Red Alert 1895

Chapter 270: Administrative divisions of Nanyang

Wang Guorui successfully shattered Lanfang's planned coup against Taiwan, and the British plan was stillborn and could not be implemented. [ads:,:,..] And next, Taiwan will officially begin to rule Nanyang, and the first thing is to divide the administrative divisions. After all, a place as huge as Borneo cannot be divided into a single province, but divided into several provinces. Next, everyone will discuss the method of dividing the provinces, as well as the names of the provinces.

"Next, we must first divide the provinces. Of course, this province is only used for internal parts, and it is still necessary to order and coordinate in the name of the Nanyang Metropolitan Protectorate when it is released to the outside world! And these provinces are all in the name of one by one. appeared, and then our Taiwan is a protectorate. However, everyone must not really regard them as our colonies, if anyone wants to discriminate against those who will come here to serve in the future, then I will definitely not let them go." Wang Guorui said.

Of course, it is impossible for Wang Guorui to directly annex these places. After all, if they are directly merged into Taiwan's control, it will be too ugly. As a "smart person", you must pay attention to eating appearance, especially if you are not strong enough, you must have a good eating appearance. If there is no suitable food, it is impossible to convince the foreign devils. It is not yet possible for these foreign devils to catch their sore feet, otherwise it would be very dangerous. Wang Guorui also got the news that the British guy had already had the idea of ​​going to war against him, but the parliament did not approve it.

Although this news is good news, but the iron has to be hardened by itself, so now it must develop as soon as possible. Taiwan's strength is getting stronger and stronger, so that it can have a steady stream of strength development. As for the next step, the division of provinces also requires a reasonable arrangement.

"I plan to divide this Kalimantan Island into five parts, namely West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, North Kalimantan. South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, five parts. And these five Part of it will be named after the company we originally developed in Nanyang. Among them, West Kalimantan is named Lanfang Republic. The current head of Lanfang Republic is Liu Xue. North Kalimantan is named Heshun Republic, and the head is to be determined. Kalimantan is named the Republic of Jusheng, the president is to be determined. South Kalimantan is named the Republic of Daiyan, the president is to be determined. East Kalimantan. It is named the Republic of Minghuang, and the president is to be determined. And these republics will be based on our China in Nanyang It exists as a protectorate, and it is managed by the Nanyang Dadu Protectorate." Wang Guorui said.

The so-called Nanyang Metropolitan Protectorate is only a nominal institution, that is, an institution that Wang Guorui is concurrently in charge of. And this institution does not have any officials and clerks, but in fact, it is the chief ministers of the so-called republics in various places. And they obey the orders of the Nanyang Metropolitan Protectorate, and then administer under the management of the Nanyang Metropolitan Protectorate. In fact, these five republics call themselves provinces, not republics, in Taiwan's internal orders. The skin of the Republic is only for foreigners to see. Concrete is just something that exists on paper.

As for Wang Guorui's division method, it is actually divided according to the original world Indonesia's division method for Kalimantan Island, and there is not much difference. Moreover, this division method is also in line with Wang Guorui's memory habits. After all, there must be a reason for his division, so Wang Guorui has not changed, but just changed his name. And then everyone is going to rule. As for the governors who are about to take office, they are all ready to start a big fight. If it can be done well, then maybe it may be possible to compete for the position of President of the Executive Yuan of Taiwan, which would be very good.

"According to our previous plan. We will set up a military division in each province, and the military division has the same status as a division commander. The military division is responsible for suppressing local rebellions, as well as various military and political tasks, and finally the defense The construction and management of the army. Next, we will select a group of officers from the Taiwan army. They will serve in the military sub-division." Wang Guorui said.

This time, not only the officials were happy, but even the military officer was also happy. Because the military division is tantamount to being promoted, and there will be more and more official positions in the future, and everyone can get the possibility of being promoted two or three levels. This is a golden period, if you miss it, you will regret it for a lifetime.

"My lord, now the area of ​​Lanfang Province has almost cleared up the aborigines. Most of the aborigines in the area of ​​Lanfang Province are either dead or have become our slaves, so we don't have to worry about any problems. And What we have to do now is to establish the other four provinces as soon as possible. In fact, we have not yet been able to get these four provinces in our hands, so we must let the army drive over as soon as possible to clean up the indigenous people. If these aborigines are here all the time, then we may not be able to truly establish a rule at all. Besides, if there are too many aborigines and too scattered, then we Chinese may not be safe! People who come to our country hope to have a A peaceful place, not full of natives. These natives must hate us very much, so we have to clean up a large number of them, and then let many of them be our slaves. As long as there are slaves, then we It is absolutely possible to let them help us cultivate, and we will be able to mobilize more people to form an army at that time!" said Jiang Chongtian, the future Governor of Heshun Province.

This is because Jiang Chongtian was originally a director of the Personnel Department. With the help of Nanyang to establish a new province this time, he was promoted two levels in a row and became the governor of a province. However, the governor was not able to serve in the place under his jurisdiction, and could only be responsible for some ordinary things here. As for the next step, it is necessary to manage and clean up those indigenous people. Those natives are extremely lazy, they will not work hard to get rich, and many of them depend on the sky for food. And this kind of situation also greatly affects the character of their nation, and all of them are lazy. And if most of the aborigines cannot be cleaned up, then we will face a very huge danger next time. If there is a problem with the Chinese, it will affect the image of immigrants in Taiwan.

If immigrants die regularly, surely no one wants to come. So the natives must be cleaned up and allowed to become their own slaves. If they become their own slaves, they will definitely be able to obtain a lot of wealth and create a lot of value in the future. Now Taiwan must recruit troops, and there must be a big contradiction between recruitment and production. If you can have a large number of natives to help you with agricultural production, then this will definitely be very helpful for the number of soldiers left unoccupied. Only when a sufficient number of Chinese can be vacated, can more Chinese join the army and then suppress the aborigines. Only when the Chinese army is strong enough, those natives dare not rebel, and this is a virtuous circle.

And these aborigines will replace the Chinese to do those dangerous jobs, or provide agricultural raw materials. It is impossible for Taiwan to recruit ordinary aborigines as soldiers like foreign colonists, which is very dangerous. The reason why the foreign colonists recruited the natives as soldiers was that they were not strong enough. But Taiwan does not have this shortcoming. The mainland has a population of 400 million for them to choose from, and the mainland is already their population supply base, so Taiwan is not afraid that there will not be enough people to join the army. And the Chinese are of the same species, so it is easier to believe this situation. After all, the reason that the minds of non-my races must be different has been true since ancient times. Therefore, these people who are lazy and have a large blood debt to the Chinese must not be trusted.

Even Wang Guorui could not trust these natives more than the Manchus. Most of the Manchus are learning Chinese, and their lifestyles are almost the same as those of the Han Most of the Manchus already consider themselves Chinese. But this group of aborigines did not. They did not know Chinese, and they did not really naturalize in China. They even hated the Chinese. They thought it was the Chinese who robbed them of their wealth, so they were even less able than the Manchus. Believe. For such people, the only way to suppress them is to not allow them to have their own rights, otherwise China will definitely be overthrown. Just like when Malaya expelled Singapore back then, wasn’t it just because they were worried that the Chinese would seize the rights of Malaya?

"Okay! These natives are strong laborers one by one, and we must use them well in the future. Tell those army generals not to publicize our policies too much, hoping to induce them to resist us, and then let them all be defeated and become captives. Slave." Wang Guorui said.

First of all, Wang Guorui intentionally did not promote Taiwan's policy in a very insidious way. According to Taiwan's policy, if you take the initiative to seek refuge in Taiwan, you can obtain the status of a second-class citizen. But Wang Guorui asked those troops not to give too much publicity, and then deliberately provoked them to resist, so that a large number of prisoners of war could be obtained as slaves. Anyway, although Taiwan has formulated corresponding policies, no matter how good the policy is, it needs people to implement it. As long as Taiwan deliberately does not promote this policy, more and more indigenous people will resist Taiwan, and then they will all be reduced to slaves. At that time, they will really be in a tragedy. Although Taiwan's policy is set in this way, in actual implementation, loopholes can be exploited, that's what it is.

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