Red Alert 1895

Chapter 330: Leading the way party (on)

Next, when that Simba left, the Taiwanese army began a large-scale search for those indigenous people who had participated in the rebellion. But then the Taiwan army also fell into a problem, which was almost the same as the problem encountered by the Japanese invaders back then. Once these aborigines who participated in the rebellion put down their weapons and picked up hoes, they couldn't tell whether they were ordinary people or aboriginals who had participated in the rebellion at that time. So all of these are impossible to judge, which makes the Taiwan army a little bit wary.

Because Taiwan's army is not yet suitable for direct large-scale arrests of aboriginals, because Taiwan currently has hundreds of thousands of aboriginal slaves, and there is no need to arrest them again in a short time. At present, Taiwan only has more than 500,000 Chinese in Borneo, but there are already hundreds of thousands of indigenous people. If you continue to catch the aborigines as slaves casually for short-term interests, you will definitely not be able to suppress them with a sufficient proportion of the population. Therefore, most of the current arrests of aboriginals are carried out on a small scale by mercenaries, rather than organizing an army to destroy the aboriginal tribes and then using the aboriginals as slaves. If you want to talk about efficiency, it must be that the latter is definitely higher, and tens of thousands of natives will be obtained at one time, and the cost is still low. However, the number of aborigines that Taiwan can tolerate has reached its peak, and it cannot continue to increase, otherwise it will definitely face the result of being overwhelmed. Therefore, it is only able to tolerate small-scale arrests by mercenaries, and temporarily let go of the natives of those large tribes.

If the Taiwan side orders all the large tribes to be arrested now, I am afraid that they will all face the result of chaos in Borneo. After all, if Taiwan really attacks the natives of Borneo. That's like throwing frogs into hot water, so they will definitely face the result of exploding. At that time, the natives will be panicked, and at that time they will definitely disperse and fight the Chinese everywhere. that time. I am afraid that the Chinese will also face the result of not being able to give birth with peace of mind. So the real best way is to immigrate, and at the same time, don't stimulate the aborigines too much, so that they don't jump the wall too much, so that they can avoid a stimulus outbreak.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to involve too much at the moment, as long as the tribes involved in the rebellion are found. But these aborigines put down their weapons, and no one can tell. Therefore, this is where Taiwan is in trouble.

"Is there anyone else who can identify it? Which tribe participated in that rebellion?" Chen Liyan said angrily.

"Commander Chen, we still can't tell at the moment! These aboriginals are basically a group of locals. We, outsiders, can't tell the difference, so we can't tell. The real way to solve this problem is to solve this problem as soon as possible. as long as tens of millions of people are transferred here, we will all be able to gain a good control of this territory. The bottom line is that we have too few Chinese here. And there are many Chinese They are all troops from Taiwan, even the garrison. To solve these problems, we must find a way to increase the proportion of Chinese here." Chen Liyan's chief of staff said.

"Hey, the immigration work continues to progress, but this speed is indeed too slow. After all, China is all about the difficulty of leaving the homeland, and we can't send people to the mainland in large numbers to recruit immigrants, so we all rely on cooperation with the mainland. This is obviously a bit slow!" Chen Liyan said.

However, at this moment. Someone came over right away.

"Commander Chen, a native came to report. He said he knew the tribes involved in the rebellion." A staff officer said.

"Oh? Please!" Chen Liyan said.

And soon. An aborigine in his thirties came to Chen Liyan's side, and he immediately knelt down.

"General Chen, we are really deceived by lard. I shouldn't be involved in the rebellion. Please forgive me, General Chen!" the native said immediately.

And Chen Liyan immediately said angrily: "Hmph, you guys are conspiring to rebel. It's a heinous crime! If we follow our rules, we must be executed severely. And the family members must die together!"

"General Chen, I'm guilty, I'm guilty!" the native pleaded immediately.

However, Chen Liyan suddenly became kind and said: "Of course, as long as you can make meritorious service and atone for your crimes, then not only can we not arrest you and execute you, but we can also let you enjoy wealth! As long as you can honestly kill those who participated in the rebellion The indigenous tribe told us, then we can definitely pardon you and your family!"

And the aboriginal thief rolled his eyes, and immediately said: "General Chen, if I betray our tribe, then we will die without a place to bury us! So..."

This native obviously wants to benefit. After all, he came here to report the news, not just to survive, but also to gain benefits. If you can get additional benefits, then I am afraid that you can really become a master. In the past, he was just a steward of an aristocratic tribe. Although he managed a lot of wealth, these were not his own. So this made him ambitious. If he could get help from the Chinese, he might be able to get great benefits, and even become the leader of the tribe!

"Bastard, what are you thinking? How dare you negotiate terms with us?" A staff officer immediately said angrily.

And this native obviously felt a little scared, and he didn't know what to do, and his heart was like seventeen buckets—up and down. On the one hand, he wanted more benefits, but on the other hand, he was also worried about angering the senior military officer in Taiwan in front of him. If he was angered, then Chen Liyan would directly order him to be killed, that would be really bad luck. So this native is a bit clever, but he is also cautious.

"Okay, what do you want?" Chen Liyan asked.

The native immediately said cautiously: "I want to be a tribal leader, a leader of a tribe with thousands of people?"

And Chen Liyan frowned immediately, hummed, obviously very dissatisfied.

And this aborigine almost slapped himself immediately, because he remembered that the aborigines who escaped the siege of Taiwan were only more than a thousand people. If you just want to claim to become a tribe with thousands of people, then it will definitely not work of. So his news is not worth that much, so his request is too high.

"No, no, no, I just want to be the leader of a tribe with hundreds of people!" said the native.

Chen Liyan quickly replied: "Okay, I allow you to select 500 people from our slaves at that time, and they will be your tribe's population from now on. Moreover, I can also pardon your immediate family members, And give you an additional 50 pardons, and at that time you can choose 50 people from among the natives who participated in the rebellion except your immediate family members to obtain our pardons, and then you can become the leader of a tribe."

After hearing this, the native also said: "Thank you, General, thank you, General!"

This native feels that he has made a lot of money this time. Not only can he save his life, but he can also get a tribe. That can be said to be developed. But he also knows that the reason why he can do this is because of the rule of the Chinese. If he left the rule of the Chinese, he would be slaughtered as a traitor. So he knew that he must be a running dog of the Chinese in the future, so he immediately expressed his loyalty.

"General, I will be loyal to you in the future, I will be loyal to you, I..." the native said quickly.

"No, no, no, it's not for me, but for being loyal to Governor Wang, do you understand?" Chen Liyan said.

Of course, Chen Liyan didn't dare to say anything to make the aborigines loyal to him. What would he think if this word reached Wang Guorui's ears? Therefore, he immediately corrected the native, otherwise he might be in a lot of trouble when the time comes.

"Well, I will definitely be loyal to Governor Wang! However, as long as you are here, General Chen, I will resolutely obey your leadership." The native said.

Chen Liyan nodded. This guy is really good at business, so it is worth cultivating. And Taiwan currently needs this kind of person, so this guy still has some training value.

"What's your name?" Chen Liyan asked.

"As for General Chen, my name is Bass!" the native Bass replied.

"Okay, then in a while, you will be the leader of Bath!" Chen Liyan said.

"Thank you, General Thank you, General Chen." Bass said.

"No, you should thank Governor Wang first, and then thank me, understand? Everything you have is given by Governor Wang, and I am just here to implement Governor Wang's policies on behalf of Governor Wang, you understand Is it?" Chen Liyan said again.

"Understood, thank you, Governor Wang, and General Chen!" Bass said.

"I'll dispatch troops immediately, and you will lead the way to wipe out all the tribes that participated in the rebellion!" Chen Liyan said.

"Understood!" Bass replied.

And when Bass left, Chen Liyan's major and adjutant staff immediately asked: "Commander Chen, why did you let him go like this? If you want me to say, just arrest him and use torture to torture him. Can it be solved? Why is it so troublesome, and then so complicated, to give him 500 slaves? I don't believe that under torture, he can still not confess? To deal with this kind of person, just use torture directly No need to waste so many resources."

"You don't understand, they are leading the way!" Chen Liyan said. (to be continued)

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