indonesia, the Dutch population had just reached 10 million, and they lost hundreds of thousands of troops at once, and they were all young and middle-aged men. This loss was even greater. The more than 300,000 soldiers are already the limit that the Dutch can show. If they continue to make trouble, I am afraid that the final result will be annihilation of the entire army. After that, the Netherlands will fall into a situation where there is no armed force. At that time, what the western countries thought of was definitely not to come to the Netherlands to help the Netherlands, but they definitely wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of the fire and then gain benefits. As for the personality of the Western foreign devils, the Western foreign devils themselves are very clear, so the Dutch army commander also has an idea.

And this liaison officer will never say anything to persuade the other party to surrender, and everything about this liaison officer seems to be for their Dutch sake. As long as they can deliberately link their surrender with the consideration of the Dutch, it will be countless times easier to persuade. You must know that sometimes persuading surrender is an art, and you can't persuade them to surrender openly, otherwise sometimes you will force the other party to fight you desperately. And the really clever method of persuading surrender is to make the other party feel that the surrender is for the good of their own country. Of course, this may be to give face, and take the initiative to give some face to those who have been persuaded to surrender. Let him have a step down, if he just uses stubborn means to force them to surrender, then maybe it will damage their face, and finally fight you desperately.

And if you can give them some face, and then let them feel that surrender is good for their country, it will be much easier for them to accept it. This is also an art, don't persecute them too deeply, but give them face. As for those who are openly fighting to persuade and force, the counterproductive effect is also great. Moreover, even if they surrender, they may not necessarily have a good impression of you. In the end, who knows when they will give you a knife!

"Commanders, have you thought about it? How are you discussing? You are now the backbone of your Dutch country. If you die here, I am afraid that your Dutch country may be subjugated! Therefore, for the sake of the country, For the sake of the people in your country, why bother to die in this colony?" said the liaison officer.

"We have discussed it. As long as the superior General Bruce orders, then we are all willing to surrender!" said a Dutch army commander.

The liaison officer immediately thought in his heart: "What a bunch of whores and archways. You clearly hope to surrender, but you are a little bit embarrassing, or you are afraid of being punished in the future. And let the highest The commander was responsible for ordering the surrender, so that the Dutch could not be held accountable afterwards."

However, the liaison officer soon told Chen Liyan what the Dutch army was thinking, and Chen Liyan sent special forces again to cover the negotiating envoys to discuss the surrender with the Dutch headquarters. (To be continued.)



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