Red Alert 1895

Chapter 332: indigenous declaration

The native Bath successfully exchanged the lives of more than a thousand of his compatriots for his own glory and wealth. And then Chen Liyan didn't break his promise, he directly got 500 aborigines from all the aboriginal slaves in Taiwan, and used them to become tribesmen for this Bass. From then on, a new small tribe could be established like this. And Bass laughed, and brought his thirty women with him, who obviously never dreamed that he could have a limited life. And all of this was bought by him with the blood of his compatriots. Maybe he was a traitor in the eyes of many natives, a traitor to the letter. However, he will go farther and farther on the road of traitor in the future.

"Bass, we, General Chen, ask you to go to the tribes to parade and then tell them how you can become a tribal leader. This is called boasting in our place." Chen Liyan's major adjutant said.

After hearing this, Bass immediately asked hesitantly, "Going to the parade?"

Bass certainly knew that his benefits came from wrong sources, so he naturally had no face to meet people from other tribes. If he went to the parade, he went to the so-called preaching, and let the people of many tribes know that he is a traitor. Then I am afraid that his "notoriety" will spread to the ears of the entire Indonesian indigenous people, so that he will really be hated by everyone. At that time, he will really face a very difficult situation. At that time, there were no tribes. Willing to associate with his tribe, no tribe is willing to trade with their tribe, no tribe is willing to give a woman to him, and no native is willing to join their tribe. This is what happens to traitors. Although they used the influence of foreign races to gain glory and wealth, no one with a little conscience would help them, and they have become the target of public criticism.

"You don't want to go to the parade and praise the officials? If you don't go to the parade and praise the officials, then you will have a better time." The major's adjutant smiled sinisterly.

After hearing this, Bass couldn't help shivering, obviously feeling very scared about it. He is now a dog of the Chinese. If his dog is disobedient, maybe the Chinese can kill it for meat at any time. And as a dog, never try to disobey the owner's orders, once disobeyed the owner's orders. Then I'm afraid the master really doesn't need to keep you. Now he also wants to let himself live to enjoy the glory and wealth, instead of being a person killed by the Chinese. If you are disobedient. Then maybe the Chinese would just kill him. My own glory and wealth are all given by the Chinese, and the Chinese can take them back at any time. I am afraid that he will not know how he died by then! After all, many people hated themselves to death. At that time, there was no protection from the Chinese. Isn't he going to die miserably?

"Well, I'll go!" Bass said.

Bass quickly agreed, because he knew that it was impossible for him to refuse. If he dared to say "no" a little, then what greeted him might be all kinds of torture, or even a bullet to solve his problem. life. At that time, it is impossible for him to continue to enjoy the glory and wealth and continue to be a tribal leader.

And Bath was soon "protected" by the Taiwanese army, and then came to the surrounding indigenous tribes. Then there is the so-called preaching.

"Everyone, do you know why I am here today? Not long ago, I was an ordinary slave. Now I am the leader of a tribe. And I have a tribe of 500 people, and I still have 30 A woman, they were all rewarded to me by the Chinese. And do you know why the Chinese rewarded me? It was because I cooperated with the Chinese, because I was able to expose the tribes that had participated in the rebellion for the Chinese. Those tribes that participated in the rebellion , dare to disrespect the Chinese, dare to kill the Chinese. He is a heinous person. But who are the Chinese? They bring us civilization and happiness. They are our guiding lights, we..."

When Chen Liyan heard these words from below, he immediately made a look of vomiting, and then said: "This guy, he is really a master. How can he be so proud of saying so many heartfelt things? And he said all these words like this I said it outrightly, and I felt guilty."

"Haha, Commander Chen, it's actually very simple. Some people are born traitors, and he is very good at it after becoming a traitor. And people like him have no courtesy, justice or shame, especially these natives. They don't have their own civilization at all. All of them It is the law of the jungle that the strong respect. And their small tribe depends on the big tribe in order to survive, and once the big tribe becomes weak, they will be able to fight back against that big tribe. And there are very few loyal people here. They are all relying on the strong, relying on the strong."

"And they used to rely on the Dutch, and then came together to bully us weak Chinese. In fact, these Chinese are too weak. The Chinese have always adhered to the idea of ​​being kind to others. When they came to a strange place, the first thing was not to exclude and kill the locals. People, but take the initiative to help them. The Chinese think that since they are here, they are also guests, and they should not rob the master too much. They think they are the masters, so they maintain a certain degree of respect. But the Chinese I didn't expect that these people are not good people. They are all a group of hungry wolves. Because of the rich products in Nanyang and the low population pressure, they have developed a situation of eating and being lazy. So now they are also very rude, Bully the Chinese."

"But our overseas Chinese are not up to date. They were obviously not strong enough back then, so they had to be divided into several groups. For example, there were many small countries such as Lanfang Company, Dai Yanguo, Minghuang Company, Heshun Company, etc., and these small countries did not think about it. How can we work together to exploit the natives and develop the land. However, these companies are fighting each other, and the Chinese are fighting each other to grab territory and resources, and there have been many wars. It can be imagined But knowing this is so sad and helpless."

"And our Taiwan has now come to Nanyang, integrated these Chinese forces, and can also use tough methods to deal with these aborigines. And these aborigines either surrender, or become slaves, or even die. Only in this way can they truly Convinced. And if you dare not kill them, then they will gain an inch, and they will think you are weak and deceitful. Good people are bullied, and horses are ridden by others. If there is no principled benevolence and righteousness, then it is You ruined yourself!"

And Chen Liyan couldn't help feeling that the Chinese were too kind to be a colonist. A real colonist should have a cold heart, otherwise you will not be able to compete with the locals for living space, but will be bullied and rejected by the locals. After all, to be a colonist and go to other people's territory to survive, that is to have the consciousness of being anti-client. The so-called idea that people have to bow their heads under the eaves must be completely abandoned. You are here to grab the territory, how can you truly integrate with the locals? And even if you rely on your own efforts to make money, you will eventually be exploited by the locals, because they think you have robbed them of their wealth.

When Wang Guorui was in later generations, he also heard that some urban investors went to the countryside to rent land to develop planting. If investors use the land to make a lot of money, then the local people will definitely take the opportunity to raise the price. If they do not agree to raise the price, they will inevitably suffer from various small actions of the local people, making it impossible for you to start your business. And this is enough to show that if you use other people's resources to make a fortune, then others will definitely think that you are stealing their wealth, not to mention whether they will attack you, it must be because you are unhappy Yes, they will definitely want to get rich from you.

But the Chinese still use the domestic method, thinking that they have rented the land of the so it is also possible to share part of the benefits with the locals. But they didn't realize at all that the land here is unowned, there is no so-called law here, and there are no domestic traditions. If they look at the land, it is their own. But those Chinese are too weak to really grab it. And every time they deal with local exploitation, they just swallow their anger. This is certainly the reason why the domestic government does not help them, but the more important thing is that they themselves are not up to date? If they can unite and deal with those outsiders wholeheartedly, how can those outsiders be able to exploit them? All of this is due to the disunity of overseas Chinese, which is why those guys bullied them.

"Okay, after the indigenous preaching is completed, there may be many people who will join us. After all, the power of role models is infinite. If they see that this Bath can gain glory and wealth, they will definitely be able to see it. Maybe even myself can have such a day. Therefore, they will also be tempted, and we must also be prepared to seize the control of those indigenous tribes, and then support those who are willing to follow us to sit in the position, so that we can Try our best to prevent those indigenous people from rebelling. After all, we have too few Chinese now, and it is impossible to enrich this place without more than ten years of immigration. In the past decade or so, we still need to support some indigenous people to help us manage. Since we cannot immediately and quickly If we immigrate here, we can only choose this. As long as we can work hard and wait for more than ten years to immigrate enough, then we can kick these natives away. I am afraid that they are not slaves at that time, and that is the lowest level. citizens." Chen Liyan said. (to be continued)

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