Red Alert 1895

Chapter 370: I have been looking forward to Master Wang for a long time (Part 2)

It didn't take long for the artillery on the steel warships of Taiwan's navy to send the fleets of the Sulu Sultanate to the bottom of the sea one by one. And the ships of the Sulu Sultanate are all wooden, they don't have iron warships at all, their broken artillery and crossbows can't hurt Taiwan's steel warships at all, at most they leave some traces, they can't pose a threat s damage. Taiwan's artillery is different. The caliber of Taiwan's destroyers and frigates has reached more than 75 mm. One shot can blow up such a wooden ship, so there is no need to worry about any problems. In less than three hours, these hundreds of wooden warships were also sent to the bottom of the sea, and the Taiwan army divided into two groups to go to the Sulu Sultanate and the Maguindanao Sultanate.

Sa Zhenbing led half a detachment of the destroyer frigate detachment and a division of the army to the Sulu Sultanate, while Zhu Yuan led another division of the army and half a detachment of the destroyer frigate detachment to Maguindanao Sultanate, and then the two sultanates were destroyed separately.

And Zhu Yuan led the troops all the way without any obstacles, and then they soon landed from Zamboanga Port, and then called the Chinese here.

"Is this Wang Shi from our country?" An old Chinese man said excitedly.

The Chinese here have not seen a Chinese fleet for many years or even several generations, but you must know that the Manchus adopted a policy of closing the country and prohibiting going to sea. , cannot be considered Chinese. They are all almost rebellious people. And they all voluntarily renounce Chinese nationality, and the country will not protect them. And precisely because those feudal governments would not take care of overseas Chinese, they considered them abandoned. Those overseas Chinese lived very hard.

They were squeezed out and even massacred by the locals, and no motherland could help them seek justice. So now they finally saw the Taiwan fleet coming, which made them all feel a burst of excitement, after all, generations had never seen such a majestic fleet. Well, for these overseas Chinese, destroyers and frigates are considered majestic.

"My compatriots, hello. We are the Taiwanese troops stationed in the Philippines. We Chinese will take over the Philippines in the future, and the Philippines will be the world of our Chinese in the future. And in the future, we Chinese will be the masters of the Philippines. The indigenous people here We will not be able to bully you. At that time, we are the masters here, if those natives dare to bully you, then we will definitely not let them go!" Immediately, a propaganda officer began to publicize on the street.

"Really. Those natives won't be able to bully us in the future?" Someone asked.

"Yes, the army of our Lord Wang of Taiwan came here, and that is to make decisions for us overseas Chinese. And these two Sulu Sultanate and Maguindanao Sultanate, they have bullied the Chinese for so many years, and forced us Chinese to give The days when they pay heavy taxes and even discriminate and bully us Chinese will be gone forever. And our Lord Wang in Taiwan has specially sent tens of thousands of troops with the most advanced weapons in the world to destroy this Soviet Union. Lu Sultanate. There is also Maguindanao Sultanate. And we will be completely safe in the future. They have bullied us for so many years, and they should have the disaster of subjugation. And our Lord Wang said. We Chinese must do it in the future. I, the Heavenly Mighty One of China, will be punished no matter how far away!"

Hearing the famous saying "Those who offend China's heavenly power will be punished even if they are far away", this made many people's eyes filled with tears. Without these overseas Chinese, they would be able to appreciate the decline of China better. They are not like the common people in China. Looking at the world numbly, they are still intoxicated in the dream that China is a kingdom of heaven. And these overseas Chinese. They are the most aware of the changes in the world's trends. They had a very high status decades ago, that is, before 1840 AD. Because at that time the "paper tiger" of the Manchu Qing Dynasty had not been punctured, and since 1840, countless Western countries have also clearly seen the fact that China is a paper tiger, and they have continued to invade China.

However, as China has repeatedly lost wars in foreign wars, it has ceded land and paid compensation, which has made China's international status lower and lower. In the end, the status of these overseas Chinese became lower and lower along with the decline of the motherland. As for the next step, those weak European countries dare to step on them proudly. And these natives dare to bully them, even dare to charge them heavy taxes, or impose discriminatory regulations on them. But now that the Chinese fleet is here, they can finally continue to make decisions for them, and they have issued a famous saying in history, telling those foreigners that if they dare to bully Chinese people, China will never let him go.

And this Sulu Sultanate, and this Maguindanao Sultanate are also about to face the disaster of extinction, and all this also shows that China has gradually risen and gradually restored its past power status. And how can this not excite those Chinese? Many overseas Chinese have personally experienced the process of China's decline, and no one has more direct experience than them, and they, especially the elderly, happened to be China's "powerful" when they were young, but with the decades The decline of the country makes them feel very unacceptable. And this huge gap is the most terrible thing. The feeling of falling from heaven to **** is more terrifying than rising from **** to heaven. And now that China is strong again, they can truly feel this dignity.

"This old man can see that China can become strong again in this life, and this old man will have no regrets in this life!" An old man said excitedly.

And countless people crowded to the side of the port, ready to see those warships in Taiwan. And there are even many people who want to take a look on the warship, hoping to see what the warship looks like. The port was suddenly crowded by tens of thousands of Chinese, and originally there would not be so many Chinese here, but now almost all the Chinese in Zamboanga have come, tens of thousands of Chinese are crowded together, and the scene is quite spectacular. And many people suggested that they want to go to the warship to have a look, and this proposal made many people, including naval officers and soldiers, hesitate.

"Commander Zhu, you have the highest military rank here now, so do you agree with the common people to come and have a look?" a naval staff officer asked.

Zhu Yuan looked at the excited overseas Chinese, and said, "Since this is the case, let the people come up and take a look! Our dozens of ships, even if they come in turn, are enough for the people to have a look at these warships."

"Yes!" said the naval officer.

Soon, under the organization of the army, many common people also boarded the naval ships, and then they came to the ships.

And at this moment, an old man suddenly got down and kissed the deck of the warship.

"Old man, people are trampled on everywhere here, it's very dirty, don't do that!" said a damage control officer of the Navy.

But the old man immediately said: "It's not dirty, it's not dirty, why do we despise our country's dirty land? Your warships are also our land, but the hope of our overseas Chinese!"

After hearing this, many naval officers and soldiers truly realized the importance of a strong country. They usually cannot understand the importance of the saying that a warship is a mobile land when they are in the country or even on a warship. . When they actually went overseas, they saw these overseas Chinese who had been oppressed by foreign countries for a long time. Their performance made these naval officers and soldiers feel a sense of mission in their hearts. And now they see that these people are so enthusiastic about their warship and regard this warship as their country, which makes them very proud. And they can do it today, thanks to Wang Guorui, not to let their warships sail to Nanyang to make decisions for the Chinese, even if they are in their own country, they will be bullied.

"The country is strong, so that we can protect our overseas Chinese from being bullied! And our army has Only then can we truly destroy those countries that dare to invade China, so that others can get Warning, otherwise anyone would dare to **** on us! In the past, our little Japan dared to invade our China. If it weren’t for Mr. Wang, then our Taiwan would be occupied by little Japan, and we would all become subjugated slaves at that time. Even our country does not know when it will be strong." Zhu Yuan said.

And immediately someone said: "I don't know when Lord Wang will become emperor, so that our China can become stronger. We don't know when we will return to the mainland, so that we can make the mainland truly belong to us, and then let Lord Wang Lead us to avenge those foreign devils who bullied our China, otherwise our China will be bullied in vain? Few of the countries that have bullied our China since ancient times will end well, and this time we will all do the same, Otherwise, how can we tolerate it?"

"Okay, let the army land immediately, and then go to destroy this Maguindanao Sultanate, so that we can warn those low-level natives, why don't we really treat us Chinese as soft persimmons? Today, I will also destroy this Maguindanao The Nao Sultanate, and the Sulu Sultanate, so that our country’s national prestige can be strengthened, so that those natives dare not bully us Chinese. Even, we want them to prostrate under our Chinese, Eternal surrender. Now we just want to charge some interest for their bullying of the Chinese, otherwise wouldn’t we have been robbed of all our wealth for so many years?” Zhu Yuan snorted. (to be continued)

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