Red Alert 1895

Chapter 341: Who has a big mouth (below)

Wang Guorui looked at the report in front of him, and now three small factories were bombed, and five farms were destroyed, and the name of Xingzhonghui was left on the scene, and then he indicated that these were all written by Xingzhonghui, and then they He also called on the people to rise up and attack Wang Guorui. And they claimed that as long as Wang Guorui did not step down and hand over power, they would not stop their attacks for a day. Then they will continue to attack and create more incidents, so that the people can see his existence and see that they are people who work hard for the survival of the people. And these guys immediately started to publicize, and they seemed to be afraid that the people would not know, and then they deliberately made various explosions and attacks in a high-profile manner, and then made it impossible for the people to give birth safely.

"Okay, since they are like this, then don't blame us for being merciless. Since they launched such a terrorist attack, then don't blame us for being rude. We are going to start propaganda directly. Let's see, in Taiwan Island Who has the bigger mouth. I ordered the people in the Propaganda Office to immediately spread the propaganda in front of the people, publicize the true face of these violent attacks, and let the people unite to oppose the so-called revolutionaries of the comprador class of foreigners .” Wang Guorui said.

Soon, under Wang Guorui's order, Taiwan's publicity hall began to start publicity. And the primary task of propaganda is to publicize the identities of these so-called revolutionaries, and then let them know that the revolutionaries are members of the comprador class.

"Fellow folks, do you know? Recently, we have an organization called the Xingzhonghui. They wreak havoc and create trouble everywhere. Do you know what they are for?" a propagandist immediately said.

And immediately someone asked: "They seem to be rebelling, are they trying to prevent Mr. Wang from ruling Taiwan?"

Another person said: "They said that they want to establish a republic, so that each of us can elect our own 'emperor'. Oh, it seems to be called the president. Anyway, that's what it means. Let us elect the emperor. And this Isn’t it a rebellion? The emperor can be chosen by us?”

"That's right, the emperor was granted by heaven, we ordinary people can't choose."

The propagandist immediately went on to say: "If it is purely against Mr. Wang, then Mr. Wang will not care about it. After all, Mr. Wang is a prime minister who can hold a boat in his belly, so naturally he will not be afraid of a few people who oppose him. Talented people can let themselves know their shortcomings and improve themselves!"

"Master Wang has a big belly!" "Yes, it's really not many to have such a big belly like Master Wang!" "Master Wang really deserves to be a wise master of a generation, he has a big belly!"…

Everyone flattered for a while, and the propagandists immediately said: "These guys, in fact, they have other purposes in the name of opposing Mr. Wang! Do you know why they destroy the factory and the farmland?"

"Why?" everyone asked.

The propagandists immediately said: "Because they are the comprador class. They specialize in helping foreigners sell things in China. The reason why they want to destroy our industry is that they hope that we cannot have a large enough industrial production in Taiwan. So when the time comes, I will touch it." We can't even make a nail, or the bicycles that you use widely now. They don't want us to make the lamps, matches, and countless things you use. Then once we can't make them , then we all have to go buy it with the foreign devils!"

"You all know the truth that merchants want to make money. But if we ship it so far across the ocean, it will inevitably cost more money. Isn't it?"

"Yeah, such a long distance, how can it be cheap?" "Yes, such a long distance, can it not be high?"...

Then, the propagandist continued: "If we buy from foreign devils, then we will spend more. And they will come from there and sell them to foreigners like us. They must be killing customers. It's like we locals sell to foreigners for money." More of the same, they must also be ripping off customers. And we are the target of being ripped off by foreigners, and they pass the tariffs, and then continue to exploit our money. Then more and more of our money is flowing into In the hands of foreigners."

"Then these guys are really hateful. They actually help foreign devils to force us to buy foreign devils' things." "Yes! Why can't we buy things from our own people, but must buy things from foreigners?" "Of course our own people don't They will earn us so much money, and they are cheaper and of better quality, so why do we have to buy things from foreign devils?" "Yes! I still choose to buy our own, and I will not buy things from foreign devils."

I have to say that the common people in China are quite patriotic, or rather xenophobic. They are willing to take the initiative to buy things produced by their own people, rather than buying things from foreigners. And this kind of thinking exists in all countries in the world. There are many ideas that rotten meat is also rotten in a pot. This kind of thinking is called trade protectionism in foreign countries. It's just that this situation is spontaneous by the Chinese, not forced by the government. China has always had xenophobic thinking since ancient times, and even when buying things, it is always the first to buy domestic products.

"Do you know? They force us to buy goods from foreigners, and then foreigners can get them a commission, and then they can rule our China on behalf of foreigners. When they take power, they will not continue to develop industries. , and then we have to restrict our agricultural development, and then we are not allowed to produce food ourselves, but choose to buy food from foreign countries. In this way, we are facing a situation where we can produce food by ourselves, but we cannot produce it. We must Buy things from foreigners at high prices. Then our money will fall into the hands of foreigners, and we will all become poorer and poorer."

"And this is not the most frightening thing. The most frightening thing is that once we are unable to produce industrial products, they will all be bought by foreigners. Then our domestic workers will be laid off and unemployed. When the time comes, there will be no wages to receive. How can the family Life? The family cannot live, but they have to buy goods from foreigners at high prices, and cannot develop their own industries. In this way, we face unemployment and cannot get wages, and on the other hand, we have to spend higher prices to buy goods from foreigners. At that time, we will definitely face a very miserable situation. We are getting poorer and poorer because of unemployment, and foreigners rely on some commodities to continue to exploit us, and then get richer. Foreigners just treat us as fat pigs, But they don’t plan to kill at once, and then they cut off a piece of meat to eat every once in a while, and then continue to fatten the pig. Then after the wound is healed, they cut off a piece of meat again, so that they can continue to feed I kept eating meat."

"As for those who oppose Mr. Wang, they can get benefits. They can get benefits from foreigners. Naturally, they can't understand that we can develop our own industry and let all the people have their own jobs to earn a living. What they want most The most important thing is to see that our people don’t have any industry in China, and we can’t grow food on the land, and then we have to buy it from foreign countries, and then they can get a commission from it. At that time, we became a pig raised by foreigners, unable to Really become a tiger."

Hearing the words of the propagandists, everyone began to shudder, because they couldn't imagine what would happen if they were laid off and lost their jobs. If there is no wage income at that time, then my family members will not be able to earn a living. And what about your own children? How will I survive at that time, and how will I survive without income.

Although ordinary people don't necessarily care about politics, what they care most about are the livelihood issues that can affect their own lives. After they heard that the Xingzhong Society artificially made it impossible for China to develop industry, unable to farm with peace of mind, and had to buy things from foreigners. Then after a lot of divergent thinking and thinking, a result was drawn, that is, the final result was that the country could not produce industry and cultivate land, so that workers and peasants would lose their source of income~www At that time, everyone will not be able to survive. Without a source of income, they still have to buy expensive food and industrial products from foreigners. These are the results that make them feel unacceptable.

"This group of people are really traitors!" Someone shouted immediately.

"Yes! They are all traitors, how will they let us survive in the future?"

Hearing that I might lose my job is absolutely unacceptable. People may not care about who the emperor and prime minister are, but they absolutely care about their jobs, and their jobs are much more concerned about who the emperor and the prime minister are, so they hear that their jobs are about to be smashed, and they will not be able to survive in the future. Immediately, he became furious at those Xingzhong Society guys. Cutting off one's future is like killing one's parents, not to mention that this will smash other people's jobs, which is even worse than cutting off one's future. Cutting off someone's future at least allows that person to still have a job, but this will completely destroy everyone's job, this is absolutely intolerable, this will make people fight you desperately. And hasn't it been an employment issue since ancient times? As long as everyone can get a job, what else can't be solved? As long as you can maintain employment, everything is safe, and you are not afraid that the people will lose their income and oppose you.

However, for the benefit of the foreign devils, these members of the Xingzhong Society want to destroy the jobs of people in their own country. This is unforgivable. (To be continued..) u

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