Red Alert 1895

Chapter 282: The Power of Example (Part 2)

In the temporary prison of Dongwanlu, the capital of Lanfang Province, there are many criminals gathered. During this period of time, the mainland has transported many criminals in prisons, and these criminals are the biggest test for the law and order in Nanyang. At present, Taiwan is also adopting the method of blocking rather than sparse. First, these criminals are screened, and then they are sent to prisons one by one. These guys are usually **** and useless, but now they are mobilized to join mercenaries, so that they can be used as some civilian forces in Taiwan.

In this period, no matter how Taiwan's army expands, An also cannot expand. Even if Taiwan expands to 20 divisions and 300,000 people, it will not be able to completely occupy Nanyang. The area of ​​Nanyang is really too big, and a small army like Taiwan alone cannot suppress it. In particular, the existence of a large number of indigenous people is a very difficult problem, which can easily threaten the safety of immigrants in Taiwan. So to clean up the natives is to hand over to those mercenaries, and these mercenaries will also be the main force of the cleanup. As for the regular army, it is mainly used to maintain strategic suppression of various opposition forces, and the daily security will be controlled by the garrison troops and militias from all over the country. As for the next work of cleaning up the aborigines, they all learned from the United States many years ago, and adopted the method of offering rewards to hunt and kill Indians, so that they can be gradually cleaned up. And all of this is mainly composed of mercenaries.

"Governor Wang is here!"

And then, everyone stood up one after another, and those who were being detained and disciplined, led by the discipline personnel of the security department, stood up to welcome them.

"Okay, sit down! I'm here to listen to the lecture today, so let the leader of the tiger team give the lecture!" Wang Guorui said.

And the mercenary captain named Tiger. He also felt a burst of excitement, because he didn't expect that Nanyang's Supreme Emperor Wang Guorui would also come to listen to his lecture in person, which made him feel very excited. He didn't expect that he, a former gangster, was qualified to speak in front of the governor. This is a blessing that he could not cultivate in eight lifetimes!

"Everyone, I was just a gangster before, and I did some things to oppress the people in Fujian. But after that, under the inspiration and teaching of Lord Wang, we formed a mercenary regiment. And our mercenaries took the initiative to assist the army under Lord Wang, go Clean up those aborigines. And these aborigines not only oppressed us Chinese, but also robbed our Chinese wealth. But now that we Chinese are here, we naturally have to protect the Chinese well, and then we have revenge and complaints.”

"Also, Mr. Wang of Taiwan told us. Every time we go to clean up the indigenous people, not only can we get subsidies from the army, but also the loot captured is huge. When I go out this time, I can't catch many indigenous people, and there are all kinds of indigenous people. property, and then sold a full 10,000 silver dollars. After paying two-tenths of the tax, there are more than 10,000 silver dollars with subsidies. And this calculation, we more than 30 Individuals. Each of them can get hundreds of silver dollars!" Tiger said excitedly.

And those hooligans who were being disciplined suddenly had red eyes like rabbits, obviously they didn't expect to make such a profit by doing this kind of thing! In just a few days, he actually earned tens of thousands of silver dollars. On average, hundreds of silver dollars per person. Such a profitable business, is it so easy? That is to say, clean up some indigenous people! And these aborigines are nothing compared to their appearance, and Taiwan is also willing to sell some second-hand weapons so that they can fight against the aborigines.

Before, they still had great doubts about being a mercenary, but now seeing how much money being a mercenary makes, this makes them feel jealous. And next. They also feel that this matter is profitable, why not go?

"Do you know? I usually bully those good people. As a result, although those people gave us money, they didn't have much money. Many times a day, it was less than one silver dollar. Moreover, the people didn't know how to scold us behind our backs. But this mercenary is different from hunting the natives. When we mercenaries came back, the people saw us at that time, it was like seeing a hero! Those people saw us, we are all heroes! And the tropical rain forest Inside, there is gold everywhere! We have earned tens of thousands of silver dollars this time, and we can earn even more in a short time! And there are tens of millions of natives in these tropical rainforests! Ten million, these are all gold mines!"

Hearing what this tiger said, the gangsters in the temporary prison also felt excited, because they all wanted to see the extremely bright prospects. And the tropical rainforest is full of gold, as if those natives are everywhere. And everyone has heard that there are tens of millions of indigenous people, and if each of them can be sold for a dozen or twenty silver dollars, how much money must it have! At that time, if you can only eat a fraction of it, you can eat a lot of it, and you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life. As long as you can meet a few times like this tiger mercenary group, the wealth in that lifetime will be enough for retirement.

Moreover, this kind of work that not only makes money, but also earns the respect of the people, is well-received and well-received to use a term in a movie, so this kind of business is doing well! Those gangsters also froze and agreed with this statement, because it is nothing to bully those good people in the country, they have the ability to bully those enemies! Those natives are a threat to the people. If you go and clean them up, you will not only get a lot of wealth, but also gain the respect of the people. This kind of respect is a good thing that could not be achieved in the past. In the past, they blackmailed the people and only made those people hate them. But if they do this now, not only will they be able to gain the respect of the people, but more importantly, they will be able to gain a lot of wealth, which will make them all start to be tempted.

Wang Guorui looked at the excited faces of those people, and he knew that this presentation was a preliminary success. Because these gangsters saw how easy it is to make money this time, they were all tempted. They will then form a peak period of forming mercenary groups, and then as each mercenary group begins to form, more and more natives will be cleared. And although these mercenaries seem to be able to reap a lot of wealth, this is only at the beginning, just like the reform and opening up in later generations, when doing business at that time, even a fool could make money.

But once in the future, more and more people do business and more and more people participate in the competition, then the business will become more and more difficult to do. And this mercenary is not the case? All business exists according to its inevitable business laws, and it is very easy to do business when supply exceeds demand. However, if the supply exceeds the demand, then I am afraid that it will become increasingly difficult to do business, after all, competition has arisen. At present, there are tens of millions of aborigines in Nanyang. This looks very large, and it has attracted the attention of countless people who want to get benefits. But the speed of this kind of native birth will never be as fast as those mercenaries arresting and clearing them. But now there are tens of millions of natives, and a large number of mercenaries are needed to clean them up. It seems that even a fool can make money. But once more than ten years later, there will be fewer and fewer natives, unable to support so many mercenaries, so the mercenary industry will become more and more difficult. At that time, it was either going out, looking for business in a foreign country. And if they stay where they are, sooner or later they will be disbanded.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Wang Guorui. Because Wang Guorui knew that there must be a reason for existence in this world, and the existence of mercenaries also had its reason. At present, Taiwan needs them to help them deal with these aborigines, and to do dirty things that the regular army does not want to do, is not suitable for, and is inconvenient to do. And it can also save military expenses for the Taiwan army. After all, using mercenaries is cheaper than using regular troops. This is enough to explain this from the situation of the American emperors in later In the later period of the era, the cost of using regular troops is getting higher and higher. Instead, mercenaries will gradually enter the vision of the country’s rulers, and the There are also many benefits.

As for the future, everyone can restrict the development of these mercenaries step by step, and then make them a dog in the hands of the government. It can be released to bite people when necessary, and it can stay to help deal with some shameful things when it is not needed.

Moreover, the formation of mercenaries can also allow some socially unstable elements to join the mercenaries, maintaining social order to a certain extent. Just like in the Song Dynasty, whenever there was a famine, a large number of people were recruited into the army. However, these so-called "military forces" are not really protecting the country, but actually participating in various agricultural production and building water conservancy. This is actually somewhat similar to the Production and Construction Corps of later generations. And in this way, social stability can be maintained, and then the management methods of the army can be used to organize the production of the victims to survive the famine in a stable manner, so as not to lead to civil uprisings. It has to be said that although the army of the Song Dynasty was weak, this method is worth learning. Therefore, those social instability factors are added to some informal military organizations, and then they can indirectly contribute to the country, preventing them from harming society. Of course, these birdmen are absolutely not allowed to join the regular army, because if they join the regular army, it will destroy the atmosphere of the regular army, which is definitely not possible. And mercenaries are the best choice. Isn't it the best way to let them, who are easy to cause social instability, go to harm foreign countries together? (to be continued)

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