Red Alert 1895

Chapter 305: Revitalizing the Schlieffen Plan (Part 2)

"Who leaked the secret? I must kill him!"

Inside the Sanssouci Palace, the German Emperor Wilhelm II was furious, obviously angry at this very bad news. Because the news came from Taiwan's military secretary just now, that is, the Schlieffen plan has been known to Wang Guorui, which is not good news. You must know that in Germany, only the highest-ranking members of the direct mail knew about the Schlieffen plan, and even only a small number of core staff members in the general staff knew about it, and Bach, who was sent to Taiwan, only vaguely knew about it. Schlieffen's general strategy is unknown to this plan.

It is conceivable that if this plan is leaked, especially by Russia and France, then this plan will be in vain. Even France and Russia will make strategic adjustments to avoid such a violent attack by the Germans. As for the military plan, only when it is kept secret can it be perfectly executed, but once the secret is leaked, let alone execute it, it is very possible, even almost certain, that someone will follow suit and plot against you once. So once the Schlieffen plan is leaked, Germany will really be in big trouble.

This made William II furious, it was like a slap in the face!

"Your Majesty, it's useless to worry about these things now. The plan has been leaked, and it has leaked to China. It doesn't matter who leaked the secrets now. However, the only good news we can get is that China wants to make peace with China." If we cooperate, then if we don’t receive it like this, we can recover the matter!” said Chief of the General Staff Schlieffen.

The current chief of staff also feels very embarrassed. The plan I made was actually leaked, this is really terrible. And the plan I made seems perfect, but it's actually just a gamble. Just a gamble. And Schlieffen also had to feel that he had indeed neglected the Americans. If it is really as Wang Guorui deduced, then I am afraid that the Americans will become the last straw that breaks the camel's back, and Germany will lose everything in this battle. Under such circumstances, if Germany wants to get out of the predicament, there is no way at all.

"What do you think of Taiwan's plan?" William II asked.

And Schlieffen also said: "A genius plan. It can indeed solve the problems we encounter. If we can have another powerful ally in the East, then the possibility of our success will be greatly increased. Even if it fails, it will not be a complete failure. gone."

"In addition, China is different from Germany. China has a huge population and sufficient resources. Once a war breaks out, we will definitely not be able to transport resources from outside. This will put us in a situation of self-sufficiency. And if China can Input resources to us, then we will be able to obtain supplements very effectively, greatly increase our strength, and allow us to continue to fight for a long time. Even if the Americans come in the end, we can also let China send troops over, as our The new force of this side can prevent the Americans from becoming the last straw that crushes us. Even the Chinese will become the last straw that crushes Britain, France and Russia, so we can consider cooperating with China.”

William II thought for a while and said: "Cooperate with China. But what if this Chinese dragon threatens our Europe in the future?"

William II is now worried about China, in case China becomes stronger in the future. Instead, they can come and threaten Germany, so what will happen to them? In the original history, William II also had a famous argument, that is, the yellow peril theory, which is about Japan taking China to attack the Western world. If Japan conquers China, then with the help of China's huge population and resources, Japan can completely defeat the Western world. At that time they were very miserable.

Therefore, William II's theory of yellow peril has been widely spread in Europe. certainly. The current yellow peril theory does not refer to Japan, but to Taiwan. Now the target of the yellow peril theory put forward by William II is not Japan, but Taiwan. But if they want to cooperate with Taiwan, the "yellow peril", it will be very difficult for William II to accept. This made him feel very anxious, so from the bottom of his heart, William II does not want to cooperate with Taiwan, so William II is also very hesitant now.

"Is there no other way?" William II asked.

"There are not many good solutions. Unless our plan can be truly realized, the result we face in Germany, I am afraid that the result we face in Germany is just like Taiwan's prediction, and it will eventually fail!" Schlieffen said.

Even Schlieffen is not sure about the realization of his plan. Schlieffen also admitted in the later period that this Schlieffen plan is not a rule of thumb, but a gamble. Once the bet is lost, Germany will definitely not be able to win when it falls into a war of attrition. However, Wang Guorui's plan in Taiwan seems to have opened a window for him. Then this may be a good way to solve this problem, and it may allow Germany to seize the opportunity to revive.

And all of this is in the hands of the Chinese, or in the hands of Taiwan.

Seeing that William II was still hesitant, Schlieffen said again: "Your Majesty, the decision right now is not in our hands, but in the hands of the Taiwanese! If we don't cooperate, then they have nothing to lose, but us to lose. Even if they tell Britain, France and Russia about this plan by then, then our Germany will really be doomed. At that time, the difficulties we will face will not only be twice as many, but countless times more! So, now It has been controlled by Taiwan, and we simply cannot refuse!"

"Damn it, a small Taiwan is so difficult to deal with! If possible, I really want to destroy them!" William II said.

"Your Majesty, no! Although Taiwan is small, they have hundreds of thousands of troops, and their firepower is much stronger than ours. If we attack them directly, what price will we have to pay? At that time, The pressure we face is not small. Our enemies are Britain, France and Russia, and the enemies of our enemies are our friends. Why do we have to fight against Taiwan for this? Also, we don’t have any colonies or too many in China. In other words, we have no direct conflicts or interests with Taiwan. On the contrary, Britain, France, and Russia have invaded a large amount of China's territory and various rights and interests. Based on the national thinking of Taiwan's leaders, they will not If these countries are allowed to continue to encroach on their interests, then they will inevitably break out into a battle. So they must have become enemies, so why do we have to go against the enemy's enemy by ourselves like this? This is not good for us!" Schlieffen said.

William II sighed. After all, Germany's opponents are Britain, France and Russia, not Taiwan. Although Taiwan seems to be at the bottom of the great powers in terms of strength in the world, it is like a wedge, firmly inserted on the chessboard of the world's overall situation. If Taiwan can rule the whole of China, then they will become a huge force, and they can completely deal with the two major groups for chaos. If China supports Britain, France and Russia, then Germany's fate is over. But if China supports Germany, the outcome is yet to be known!

"Then you can't guarantee that your plan can be completed 100%?" William II asked.

"Your Majesty, no war plan in this world can be 100% completed. And the cooperation with China does not conflict with our plan. First of all, we can continue to complete that plan, while China can contain Russia. This is not in conflict. But then if we succeed, then everything will be fine. But if we fail, it will also allow us to let China contain Russia, so that we don’t have to worry about being attacked by them. As for our next step, we can leave one thing behind The back road! We always have to leave a back road for If there is no back road at all, how can we survive in peace? So this back road must exist, if If we don't leave a way out, then we are afraid that the result we will face will be very dangerous!" Schlieffen said.

Hearing what Schlieffen said, William II was helpless, because this matter was completely in the hands of Taiwan. If Taiwan sends this Schlieffen plan to Britain, France and Russia, I am afraid that Germany will be in tragedy. So now Germany is tantamount to being held by Wang Guorui, and it is impossible to resist Taiwan's request. But the only advantage is that it can give Germany an extra way out, and even have the possibility of complete success. However, William II was very careful, because he was the one who put forward the theory of the yellow peril, so it is naturally very worrying.

"Okay, let the military secretary Bach test it out and see what conditions Taiwan wants? If the conditions are not excessive, we can discuss whether to cooperate with China, and then we can discuss further. However, if you want to cooperate with us Cooperation with Germany also requires capital. If they rule the whole of China, we will not cooperate with them on a large scale, I hope they can understand!" William II said.

Soon, the news spread to Nanyang Dong Wanlu again, and that Bach also received an order to test Wang Guorui's thinking, to find out what Wang Guorui thought and what conditions he had. (to be continued)

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