Red Alert 1895

Chapter 298: car factory

When it took about ten days, Tan Ya took the fastest speedboat to **** Ryoshi Ryogai back to Taiwan, and then went directly to the Red Police Base. Tanya also sacrificed Lingjialong instead of Wang Guorui, and soon got a spy. And this spy will disguise himself as Takashi Ryogai again, and return to Wang Guorui. As a nominal insider, the fact is that he is no longer Takashi Ryokaie. At this time, Tanya discovered an interesting phenomenon.

"Dididi, the internal combustion engine was successfully invented, and the chariot factory was opened for construction!"

As the voice came, Tanya, as a hero, immediately ran to Wang Guorui's podium, and then began to see that the tank factory inside the podium was ready for construction. And this situation surprised Tanya very much, because the chariot factory that Wang Guorui had been thinking about for a long time was finally ready to be built. You must know that the chariot factory is by far the most difficult to build, even more difficult than the shipyard. Because the chariot factory has one of the biggest key problems, which is that there are no conditions in this world that can be assembled into chariots. And warships already exist, so the warship processing factory can produce warships. However, the chariot factory was not able to be established, that is because the conditions for forming a chariot were not enough.

"Commander, if you can build a chariot factory, do you want me to be authorized to build a chariot factory instead of you?" Tanya contacted Wang Guorui through the podium.

Wang Guorui was dealing with official business, and when he heard this, he immediately asked excitedly: "The chariot factory can be built? Was the internal combustion engine invented? It was made by our engineers. Or those overseas students?"

"Neither, it was invented by nature, which means that the inventor of the internal combustion engine in the original history has invented a usable internal combustion engine. If there is no accident, it is the internal combustion engine invented by Diesel. It should be already In Germany." Tanya said.

Wang Guorui was depressed for a while. He supported so many foreign students, but no one was able to invent the internal combustion engine, so he was given the lead. However, Wang Guorui had no choice, and that was the way it was, but the best solution was the invention of the internal combustion engine.

Especially Wang Guorui has always wanted to unlock the construction of the chariot factory. But his biggest problem is that he cannot form a new tank. You must know that in this era, building a chariot is more difficult than building a warship. All steel battleships are also out. But the ordinary tank was not invented either. Chariots such as tanks require internal combustion engines and cannot use steam engines. The steam engine is too bulky and bulky, destined to only be used on ships. But as a chariot on land, what is needed is lighter weight. An engine with a greater thrust-to-weight ratio. The steam engine is obviously incapable of doing this, so the next step will be a problem that troubles Taiwan very much.

In fact, the engineers of the Red Police have already produced the design drawings of tanks and other chariots, but they are missing one of the most critical things, that is, the internal combustion engine. Because there is no internal combustion engine, there is no way to get the system to recognize your tank. Without tanks or chariots, there is no way to unlock the chariot factory. As for the next step, the development of internal combustion engines has become the last link. Although Wang Guorui really wanted those Red Police engineers to be able to produce engines, none of these Red Police engineers had the ability to develop them. They all have the ability to execute, without any creativity. Therefore, the burden of developing internal combustion engines is also on the heads of those overseas students. But in the end, it was a slow move, and Diesel, who was originally an engine in history, was developed. It has to be said that the experience of these international students is still too little. So many foreign students can't grab the invention before other genuine inventors. This is also the issue of background. The technological background of a country is not so easy to catch up with. After all, this internal combustion engine involves many aspects, and it may not be possible to make it just by knowing physics and mechanics.

However, this has little to do with Wang Guorui. Anyway, Diesel figured it out. Then this link will be filled. So I can start building a chariot factory, and then I can produce chariots. So Wang Guorui did not hesitate to authorize Tanya to build a chariot factory.

It took about three hours to build. The chariot factory was finally able to be built. The chariot factory specializes in the production of chariots, such as tanks and armored vehicles. If you want to produce those primitive ancient chariots, then I am afraid that the chariot factory will not be able to produce them. After all, chariots The factory is too advanced. As for those ancient chariots, there is no need to build them. After all, those ancient chariots are meaningless on the modern battlefield.

"Didi, found the plan for the No. 1 car. The chariot factory can produce the No. 1 car, and each car costs two thousand silver dollars." "Didi, found the plan for the No. 2 car. The chariot factory can produce the No. 2 car, each car The car costs ten thousand silver dollars."

The so-called No. 1 car and No. 2 car are actually cars designed by Wang Guorui's engineers. And this car is actually a normal version and a luxury version of the car, and the two thousand silver dollar version is also a normal version of the car, and everything is equipped according to the simplest model. As for the No. 2 car plan for 10,000 yuan, it is designed according to the luxurious Regal Edition. And now these two kinds of cars have also been invented, and then they can be used to start production in the tank factory.

And Wang Guorui soon received the news, and asked, "Why are there no tanks, only cars?"

"I don't know. It seems that the system doesn't recognize the tank's design drawings. Could it be that the tank's design drawings are flawed?" Tanya asked.

"Tanya, go check the parameters of the tank!" Wang Guorui said.

Soon, Tanya checked the parameters, and finally Wang Guorui sighed helplessly. Although they have designed a tank, there is currently no internal combustion engine capable of weighing the tank. Because the current tanks are too heavy, weighing several tons, the current internal combustion engine invented by Diesel is not enough to drive such a heavy tank. At present, the internal combustion engine invented by Diesel can only drive cars. If you want to drive a tank, you may need a more powerful internal combustion engine, but now you don't know how to invent this new internal combustion engine. So if you want to drive a tank, you must produce an internal combustion engine with higher power and a smaller thrust-to-weight ratio, otherwise you will not be able to drive the tank.

"Well, it's been a long time coming. I thought it would be possible to form a tank unit. But now it's this kind of ordinary car that can't produce tanks. Immediately get out this Diesel internal combustion engine, and then modify it for those overseas students. They can't invent it. It should be possible to modify the internal combustion engine after it comes out. Make the internal combustion engine with enough power as soon as possible, and then it can be powerful enough and small enough, and then the internal combustion engine can be installed in the tank, so that the tank army can be formed as soon as possible. However, Some cars can be produced, so that soldiers can learn to use cars first, and then they can learn to use tanks much more smoothly, which can be regarded as a preparatory work." Wang Guorui said helplessly.

Wang Guorui didn't even think that things would be so surprising that he couldn't develop a tank. But if the east side is not bright and the west side is bright, at least there is a car that can be produced. With a car, it means that there is a foundation for continued development. As long as you have these, you can continue to develop continuously in the future, and you can have a very profitable business.

"My mother, come and try it, how about this car!" Tanya said.

Tan Ya's subordinates ordered the chariot factory to produce a car, and then Yuanyuan started to drive. Anyway, Tanya hasn't experienced the feeling of driving for a long time. After all, although there are some cars in this era, Tanya doesn't bother to drive that kind of classic car. There is no need to produce that kind of steam classic car, not to mention the red alarm system. will not be recognized. So next, Tanya finally got over her addiction to driving.

"Hey, what's that? It seems that Mrs. Tan Ya, what is he doing?" Immediately, a Taiwanese soldier asked.

"Woooooo!" Tanya stepped on the and continued to drive.

"Is it Mrs. Tanya?" "Mrs. Tanya is back? What are you still doing with this?" "Mrs. Tanya is riding an iron horse?" "Yes! Is this an iron horse?" "I heard that there are many International students are studying iron horses, I don’t know if it’s true.” “Look now, isn’t Mrs. Tan Ya riding an iron horse?” “Mrs. Tan is really rare, she can even tame an iron horse!” “Yes ! Really amazing!"

Many soldiers began to think that this car was actually an "iron horse", and Tanya was able to tame the "iron horse", which was simply too surprising. So this makes them feel very strange, but the soldiers in this era are not well-educated, and none of the soldiers in the Taiwan Army have graduated from elementary school. After all, in the world at present, it is only Germany that can make every army soldier have a primary school education, and even the British army may not be able to do it!

"Iron Horse? If that's the case, then this car should be named Iron Horse!" Tan Ya suddenly said playfully.

And those soldiers didn't know that their uneducated nonsense actually created a car brand that became famous all over the world in the future, and Chinese cars also became the world's first-class cars. (to be continued)

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