Red Alert 1895

Chapter 296: Japanese in the dark

Ling Jielong finally knew that everything about him was under Wang Guorui's control, and he seemed to be controlled by Wang Guorui, not only from the day he joined the Taiwan army, but also deliberately "promoted" by Wang Guorui, and then half a year later. In fact, he was sent to Wang Guorui's attendant office. These are very abnormal, but at that time, Takashi Hishikarari was too anxious to make contributions and to obtain information, and as a result, he fell into a trap step by step. As a result, now he was reduced to become a prisoner of Wang Guorui.

"Master Akashi Motojiro is actually a traitor, this is too scary!" Takashi Ryogai finally felt a burst of terror.

At that time, Akashi Genjiro called himself a spy. He said that he had the potential to be a spy, and he hoped to be assigned to Taiwan. And then, he came to Taiwan seems to be too smooth, but very abnormal. And now if Akashi Genjiro is a traitor, then everything makes sense. Why did Wang Guorui know his identity and monitor him at any time after he entered the country? That's all because Akashi Genjiro was playing tricks, because Akashi Genjiro had told Wang Guorui the news a long time ago, letting Wang Guorui know about himself.

"You're lying to me, you're lying to me, this is all your trick!" Lingjialong said angrily.

"Hahahaha, anti-scheming? You are a person who is about to die, do I still care about anti-scheming? Let me tell you, you don't even think about it. It takes at least a few years for a normal agent to train! Besides, you are from A combat unit has been transferred to an intelligence agency. It will take a long time to adapt to the new job. But you have only trained for a month before being assigned to our Taiwan. Doesn’t this explain the problem? Because Akashi Genjiro wants you to die, so there is no need to train you for too long." Wang Guorui said.

"Why are you targeting me? I'm just a little lieutenant. Is it worth it for you to target me?" Takashi Ryokari asked.

Ling Jielong couldn't figure out why Wang Guorui, the governor of Taiwan, a very big man, would be interested in him, a small lieutenant, this is incredible. It's not that Lingjialong is inferior, but that he really doesn't think that a warlord with hundreds of thousands of soldiers would be interested in a lieutenant.

Wang Guorui said something he never understood in his life: "Because. You are the future general of the Japanese army!"

Wang Guorui had already made preparations, and he put some officers with the rank of general in the Japanese army of later generations on the list he was familiar with. They were also ready to tell that Akashi Genjiro. He told Akashi Genjiro that if necessary, some Japanese generals with low ranks could be brought over to Taiwan to give to Wang Guorui. Because of these future Japanese generals. For Wang Guorui, it was a treasure that could be used as a sacrifice in exchange for a high-level unit. Especially now that Wang Guorui only has one high-level unit, and that is Yuri. Next, Wang Guorui wanted some advanced units of the spy seals, so that he could get more supplements.

So this is Wang Guorui's real thinking about Lingjialong. He hopes to obtain sacrifices from these high-level figures, and then he can continuously obtain high-level arms. In this way, the strength will be very strong, and then those advanced arms can be used where needed.

Soon, Lingjialong was escorted back to the country by Tan Ya himself, and then made a sacrifice object. And with Tan Ya's escort. It can avoid the interference of many others, and even prevent Takashi Ryoka from committing suicide. If Lingjialong committed suicide, it would be of little value. That's why Tanya can guarantee that she is alive.

"Song Yang, I have some bad news. That is, Captain Yilong, the new staff officer in the valet room, is a traitor! I arrested him just now, and he confessed that his name is Lingjialong, and he is a lieutenant of the Japanese army." Wang Guorui said.

Song Yang suddenly sat down. Then exclaimed: "I am guilty, please forgive me, Mr. Wang!"

Song Yang was really shocked and scared. Because traitors appeared in the attendant room, this made Song Yang feel a burst of terror. Because the attendant's room is a special place for Wang Guorui to handle military affairs, it is the core of the core, and all secrets are released from this attendant's room, if a traitor is mixed in, it will be bad luck. But if an insider sneaks in, I'm afraid it's hard to escape the blame, so Song Yang took the initiative to admit his mistake.

"Originally, I planned to dismiss you this time, but this time, considering your usual military exploits, I will not dismiss you for now, and give you a warning to see what happens later!" Wang Guorui said.

Song Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you for your forgiveness, I will do my best to repay you!"

In fact, Song Yang didn't know at all that Wang Guorui was deliberately looking for reasons to suppress him. After all, as a leader, Wang Guorui couldn't let his subordinates do whatever they wanted. Especially for Song Yang, one of the core candidates for the leadership of the next generation of the army, he must not be easily complacent. So he had to find a reason to suppress it, otherwise he would have his tail up to the sky.

But to be honest, Song Yang can't be blamed this time, he's been blamed. Because Ling Jielong entered the Taiwan army, when he was promoted, Wang Guorui told Zheng Hong to instruct the political department to promote him. Later, he was transferred to the General Staff Headquarters, and all of this was secretly instructed by Wang Guorui. Then came to the attendant's room, where Wang Guorui secretly gave the green light. So this Song Yang saw that Lingjialong had served in the General Staff before, so naturally he would not doubt the ability of the General Staff's political review. Now that the political review of the General Staff Department has also passed, it is inevitable that he has too much trust in the General Staff Department. Although Song Yang was also partly responsible, the main responsibility was Wang Guorui who gave the green light to Ling Jielong. If Wang Guorui hadn't given the green light, then Ling Jielong might not be able to become an officer so quickly, although he might be able to join the army. He has to go through the military academy at least once, and then it will take several years before he can become an officer. But Wang Guorui took the initiative to give him the green light, which is why he was able to sneak into the attendant's room so smoothly.

However, this did not prevent Wang Guorui from taking the opportunity to beat Song Yang and prevent him from being too proud.

Next, at the Japanese General Staff Headquarters, Wang Guorui's super traitor Akashi Genjiro is reporting to the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, I have dispatched more than a dozen spies who have infiltrated Taiwan's army. One of the espionage personnel was very lucky to have infiltrated the confidant's room of the Governor of Taiwan. This position is equivalent to the Emperor's One of His Majesty's military attachés, the one with a relatively low rank. However, as long as you have it, you can often use it to obtain some confidential information!" Akashi Genjiro said.

"Oh? Really? Well, this guy, I must have a reward. What was his original rank?" Emperor Meiji asked.

"Lieutenant!" Akashi Genjiro replied.

"Okay, then promote him to captain. If you can get some more important information in the future, then everything can be rewarded!" Emperor Meiji said.

And Akashi Genjiro couldn't help but smile, because he already knew that Takashi Ryogai had been caught long ago. And next, this Hishikari Takashi will still "exist", because the existence of this Hishikari Takashi is also for the purpose of passing false information to the Japanese.

Wang Guorui actually doesn't want to use Akashi Genjiro to deliver false information. After all, Wang Guorui also knows that Akashi Genjiro is a super long line, and his future role is limitless. Therefore, Wang Guorui didn't want any problems with Akashi Genjiro, so he had to use him as little as possible. According to the situation of the secret service industry, the more undercover agents are used, the higher the possibility of being exposed in the end. Therefore, Wang Guorui did not want to pass too much false information through Akashi Genjiro. If Akashi Genjiro passed too much, then Akashi Genjiro would also be at risk of being exposed. It is obviously not worthwhile to sacrifice a strategic intelligence officer for some tactical advantages.

So Wang Guorui took advantage of the trend and asked the Japanese to put someone beside Wang Guorui deliberately let the Japanese have an illusion, that is, they put someone next to him, as if they had an undercover agent . But they didn't know that this undercover agent had been arrested by Wang Guorui a long time ago, and he would use it as a countermeasure in the future. Anyway, many of these anti-scheming people are one-off people. If the identity of Takashi Ryogai is discovered, Wang Guorui won't be too heartbroken, after all, the Japanese can deliberately insert someone in in the future. But this Akashi Genjiro must be kept. Akashi Genjiro is a source of strategic intelligence, and he is also a very important undercover agent.

According to the original history, this Akashi Motojiro was to be trained as the Prime Minister of Japan, so if he was sacrificed for some broken information, it would not be worth it. If Akashi Genjiro can become prime minister, even Wang Guorui can indirectly affect Japan's strategic decision-making, so the role is much higher than that of an ordinary intelligence officer.

"Hahahaha, Wang Guorui, take a look, I have buried a nail beside you, what will you do then? I will definitely, definitely defeat you, and then I will hang you up and beat you Ten thousand times, ten thousand times!" Emperor Meiji said angrily.

Akashi Genjiro complained in his heart: "You have been kept in the dark, but you are so happy?" (To be continued)

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