Red Alert 1895

Chapter 312: Self-produced ammunition (Part 1)

This time, Wang Guorui originally wanted to use Akashi Genjiro to incite Japan to go to war against mainland China, so that Wang Guorui's Taiwan could enter the mainland on the grounds of defending the country, and then rely on it not to follow false paths. , so that once the Manchu Qing government in Beijing is under control, the emperor can be coerced to order the princes, and then those guys can be dealt with slowly at any time. But this time the British guys are not stupid, so they actually sided with the Manchus this time. They neither want Taiwan to occupy China, nor do they want Japan to occupy China. As for Taiwan and Japan fighting on the mainland, the Western powers are actually not very optimistic about Japan, so they don't want Japan to invade China to give Taiwan an excuse to enter the mainland. Although the mainland and Taiwan are currently enemies, once Japan attacks China, and even shows that it wants to swallow China, then the mainland and Taiwan will become allies in this instant. Naturally, Western countries do not want the mainland and Taiwan to become allies again, and that would be troublesome. Therefore, Western countries desperately prevented Japan from going to war with the Chinese mainland government, and Taiwan also lost a chance to enter the mainland.

However, Wang Guorui was not too disappointed, because Wang Guorui's number one traitor had already formed an organization with the same idea in Japan, that is, the Huangdao faction. And this imperial way school believes in being loyal to the emperor, and what they talk about is the emperor's imperial power and authority, and this is the reason why they are called the imperial way school. And Akashi Genjiro is also the leader of the Kodo faction. Originally, Akashi Genjiro humbly let Uehara Yusaku be the leader. However, although Yusaku Uehara has relatively deep qualifications, he deeply feels that he is much inferior to Akashi Genjiro in terms of ideology and theory, so he voluntarily backed down and let Akashi Genjiro, a latecomer, become the leader. And Akashi Genjiro became the leader of a Japanese army faction in this way. At that time, under the leadership of Emperor Meiji, the Kodo faction can gradually rise, and then it can become an organization that indirectly helps Wang Guorui. After all, their leader Akashi Genjiro is Wang Guorui's number one traitor!

"Master Wang, good news, our ammunition production factory has produced the first batch of ammunition!" Someone shouted.

"What? We can produce ammunition by ourselves?" Wang Guorui was surprised.

This is really good news. You must know that the ammunition production plant has been established for two years. This is the first time to produce ammunition, which makes Wang Guorui so happy. And then Wang Guorui immediately passed the red alert system. He ordered Tan Ya, who was still in Taiwan, to inspect the ammunition production plant instead of herself, and was going to inspect the quality of the ammunition.

"Ms. Tan Ya, our ammunition processing factory has been established for two years, and we have gone through untold hardships. Finally, the ammunition is produced. And we are able to produce ammunition now, thanks to Mr. Wang's wise leadership, thanks to Mr. Wang's..." That The director of the production plant is still touting.

"Okay, it's useless if you tell me, anyway, I won't tell the commander." Tan Ya snorted.

The factory manager was a little embarrassed, and then he remembered that Wang Guorui's two foreign women didn't like bureaucrats. The biggest commonality between Tanya and Natasha is that they don't like bureaucrats, so when she heard this flattery, instead of feeling happy, she felt disgusted. And for Tanya. Listening to these bureaucrats, it is better to go and see how the bullets are produced.

"There, ma'am. Please go and see our ammunition!"

Soon, Tanya grabbed a handful of yellow-orange ammunition made of brass, and felt the weight of these ammunition. So Tanya also nodded, feeling pretty good. The weight error of these ammunition is also very small, which ensures that every bullet has the same effect.

"Ma'am, although our ammunition looks small, it is very technical. It can produce rifles, but it may not be able to produce ammunition. Ammunition has to go through many processes. And it also needs to go through many types of industrial technology. It is not that simple. It can be said that being able to produce rifles is nothing, but being able to produce ammunition is the real strength. This represents the industrial level of a country, so it is conceivable that it is difficult! Our ability to produce ammunition is enough to show that we are Taiwan China's industrial system already has a relatively complete industrial system. Although it is nothing compared to the Western powers, at least the sparrow is small and complete. At least it can achieve roughly equal status with the Western powers in terms of military industry."

The director of this ammunition production factory is actually very embarrassed in his heart, because the production of this ammunition is really not easy! Because even though it is a small bullet, it contains a lot of technology and a lot of technical content. Many people think that if they can produce guns, they can produce bullets, but in this era, they find that producing bullets is not so easy. And this era is no longer the era in which bullets were made from paper. In this era, copper is used to make bullets, unlike a few decades ago, just a few old ladies could use some kraft paper to paste bullet casings one by one. If it was decades ago, the production of bullets must have been easy, but the bullets of this era require propellant, a cap, and various parts. And even the weight of the bullet is required to be refined, and the industrial technology content in it can be imagined.

There are more than one hundred countries that can produce firearms in later generations, and almost every country can produce firearms. However, there are only more than 20 countries that can produce bullets, and they are all big countries with a pivotal position in the world. It is conceivable that the production of bullets here is difficult. Bullets are divided into warheads, shell casings, propellant powder, and primer, but the production of each part is not easy. A small bullet is involved in the collection, smelting, processing, manufacturing of non-ferrous metals, as well as countless industries such as chemical industry, machinery, and precision machining. And these industries are the basis of the industrial aspect. If the industrial foundation is not good, and there is no perfect industrial system, then it is impossible to produce a qualified bullet.

In other words, if you can produce bullets, it means that you are already a country or region that can have a relatively complete industrial system, and you can already be initially independent in terms of industry. Of course, like during the War of Resistance Against Japan in later generations, some parties used bullets to reload ammunition. This is just an opportunistic method, and it is not really capable of production.

And being able to produce bullets by itself already means that Taiwan has truly established a preliminary industrial system in the industry. Although this is only basic, it is still a lot worse than the western powers, but at least it can be regarded as a small sparrow with complete internal organs. In terms of the most basic bullets, they can also be produced. With these bullets, it means that Taiwan can embark on the path of normal development and will not rely on the Red Police base.

Although the price of bullets provided by the Red Police Base is relatively cheap, Wang Guorui knows that he can no longer rely on the Red Police Base. If you continue to rely on the Red Police base, I am afraid that if one day you are gone, the country will still fall into a tragic fate. Although the bullets in the Red Police Base seemed cheap, Wang Guorui couldn't give up the idea of ​​producing bullets for the sake of the cheap bullets in the Red Police Base. It's like the so-called shipbuilding in later generations is not as good as buying a ship, but you must understand that buying a ship is for a temporary purpose, and if you really want to be strong, you still have to "build a ship" yourself. If you blindly rely on buying, it is impossible to be truly powerful.

Just like Ah San of the later generations, although they produced aircraft, artillery and missiles every time they parade, they were for laymen to see. Although India is known as a big country, it can't even produce its own bullets. India's bullets are all imported from foreign countries. It is conceivable that the difficulty of modern bullet production is far from that of paper pasting in the past. So it is not easy for Taiwan to be able to produce bullets. It represents that Taiwan's industrial system has initially been able to have a relatively complete method, so that it will not always rely on the red police base.

"How much do these cost?" Tanya asked.

And hearing this question, the director of the bullet processing factory also blushed like a monkey's buttocks, obviously feeling very embarrassed. And Tan Ya saw this situation, and understood what it meant.

"Madam, the production cost of these bullets is actually more expensive than the bullets Mr. Wang imported!" The factory manager said helplessly.

If the production cost of bullets is more expensive than that purchased by Wang Guorui from the Red Police Base, this is a helpless answer. Because Taiwan's industrial foundation is too weak, the starting point is too low, and only after two years of development, the two-year development cannot really lay the foundation. So this can only solve the situation of bullet production from scratch, but it cannot solve the problem of the cost of bullets. In later generations, some countries with a weak industrial foundation will find that producing bullets by themselves is more expensive than buying them from outside. As a result, they stopped producing their own products and chose to buy them from outside. This is also a helpless answer. In fact, it is the same. It is more expensive to produce it yourself than to buy it from outside. This must be a helpless answer. So this is very depressing to people's enthusiasm, and the factory manager is also embarrassed, because Wang Guorui has invested so many resources in him, but in the end he just came up with such a result, which of course makes him feel embarrassed. Somewhat ashamed of the trust of the superior. (to be continued)

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