Red Alert 1895

Chapter 359: Scapegoat (middle)

Soon, Ningji Yano, the new head of the Taiwan Section of the Second Department of the Japanese General Staff Headquarters, came out soon. Then he went back to his job, which he soon started working on. And no one knows that this Yano Ningji is no longer the original Yano Ningji, and the current Yano Ningji is just a spy in disguise. However, this disguise can only deceive those who are not familiar with it. If it is a very close and familiar person, I am afraid that they will recognize it. However, this scapegoat plan will be realized soon, so there is no need to have any scruples, as long as it will not be recognized in a short time, then it will be fine.

"Section Chief Yano, this is Taiwan's intelligence we just found out, we have classified it, please keep it!" A Japanese major said immediately.

"Okay, let's put it down!" Said Yano Ningji.

And the fake Yano Ningji finally waited until the Japanese army got off work, and then he came outside, but at this time Akashi Genjiro walked over immediately.

"Everyone stop, I want to tell you a very bad news. Someone in our staff headquarters betrayed the Great Japanese Empire. Someone betrayed our Emperor, and actually cooperated with Taiwan without authorization and disclosed important information about our Great Japanese Empire to So, I have to tell you now, today I am here to investigate the traitor, this time we must find that traitor!" Akashi Motojiro shouted righteously.

The people in the Japanese General Staff Headquarters were shocked. They didn't expect that there were traitors in their own General Staff Headquarters. And this surprised everyone. And then, everyone began to cooperate with Akashi Genjiro's review, and must start to let everyone avoid traitors.

After a while. Akashi Motojiro immediately started his pretentious censorship, and after a long time of censorship, it was already midnight. After all, the status of the General Staff Headquarters is equivalent to that of a country's Army Staff Headquarters. There are hundreds of officers, soldiers and non-commissioned officers alone, so it is not so easy to review. So four hours have passed, and the review has not been completed. And everyone complained, but they didn't dare to say anything more. In case you block censorship. You are suspected of being a traitor, so I'm afraid you are really going to be in trouble.

"Yano-kun. It's your turn! Please show me what's in your briefcase." Akashi Genjiro said.

And the fake Yano Ningji saw Akashi Genjiro, and then couldn't help but look at Akashi Genjiro, both of them showed subtle smiles.

"Akashi-kun, who am I? Do you still need to check? You and I have been old friends for many years, so there is no need to check?" the fake Yano Ningji said.

"No, we must check!" Akashi Motojiro said pretendingly.

And the fake Yano Ningji immediately pretended to say: "Mr. Akashi, I can't accept the inspection, these are some of my secrets!"

Then, Akashi Genjiro immediately said: "If you don't accept the inspection, don't blame me for being angry!"

At this moment, no one thought that Yano Ningji took out a gun from his pocket. Akashi Genjiro aimed at Akashi Genjiro and fired.


With a gunshot, Akashi Genjiro was shot in the arm, and this scene immediately stunned countless people in the staff headquarters. They never dreamed of it. On weekdays, Yano Ningji, who worked loyally and loyally for the Japanese military and looked like a loyal eunuch, actually shot at his immediate boss, Akashi Genjiro? What's more, what kind of place is this place? This is the headquarters of the Japanese army's general staff, the highest-ranking department in the army's military order system. But someone dared to shoot a gun here, this is simply too scary.

"Run too!" the fake Yano Ningji suddenly shouted.

"Crack clap clap!"

The fake Yano Ningji suddenly shot at four mid-level Japanese officers. And the four Japanese majors were killed immediately. And the fake Yano Ninger also ran out at this time. And he ran all the way and shot all the way, which made everyone feel incredible. And many people have been killed along the way, and this situation makes everyone feel very surprised. Because no one thought that someone in the Japanese General Staff Headquarters would actually shoot and act wild here, which made them feel extremely scared.

"Stop him!" Akashi Genjiro yelled, covering his injured gunshot wound.

"Stop him!" Many Japanese guards at the staff headquarters shouted hastily.

And at this time, that fake Yano Ningji also immediately started rushing towards the gate of the staff headquarters, hoping to escape. However, he was alone after all, so he couldn't avoid being chased and intercepted by so many people. And right behind him, a group of soldiers started aiming at his back with guns.

"Don't shoot, he has important information on him, catch him alive!" Akashi Genjiro shouted.

Hearing the shout of the officer Akashi Genjiro with the Major General Venus on his shoulders, those Japanese soldiers who were just about to shoot and kill the fake Yano Ningji also stopped shooting, and then chased up to capture this man alive The fake Yano Ningji, and then forced him to tell the information.

And the fake Yano Ningji also successfully broke out because of Akashi Genjiro's initiative to "cooperate" to prevent the Japanese soldiers from shooting.

"Catch me!" Akashi Genjiro shouted.

Soon, Akashi Genjiro chased out with the military police, and kept chasing the fake Yano Ningji along the way. And the fake Yano Ninger also began to run away continuously according to the previous plan. Then this fake Yano Ningji ran into a Japanese wooden house, and he resisted there with a pistol.

"Yano Ningji, don't run away! You are already surrounded!" shouted Akashi Genjiro, whose hands were still bleeding.

But the fake Yano Ninger didn't come out to surrender, and he was silent in the room for a long time. At this moment, Akashi Genjiro looked at his pocket watch and finally smiled.

"Come in and arrest him!" Akashi Genjiro said.

"Hi!" said the Japanese military police.

"Crack!" The Japanese military police kicked open the door of this room.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

After the gendarmes who rushed in rushed in, they ran out immediately, apparently smoky by the smoke inside.

"General Akashi, it's full of chili powder. Someone ignited the chili powder inside and choked us to death!" said a Japanese military policeman.

And Akashi Genjiro immediately let people in again after the chili powder smoke dispersed.

"General Akashi, we have caught, we have caught this Yano Ningji!" shouted the military police.

And this Yano Ningji was immediately brought up by the military police, and now he is in a coma, obviously just fainted by choking on chili powder. And now they finally caught a living one, which made them feel very relieved.

"Okay, take this Yano Ningji back and interrogate him carefully. I must see what information he has betrayed our Great Japanese Empire!" Akashi Genjiro said.

When the Japanese army brought Yano Ningji back to the headquarters of the general staff and put him under custody, Akashi Genjiro left immediately with a man who looked like a Japanese military police.

"Okay, you go back right away, your mission is completed. This time you pretended to be Yano Ningji, which is very good. Now the real Yano Ningji has become my scapegoat, and he will become a traitor!" Akashi Moto Erlang said.

And this person wearing the clothes of the Japanese military police, if anyone can recognize it, this is the original appearance of Takashi Ryokari. And he didn't actually leave just now, and he took advantage of the chili smoke to quickly put on makeup again and become an ordinary military police of the Japanese army. And because the Japanese military police rushed in too anxiously, and were too anxious to run out after being choked by the chili smoke, and they didn't even know that there was another person beside them. These gendarmes didn't notice that there was one more person beside them at all for a while, and they were all immersed in the excitement of catching Yano Ningji, so the one more person didn't notice at all. And this person is the fake Yano Ningji just now.

And soon, the matter was reported to Emperor Meiji and other senior Japanese officials. But this time, the Japanese high-level leaders collectively turned black. This is simply too absurd. Because they didn't expect that the Taiwan section chief of the second department in charge of intelligence in the staff headquarters was actually a traitor, which surprised them too much. If this is the case, then what information can be kept secret and prevented from being seen by Taiwan? Now I'm afraid it's interesting, now that such a person is actually a traitor, everyone feels shuddering. Because such an important place as the General Staff Headquarters has the enemy's mole, and it has even reached the level of section chief, which is the rank of the chief. An enemy's undercover turned out to be a masterpiece in Japan, which is absurd no matter how you say it.

"Akashi Genjiro, look at your good deeds, there is such a mole in your subordinates!" Emperor Meiji said angrily.

Akashi Genjiro immediately knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, I am guilty!"

"Okay, it's too late to say that he is guilty now. Hurry up and interrogate him severely to see how he passed the information, and Taiwan is in our Great Japanese Empire, how many intelligence personnel are doing it for us?" Taiwan service. It is impossible for him to pass on the information for no reason, give me a thorough review, and report to me after he has to find out. Really, there are enemy undercover agents in our staff headquarters. This is really terrible. We have to find out what information he sent to Taiwan. This is really terrible. If too much information is leaked, it will be really terrible. At that time, what secrets can we keep in Japan!" Emperor Meiji said shudderingly.

But Emperor Meiji didn't know, Akashi Genjiro showed a faint smile again behind his back. (to be continued)

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