Red Alert 1895

Chapter 280: The Power of Example (Part 1)

In South Kalimantan, which is also known as the Daiyan Republic, most of the large-scale indigenous people here have been cleaned up by the military. And the remaining aborigines are running towards the mountain in a steady stream, and letting the army enter on a large scale will not only be costly, but also very detrimental to the Taiwan army. After all, once they got to the mountain, their advantage in firepower would be greatly reduced, and they would not be able to use heavy artillery. And these armies are good at large-scale operations, and they are very unsuited to such small-scale tropical rainforest operations. And if the army is forcibly ordered to enter, it may not be worth the loss. If the army is forced to go inside to clean up the natives, not only will there be no results, but the casualties will definitely increase greatly. After all, firearms cannot exert their maximum effect in the tropical rainforest, and this is the home of the indigenous people, who can use many kinds of weapons to fight. Even many poisonous snakes and beasts are enemies of the army, and such casualties are obviously not worth it.

So now Taiwan is going to open up these places and let those mercenaries clean them up. After all, these mercenaries are usually not good birds, and they are very good at doing evil, but they are unwilling to produce honestly. Now they have also formed teams one by one, and then come to clean up the natives, and then the seized material wealth and even the population can be sold as slaves. Such a good business, who would not want to do it! So next, those gangsters who were in the original prison formed a mercenary team one after another, and then came out.

"Boss Tiger, Master Supervisor, we have already reached the front, according to Brother Mouse's investigation. They have a tribe of five or six hundred people here. Do we want to attack?" someone asked.

And that boss seemed very excited, because even a hundred people in a tribe of five or six hundred people died in the battle. If one hundred people ran away, then the population of three or four hundred people would be regarded as their harvest. And then, that can get a lot of good things. These populations alone can be worth money. If you can be lucky and get some valuable items, it will probably make everyone a lot of money.

"Master Supervisor, what do you think?" the big tiger asked.

And this supervising army is a second lieutenant of the Taiwanese army. He is a student of the military academy, and he was appointed to serve as the "supervising army" in this mercenary squad. According to the results of the previous discussions, for all those mercenary troops, the Taiwan government must send a supervising army to them. responsible for supervising them. And what kind of battle plan this mercenary wants must be approved by the supervisory army. This is also to prevent those mercenary troops from doing things that are not in the interests of the Taiwan government without authorization.

The highest rank of these supervisors is the second lieutenant, and the lowest rank is the non-commissioned officer. Because according to Taiwan's regulations, each of these mercenary regiments can only have no more than 150 people, which is the establishment of a company. As for the head of the mercenary army, they are elected by themselves, because the mercenary army is a civil organization. Any foreign merchants cannot directly invest in appointments. Moreover, during the election, they must also go through the final review of the Supervising Army, and the Supervising Army is the object of the final review. If the military supervisor fails to pass the review, then the head of the regiment will not be able to be appointed.

After such a layer of control, it is possible to firmly prevent these mercenary troops from doing things that are not in line with Taiwan's interests. After all, in the eyes of these Chinese people, these mercenaries are actually some unstable elements. If there is no strict supervision, it is impossible to perfectly control them in Taiwan's hands.

However, Wang Guorui was much relieved, because Wang Guorui deeply understood the truth that defense was impossible. Since ancient times, the kings of all dynasties have been very strict about the defense of armed forces. He even did not hesitate to use the method of self-abolition of martial arts to guard against the army. One can imagine how tragic this is. And as posterity. Of course Wang Guorui knew that it would not be safe even to abolish your martial arts. After all, if you abolished your martial arts, foreign enemies would definitely come and invade you. And guard against those civilian armed forces. This is actually not very useful. If your rule can win the hearts of the people, even if you open the ban on weapons, or even open the ban on forming mercenaries, then you will have no problem. After all, those mercenaries are also human beings. After they have culture, they will also know the truth of the nation. If this government rule can win the hearts of those mercenaries and let them know that this government is the one that allows them to develop steadily and make good money, they will also choose to support the government and will not go with a small number of careerists Carry out ambition.

And if your rule cannot win the hearts of the vast majority of the people, then no matter how much you supervise those civilian forces, and no matter how you can prevent civilian force, you will eventually be turned into a revolution by an uprising. So instead of spending this thought on preventing those civilians from being armed organizations, it is better to spend your thoughts on how to govern the people and let them live a better and better life. This is the right way, but those people in ancient times couldn't realize this right way, and instead blindly guarded against those civilian armed forces.

Of course, what needs to be supervised still needs to be supervised. If the civilian armed forces are stronger than the government, ambitions will certainly breed even if they do not have ambitions. Therefore, the scale must be limited, and it is impossible for them to expand casually. And send a supervising army to supervise, so that they can put pressure on them, so as not to breed too much ambition.

"If you are going to fight, then go for it. I will not stop this!" said the second lieutenant.

And these officers sent to supervise the army, they are also students of some military academies, they came here as a trainee existence. After these military school students leave the military school, they must have some internship opportunities, otherwise they will not be able to truly master the knowledge in the military school. As for these mercenaries, they are actually the best place for actual combat testing. Although these military school students are serving as military supervisors, they must also participate in combat to a certain extent, and Taiwan has equipped each of them with a submachine gun, which can guarantee their lives in time. And they have also learned a lot of experience in mercenary combat. They also have the obligation to do their best to ensure the safety of the mercenary team. staff.

However, they couldn't interfere too much with the affairs of the mercenaries. After all, they came here only to learn experience, not to really manage these mercenaries. If they interfere too much with these mercenaries, the mercenary group is qualified to complain to them, so that they will all be transferred after investigation and verification.

"Okay, since the military supervisor agrees, then we will set off to deal with them!" Captain Tiger shouted.

Soon, more than a hundred people in the entire mercenary team began to speed up and rushed to the big tribe to fight. But at this time, those natives have not yet reacted. In their eyes, those squadrons dare not enter the tropical rainforest. Once the squadron enters the tropical rainforest, the combat effectiveness of those troops is actually not as good as them. The large troops needed to transport a lot of materials, and at that time, the aborigines also hijacked the logistics troops of the Taiwan army one after another, and then all kinds of logistics materials were robbed by the aborigines. This is very detrimental to the Taiwan army, so the Taiwan army also began to retreat one after another. And those natives are celebrating their victory one after another, as if they defeated the Taiwan army.

"Hahahaha, we defeated those Chinese, and we will soon be able to counterattack and take back our land!" The leader of the indigenous tribe shouted.

Immediately, someone replied: "Yes! Those Chinese are totally vulnerable, and they ran away under our attack. There is no way to do anything to These Chinese are not our opponents at all."

These aborigines used the terrain to defeat the Chinese several times, and then one by one seemed to get carried away, as if taking back their land was a matter of course. And they didn't know at all that a small army of mercenaries had penetrated into their land, and then fought against them. And now these aborigines are still thinking about what they can do to defeat Taiwan, and then go to the Spring and Autumn Dream of regaining the land! Just relying on these lazy natives, do they still want to be able to defeat China?

Although China dragged Japan to death by guerrilla warfare and war of attrition, it was based on the fact that Japan had no resources and its population was not China's opponent. But now, although Taiwan is just an isolated island, there are many people in the mainland, all of whom are of the same language and race, and there are many mainland bureaucrats who live in Taiwan with a clear heart. Immigrants support Taiwan. The situation in Taiwan is not comparable to that of Japan later, so if they want to delay consumption, they are definitely not Taiwan's opponents. After all, Taiwan is not a country like Japan that has no resources and a relatively small population. Taiwan has the resources and population of the mainland. These are only aboriginals with tens of millions of people. How can they be the opponent of China with a population of 400 million? ? What's more, they don't have any industry at all, and they are not as good as China during the Anti-Japanese War. Cultural literacy and tens of millions of indigenous people cannot be united, which is worse than China's united resistance against Japan, so their failure has become inevitable. (to be continued)

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