Red Alert 1895

Chapter 303: Revitalizing the Schlieffen Plan (Part 1)

Nanyang Dongwanlu, Wang Guorui is receiving a person, this person is Lieutenant Colonel Bach, the military secretary of the German Consulate in Taipei. As for the military secretary, it is actually a variant of the military attache stationed abroad. It is just a post of military secretary. In fact, the consul cannot lead them. And this German military secretary Bach stationed in Taipei is currently called by Wang Guorui to Dong Wanlu, and then Wang Guorui has something to tell him. But next, Wang Guorui said something that surprised Bach.

"Lieutenant Colonel Bach, I heard that before you came to Taiwan to serve as our military secretary, did you ever work in your German General Staff?" Wang Guorui asked.

Bach said affirmatively: "Yes, I originally served in the Military History Department of the General Staff."

"Oh? Department of Military History? The department where Marshal Schlieffen once stayed?" Wang Guorui asked.

"Yes, the Military History Department of our General Staff is one of the most important departments of the General Staff." Bach said proudly.

This Bach has no reason not to be proud, because the Military History Department of the German General Staff is the highest-ranking department. Although it is the department responsible for military history in name, it seems that the real power is not important, but it is very "noble". This Department of Military History is equivalent to Germany's military "Hanlin Academy". All the ministers of the Military History Department are one of the important candidates for the future Chief of the General Staff. The staff officers of the Military History Department also have the highest status, so they are similar to the Hanlin Academy in ancient China, and they are all used as backups for those promising military staff officers. And many countries have similar institutions. As a key training institution for civil and military officials. This is also the case in Taiwan at present. At present, Taiwan is Wang Guorui's attendant room, which is the key training institution for military officers.

"Marshal Schlieffen, that is a very good strategist. He really has a strategy. He can deduce the whole process of war deduction. Especially Germany's biggest enemies, the French and Russians. And Germany is very unfortunate , there is France in the west, and the Russians in the east. Plus there is an Englishman who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, so the Germans will be in a sad situation! And once the war starts, it will definitely suffer from Russia and France on land. The joint flank attack by the British fleet at sea will be harassed by the British fleet. Such a situation is very unfavorable to the Germans! Tell me, if it were you, what method should you use to break it?" Wang Guorui asked.

Bach's face changed several times, from white to black, then green, and finally turned very red step by step.

"Governor Wang, what do you mean by that?" Bach finally asked hesitantly.

Wang Guorui immediately said: "Actually, this is also very simple. Let me put it in a bad way. Faced with this situation, you Germany will undoubtedly lose. And you Germans don't have many overseas colonies. Once the war If it spreads, then you will compete for resource reserve forces, then you must not be the opponents of Britain, France and Russia. As your military commander, how could Marshal Schlieffen fail to see this? So he will naturally find a way to crack it, and then a plan will also Just come out like this!"

Bach looked cold. He was obviously shocked by Wang Guorui's words.

"About Schlieffen's plan, I can probably guess some. His core idea is to fight the time difference. First, when the war breaks out, divide the soldiers into the Eastern Front and the Western Front. The Western Front is to maintain an absolute main force. Troops, and the Eastern Front is also some ordinary troops, even local troops. The Western Front will concentrate all its forces, and find a way to fight for a quick attack before the French are ready, and then break through the French capital Paris. Let France surrender."

"Next, those troops on the western front dealt with the French. Then they turned around and returned to the eastern front to fight against Russia. You have also studied it. Although Russia is known as the European steamroller, although their soldiers are huge, their weapons The equipment is backward, and many people are still in a state of cold weapons. The Russian army is not much better than the army in our mainland. Their railway network is backward, their industry is backward, and even their mobilization mechanism is backward. They want to mobilize It will inevitably take about a month to start a world war. So at this time, if you can take advantage of this time difference to destroy France, and then turn around and fight the Russians."

Bach sat down on the chair, obviously not expecting that Wang Guorui would know about this plan. You must know that this plan is an absolute secret in the German General Staff, an absolute secret! If this plan was revealed, the Germans would surely die without a burial. The Germans have also gambled on this plan for the national fate and future of the future war. If this plan can be completed, then Germany may still be revived. But if this plan fails, then Germany will have the possibility of subjugation!

This plan is one of Germany's top secrets, and Bach knew everything about it because he had worked with Schlieffen. Although he didn't know whether the plan Wang Guorui said was true, he had also heard Schlieffen's judgment on the future situation, and the judgment of the situation was just like the plan Wang Guorui said. So Bach also leaked secrets for his own general staff, and what leaked was such a terrible plan. Although Bach did not personally participate in the formulation of this plan, he also knew the importance of this plan to Germany from the beginning. But now it has leaked to Wang Guorui. If it spreads farther, it will probably be known to the French and Russians. If it is that time, I am afraid that Germany will be finished.

"Governor Wang, what do you want?" Bach asked.

Wang Guorui immediately said, "Do you know how I evaluate the Schlieffen plan?"

"How?" asked Bach.

"Actually, the Schlieffen Plan is a big gamble. Once it succeeds, Germany will prosper, but if it fails, Germany will not be far from perishing. Today's Germany is almost the same as Japan. Although it is a powerful country for a while, it faces great challenges. .So you can’t fall into the situation of gambling with the luck of the country. If it fails, the country will inevitably perish. However, don’t you think this plan will succeed? According to my estimation, the success rate of this plan is less than 30% !” Wang Guorui said.

"Thirty percent?" Bach felt incredible.

Wang Guorui said affirmatively: "Yes, less than 30%. Although your plan looks good now, it is actually just a gamble, and the success rate is very low."

After hearing Wang Guorui's words, Bach couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Because now the whole world knows that Wang Guorui, the governor of China's Taiwan, is definitely a master in tactics, because Wang Guorui's perfect trench warfare tactics have already been learned by the world. So when Wang Guorui said this, Bach had to feel a little helpless, because the world recognized that Wang Guorui's tactical talent was very good. Not only can this trench warfare tactic be perfected, but it can also be cracked.

"According to my analysis of your situation in Germany, the firepower of your German military equipment is not limited to breaking through the French defense circle. Although you may be able to gain a certain advantage by relying on sneak attacks, once you fall into a stalemate, you will inevitably face a crisis. It's a very dangerous situation. And your Schlieffen plan seriously misses one place, which is the United States on the other side of the ocean. They will be the last straw that crushes you," Wang Guorui said.

"What? The United States? Aren't they very popular with the Monroe Doctrine? Why would they send troops?" Bach said in shock.

In the eyes of the Germans, the United States is a group of politicians who follow the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine is very popular in the United States now. How could it be possible to send troops? If this is the case, then the Schlieffen plan may really become a piece of waste paper. At that time, it was really going to be over. The United States has a strong industrial strength and a large population. If they can join the war again at the last moment in Germany and other countries, I am afraid that the Germans will face the fate of failure! Just like what Wang Guorui said, once the Schlieffen plan fails, the battle will fall into a war of attrition, and Germany and other countries can't support it anymore. At that time, the Americans joined the Really It may become the last straw that crushes Germany.

"Don't underestimate the greed of those American capitalists. As an American capitalist, he will inevitably sell war materials to your hostile side during the war. Then if both of you can't hold on, what will those capitalists think? They will definitely think Finally, make a big fortune, and then make a lot of money. The best customers of those capitalists are not your hostile countries, but the United States itself, that is, the U.S. Army. If the United States can expand its military If it reaches one million, then how much capital will be spent on various materials such as arms, textiles, etc., and the purchase of logistics is extremely huge. At that time, did you say that the American capitalists would let this piece of fat go? So, In the later stage, it has become inevitable for the United States to send troops," Wang Guorui said.

Bach's brow was covered with cold sweat, because they miscalculated the Americans. They believe that the Americans will not send troops, so the Schlieffen plan has little consideration for the Americans. But now Americans have such a situation, which makes them feel very surprised. In Germany in the current period, like China, the power of the state far exceeds that of the capitalists. The most important Junker nobles in Germany are also vassals of the German royal family, which caused the Germans to seriously underestimate the influence of capitalists. Therefore, this is also a miscalculation of the situation of the Americans.

"What should we do? Please Governor Wang teach me!" Bach finally couldn't help asking. (to be continued)

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