Red Alert 1895

Chapter 301: Give Cixi a car

After the automobile was produced, Wang Guorui's automobile company began to be established. And according to his and Rockefeller's requirements, that is to say, this company is under the name of Tanya, and Tanya is the legal representative of this automobile production company. As for the next step, the United States and Taiwan each set up a branch factory to produce cars. However, the real automobile production plant is actually set up in the United States for the time being, and the so-called automobile production plant in Taiwan is the chariot factory. The chariot factories are currently used to produce this kind of civilian vehicles, and cannot be used to produce tanks and other chariots. This is actually because Taiwan is currently unable to develop an internal combustion engine that can carry tanks. However, Wang Guorui didn't want the chariot factory to be idle, so it was only used to produce cars for the time being.

"Hey, the car has been produced, so we need to find someone to help buy it! As for the first target to advertise, who else can it be except that old hag!" Wang Guorui thought.

Wang Guorui quickly let the chariot factory produce a specially designed car, which was called the No. 3 car. As soon as the No. 3 car rolled off the assembly line, it was immediately sent to the Clippers and quickly transported to Tianjin. Fortunately, this ship is small and uses the best steam turbines. This ship is specially used for express transportation to Wang Guorui. And it only takes five or six days for this ship to go from Nanyang to Taiwan. At that time, Tanya used this ship to **** Takashi Ryogai back to Taiwan. But now Wang Guorui used this kind of ship to transport cars to Tianjin for the first time, and it only took four or five days.

"Queen Lafayette, the Governor of Taiwan sent you a gift!" Li Lianying said.

"Taiwan? That Wang will give gifts to Ai's family?" Cixi asked in surprise.

Cixi really did not expect that Wang Guorui of Taiwan would actually give him a gift when the sun came out from the west. This simply made her feel incredible. But since it is a gift, it must be accepted. What's more, Cixi also felt strange, why did Wang Guorui give him a gift, and what was it?

"Queen Mother, I have seen the Queen Mother, Zhou Chen, the office of the Taiwan Consulate General in Beijing. This time, we are here to give the Queen Mother a gift under the order of our lord Wang. This is our Tie Ma brand car. It was specially designed for you, Queen Mother!" Zhou Chen Said.

"Car?" Cixi felt a little surprised.

Cixi looked at this thing that was two stories high, about two meters high. It's almost unimaginable. As for Cixi who saw this thing and actually drove it on her own initiative, this made Cixi feel very shocked. This thing that can move things by itself, what is that thing?

"Queen, this is a car, something that can take you on a trip." Zhou Chen said.

"How can you bring Aijia to play with this?" Cixi asked.

Zhou Chen took the initiative to introduce: "Queen Mother, you can go up the inclined ladder, then go to the upper floor, and then you can see the scenery outside through the window. The driver below will take you around, You can see all kinds of scenery. And this home is equipped with springs, so you don’t have to worry about bumps. It is higher than ordinary sedan chairs, and it is stable and not bumpy. Just sit on it. Then you can look at the scenery everywhere !” Zhou Chen said.

"Oh? A big iron horse that can be driven by itself, then Ai's family will go up and have a look!" Cixi said.

"Queen Mother, you must be on guard!" Li Lianying said immediately.

Li Lianying was very worried. If Wang Guorui planted a bomb on the car by then, it would be very dangerous. At that time, the Empress Dowager Cixi will probably be blown away. At that time, the empress dowager of the Manchu Qing Dynasty will suffer a huge loss. Therefore, Li Lianying was tied to the Empress Dowager Cixi. If something happened to Cixi, then he might really fall out of favor, or even bear the blame. So Li Lianying had to worry about this problem. So he disagreed with Cixi going up to experience this car.

"It doesn't matter, Aijia believes it. Governor Wang of Taiwan is a smart man. Even if there is an accident in Aijia, it will not change the situation!" Cixi said.

Of course Cixi knew that as a person who had managed the country for many years, he naturally thought that Wang Guorui was a smart person. Cixi and Wang Guorui are actually the highest representatives of two classes and two thoughts, and they belong to the absolute "contradiction between ourselves and the enemy". In the final analysis, Cixi is actually the highest representative of the corrupt forces of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and Cixi can only speak on their behalf. If Cixi can no longer represent them, then they will all abandon Cixi. And even if Wang Guorui killed Cixi, it would be useless, because the Qing Dynasty could dispatch another representative to fight against Wang Guorui at any time.

Therefore, if Cixi was assassinated, then Cixi would never sue Wang Guorui when he went to Lord Yan, because he believed that Wang Guorui was a smart person and would not be so stupid as to think that assassinating Cixi would win the world. Therefore, people in the Manchu Qing Dynasty might assassinate Cixi, but Wang Guorui would not assassinate Cixi. This is Cixi's self-confidence. Maybe many people in the Qing Dynasty hated Cixi, but Wang Guorui would not be so stupid to assassinate Cixi, which would do more harm than good to Wang Guorui. After all, as a politician, assassination is often the last resort. If you can use political means, don't use assassination of opponents. After all, assassination is very annoying. In such a situation where killing Cixi was useless, Cixi believed that Wang Guorui would not come to assassinate herself. After all, for Wang Guorui, this method would do more harm than good.

Assassinations, in fact, are mostly because of the internal contradictions of the ruling class that are really useful. For example, those revolutionary parties revolutionize through assassination, which is actually very stupid. Because the class foundation of the other party is still very solid, as a class they have countless people who can stand up, and if one dies, they will have another stand up, even the empress dowager who is known as the Empress Dowager Cixi is no exception. As long as the class does not fall, no amount of assassination will have a good effect. Therefore, there is no need for Wang Guorui to assassinate, and the assassination is useless.

"Oh, it's comfortable, this sofa is really comfortable!" Cixi finally couldn't help but said.

"Queen, this is filled with sponge, very soft and comfortable." Zhou Chen said.

And the design of this car is very special, that is, the passenger's position is above, that is, above the driver's head. In other cars, the driver is in front and the passengers are in the back. The reason why Wang Guorui did this was because he remembered an allusion about Cixi in history. That is to say, a foreign country sent a car, and after Cixi sat in it once, she threw it into the warehouse without taking it seriously. As for the reason, at that time, Cixi commented that the driver sat in the front of the car, while the owner sat in the back, so where is there any distinction between master and servant? Doesn't this mean that the servant climbed ahead of the master?

And if Wang Guorui wants to advertise, he will naturally follow Cixi's method. So he took the initiative to let Cixi sit on top of the driver's head, and then not only could he see a larger field of vision, but also avoid the thought in Cixi's heart that the servant ran in front of the master. And this he "rided" on top of the driver's head, so he didn't have any scruples.

So when Cixi saw this arrangement, not only did she not feel that she didn't like the car, but she liked it very much. After all the "master-servant distinction" was resolved, Cixi still liked cars very much. At least this car was faster than a sedan chair, and it was also more stable and less bumpy than a sedan chair. Unlike the sedan chair, once something happened, the bearer would probably shake too. What's more, this car can enjoy the scenery while walking, which is impossible for most sedan chairs.

"Queen Mother, what do you think?" Zhou Chen asked.

"Well, since Governor Wang has such a heart, the Ai family will accept it!" Cixi said.

And Zhou Chen was happy for a while, because he knew that as long as this hurdle of Cixi was cleared, the next promotion of this car would be very After all, Chinese people are poor and rich, and rich in learning Official, the tradition of official school palace. That is to say, the palace is actually the source of all popular factors, and officials like what the nobles in the palace like. The officials led the rich, and the rich led the poor, and the fashion money came out step by step. And some people have said that the king of Chu has a thin waist, and many people starved to death in the palace. And since the king of Chu liked thin waists, all Chinese women began to pursue thin waists, and there was not much change until later generations. So one can imagine how huge the influence of the court was.

And this Cixi accepted the car, then the next orders will roll in, and there is no way to stop it. At that time, I am afraid that this car will become a very important profit point, bringing huge wealth to Taiwan, and it will definitely be a very profitable business by then. Who wouldn't want to do such a lucrative business?

The car has just come out now, and it is completely a monopoly business. It can make a lot of money from a large group of people, and then it can develop Taiwan. Moreover, the driving effect of the automobile industry on the industry is very huge. This Wang Guorui has also read in later generations to know that a car can drive the industry, but it can start the development of the upstream and downstream, and this car must be developed. Even Wang Guorui plans to disclose the manufacturing method of this car to Chinese businessmen step by step, so that Chinese businessmen can also join in, which will be very helpful to stimulate the industry. Once an industrial chain of the automobile industry is formed, the development speed of the industry will increase very rapidly. And the enthusiasm for those businessmen investing in the industrial industry will gradually increase. (to be continued)

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